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  1. 正面情緒 (to one's great + N)
  • to one’s surprise/amazement
  • 令某人驚訝/驚奇的是…
  • to one’s satisfaction
  • 令某人滿意的是…
  • to one’s delight/joy/pleasure
  • 令某人高興/歡喜的是…
  • to one’s relief
  • 令某人放心的是…
  • to one’s excitement
  • 令某人興奮的是…
  1. 負面情緒
  • To one’s shock/astonishment
  • 令某人震驚的是…
  • to one’s disappointment/dismay
  • 令某人失望/沮喪的是…
  • To one’s sorrow/grief
  • 令某人悲傷的是…
  • to one’s regret
  • 令某人遺憾的是…
  • to one’s anger/annoyance
  • 令某人生氣/懊惱的是
  • to one’s horror
  • 令某人驚恐的是…
  • to one’s disgust
  • 令某人厭惡的是…
  • to one’s embarrassment
  • 令某人困窘/尷尬的是…
  1. laid-back 輕鬆的,悠閒的,不著急的
  • I've never seen her worried or anxious in any way - she's so laid-back. 我從未見她著過急——她總是這樣不慌不忙的。
  1. a large amount of + U 大量 = a great deal of ...

  2. got a good deal (= paid a low price) on... 撿到便宜

  • She got a good deal (= paid a low price)on her new house. 她買新房子時撿了個大便宜。
  1. deal a blow to sb/sth = deal sb/sth a blow 使(計劃或希望)破滅;使受挫,使失敗
  • The latest trade figures have dealt a severe blow to hopes of an early economic recovery. 最新的貿易數據徹底粉碎了經濟早日復甦的希望。
  1. blow up at sb. 勃然大怒、暴怒 = rage at (v./n.)
  • My dad blew up (at me) when he saw the bill. 我爸爸看到帳單後(對我)大發雷霆。
  • He raged at (= spoke angrily to) us for forgetting to order a replacement. 我們忘了訂購替換件,他對我們大發雷霆。
  • Her sudden towering rages were terrifying.
  • 她突然暴跳如雷,很嚇人。
  • I was frightened because I had never seen him in such a rage before.
  • 以前從未見他如此狂怒,我被嚇壞了。
  1. rage 激烈進行/肆虐
  • The storm raged outside.
  • 屋外暴風雨大作。
  • A flu epidemic is raging in/through local schools.
  • 一場流感在當地各學校肆虐。
  • The argument rages on (= continues strongly).
  • 正在進行激烈的爭論。