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shell out 撒錢/花大錢 + for ...

  • 例:He shelled out 6000 dollars for the camera. 他花了6000塊買了這台相機。 to say nothing of、not to speak of、not to mention 和 let alone 更不用說...
  • 強調「我們不可能住旅館」 => We hadn't got the money to have a meal, let alone stay/ to say nothing of staying in a hotel. 我們連吃一餐的錢都沒有,更別提住旅館了。
  • 強調「我完全不記得電影劇情和細節」 => I can’t remember the name of the movie, let alone/ not to mention/ not to speak of the film plot and details. 我連電影的名字都記不得,更別提電影劇情和細節了。
  • 強調「賓客一定有牛排可吃」 => The guests were served caviar, truffles and foie gras, let alone usual steak. 他們連魚子醬、松露和鵝肝醬都端出來給賓客享用,更別說平常的牛排。 charisma 魅力 = charm = glitter
  • sb. had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her.
  • How did a man of so little personal charisma get to be prime minister? 一個如此缺乏個人魅力的人是怎麼成為首相的? glitter 閃爍
  • Her diamond necklace glittered brilliantly under the spotlights.聚光燈下她的鑽石項鏈流光溢彩,光芒四射。 glitter (眼睛)閃爍
  • His dark eyes glittered with anger behind his glasses. 他那雙黑眼睛透過鏡片噴射出怒火。 Now and then = once in a while = not very often = occasionally = on occasion 偶爾 seldom = hardly = rarely 幾乎不 very often 很常 occasion (某是發生的) 時刻,時候
  • We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.我們幾次會面討論這個問題。
  • I seem to remember that on that occasion he was with his wife.我好像記得那一次他和她的妻子在一起。 occasion 盛會
  • Sara's party was quite an occasion - there were over a hundred people there.薩拉的聚會真是一次盛會——有一百多人蔘加。 economical 經濟的/ 節省的
  • there is increasing demand(需求U/C) for cars that are more economical on fuel. 對低油耗汽車的需求與日俱增。
  • What's the most economical way of heating this building?給這棟大樓供應暖氣,怎樣做才是最經濟的方法? account for = contribute to = lead to = bring about = give rise to = conduce to 促成/ 導致
  • International support has given rise to a new optimism in the company. 國際上的支援為公司上下帶來了新的樂觀情緒。 spark off 引爆
  • His statement sparked off a quarrel between them. 他的話引起他們之間一場爭吵。 account for 佔比/解釋、說明 demands 要求 The demands of nursing are too great for a lot of people.護理工作的要求之高令很多人都難以承受。 His new job makes a lot of demands on him (= he has to work very hard).新工作對他要求很高。

the vast majority of ... 絕大多數的.... optimistic <-> pessimistic The doctors are pessimistic (= not hopeful) about his chances of recovery.醫生對他康復的可能性都表示悲觀。