Configure gmail with ansible msmtp mailer - coopdevs/handbook GitHub Wiki

:warning: ATENCIÓ
Aquest handbook està descontinuat. La nova adreça és:

  1. First encrypt your email, user and password using ansible-vault see wiki link. In example, the resulting vars can be named as this:
smtp_account_gmail_from: !vault |
          ... numbers ...

msmtp_account_gmail_user: !vault |
          ... numbers ...

msmtp_account_gmail_password: !vault |
          ... numbers ...
  1. Add these vars to your inventory:
msmtp_default_account: "gmail"                                                                       
msmtp_alias_default : [email protected]                                                       
msmtp_alias_root : [email protected]                                                          
  - account: gmail                                                                                   
    port: 587                                                                                        
    auth: "on"                                                                                       
    from: "{{ msmtp_account_gmail_from }}"                                                           
    user: "{{ msmtp_account_gmail_user }}"                                                           
    password: "{{ msmtp_account_gmail_password }}"                                                   

  1. Add this role to your requirements.yml
- src: chriswayg.msmtp-mailer

and this other line to your playbook:

    - role: chriswayg.msmtp-mailer
      tags: mail

(at the moment it has not releases, so no version line is needed)

  1. Provision
  2. Activate Less secured apps in Gmail
  3. Log into the provisioned machine and send you a test email (it will fail) using:
mail -s test [email protected]

The output will be something like this:

send-mail: authentication failed (method PLAIN)
send-mail: server message: 534-5.7.14 <
send-mail: server message: 534-5.7.14 y-qCoX8DmSUHvX3iXgNWq3EOGEgP_tMMVRft9N8DmZxZadY0WWbiI53PRc6gnP1fEKQCW
send-mail: server message: 534-5.7.14 wp46_xiVgK_GAYsx7yQM9EfEoWH7AluHR6YjOAOZJ8RtIIzgEq-Agtw68gbEWVd7>
send-mail: server message: 534-5.7.14 Please log in via your web browser and then try again.
send-mail: server message: 534-5.7.14  Learn more at
send-mail: server message: 534 5.7.14 z19sm5633318wrg.28 - gsmtp
send-mail: could not send mail (account default from /etc/msmtprc)
Can't send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 77
  1. Install links in your provisioned machine and open link that has been shown in the last step:
links ""
  1. Fulfill the authentication challenge from Gmail
  2. Repeat the step 6. The email will be sent