Add new DB to a multi db odoo instance - coopdevs/handbook GitHub Wiki

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This is the systems part of welcoming a new organization to a multi-db odoo. For them to have "their own Odoo", we will add a new database to the Ansible inventory of the multi-db Odoo instance that will host them.

The following sections are adapted from the Merge Request template to add a new DB at

Changes at this repo

For each database change, please do:

  1. At host vars file, add or delete the short name to/from odoo_role_odoo_dbs
  2. At host vars file, add or delete the domain name to/from domains


Don't modify this one, it's only informative

environment host_vars file to modify domain name root domain
trial inventory/host_vars/
prod inventory/host_vars/

After the MR is approved

  1. [systems] At the DNS provider, add or delete a CNAME record from the domain name to the root domain
  2. [systems] Once the DNS has been propagated, run odoo-provisioning with this inventory against trial and/or prod servers.
  3. [systems] Import geonames data for your the org's country, following How to import postal codes for a country
  4. [functional] Follow these steps in order to create the company/ies.