Discourse Management - coopdevs/handbook GitHub Wiki

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Aquest handbook està descontinuat. La nova adreça és: https://handbook.coopdevs.org/ca/home

We are using Discourse as a community forum.

You can access to the forum in https://community.coopdevs.org

We install it from https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker we can find some instructions in the README, but we want to list the most common actions required to manage our instance:

Access to the server

To access the server we use the user ubuntu. This user can use sudo commands with a password. You can find the password in the Bitwarden.

$ ssh [email protected]

Finding the project path

And you can find the Discourse repository in:

$ cd /var/discourse/

We recommend using the user root to run the commands needed... But probably we can change this recommendation...

Restart the app

To restart the app we have two options:

Restart the container with Docker

We can restart directly the Docker container using the docker CLI:

ubuntu@community:~$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
c6ad2d4a8782        local_discourse/app   "/sbin/boot"        8 days ago          Up 27 hours>8000/tcp   app
ubuntu@community:~$ docker restart c6ad2d4a878

We don't know if this restart is recommended, but it works and keep the instance healthy. In the case of an unknown app break, it is a good trick.

Restart the app with the project laucher


As in our server the repository is deployed with root we need root access to run this method.

ubuntu@community:~# cd /var/discourse/
ubuntu@community:~# ./launcher restart

Check the logs to find some error

As in the previus entry, we can access to the Docker logs or to the launcher logs.

Update the app