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[量詞 quantifier]

  • hundreds of 數以千計...
  • Tens of thousands of 數以萬計...
  • hundreds of thousands of + 複數名詞. 數以十萬計的...
  • millions of + 複數名詞 數以百萬計的...
  • Tens of millions of 數以千萬計的...

[Voc & phrases]

  • prospective 未來的/潛在的/即將發生的/ 前景有希望的

  • prospective customer/client 潛在客戶

  • We've had three sets of prospective buyers looking at the house.

  • 已經有三批可能買我們房子的人來看過房子了。

  • prospective student is bombarded by prospectuses 未來的學生被簡章轟炸

  • prospective future 前景有希望的未來

  • bombard sb with sth 向…大量提問

  • The children bombarded her with questions. 孩子們連珠炮似地問了她許多問題。

  • Look up to sb. 尊敬 = admire = respect

  • e.g. I’ve always looked up to my younger brother.我一直都很敬佩我弟弟。

  • e.g. The students really look up to their teacher.這些學生真的很尊敬他們的老師。

  • Look down on sb. 輕視 = feel contempt for someone = not worthy of respect

  • I feel nothing but contempt for cheating. 我對作弊十分蔑視

  • => feel nothing but... 只感到..../十分感到....

contempt(輕視 n.)

  • At school she had complete contempt for all her teachers.

  • 在學校讀書時她對所有老師都不屑一顧。

  • You should treat those remarks with the contempt that they deserve.

  • 你理應對那些話不屑一顧。

  • sb be beneath contempt sb 讓人感到不齒

  • She's beneath contempt (= I have no respect for her)!

  • 她為人所不齒!

  • chill out 徹底放鬆;冷靜;鎮靜 (relax completely)

  • I'm just chilling out in front of the TV.

  • 我只是看電視放鬆一下。

  • Chill out, Dad. The train doesn't leave for another hour!

  • 別緊張,爸爸,火車還有一小時才開呢!

  • 「做…是值得的」:It pays ( paid ) to 動詞原形

  • 「做…是值得的」:It is (was) worthwhile + to 動詞原形 / Ving

  • 「值得 / 價值…」:be worth + N / Ving / 數字

  • Kenting National Park is worth visiting.

  • Kenting National Park is worth a visit.

  • for all one is worth〈盡力地,拼命地〉

  • He studied for all he was worth. 他拼命學習〈用功〉

  • 「值得 …」:be worthy of + N,當中of 為介係詞,故後方需搭配名詞。

  • lead a worthy life 過著有意義的生活

  • Tom loves bragging. He isn't worthy of your trust. Tom 愛吹牛。他不值得信任。

  • brag about sth. 吹噓某事

  • brag about how much money he earns

「做…是值得的」:It pays ( paid ) to 動詞原形

  • It pays to work hard because nothing comes easy. Behind every success are endless hours of plain hard work.
  • It is worthwhile to work hard because nothing comes easy.
  • It is worthwhile working hard because nothing comes easy. 努力是值得的。因為天下沒有不勞而獲的事。每個成功的背後都是數不盡的辛苦付出。

plain 樸素的;不加修飾的;簡單的

  • She wore a plain black dress. 她穿著一件樸素的黑色連身裙。
  • plain style of architecture 簡樸的建築風格
  • plain yogurt (= with no added fruit or sugar) 原味酸乳酪
  • => plain flavor

plain 不好看的、相貌平平的

  • If she'd been a plain Jane, she wouldn't have had all the attention.
  • 假使她像平凡的珍妮,她就不會成為大眾的焦點。

plain 清楚的,明顯的 = obvious and clear to understand

  • I made it quite plain (that) (= explained clearly that) I wasn't interested. 我直截了當地表示我不感興趣。

  • It's quite plain that they don't want to speak to us.很明顯,他們不想和我們說話。

  • The reason is perfectly plain.原因很清楚。

  • turn one's back on someone 完全不理會sb.

  • <-> get on someone's back = be on sb's back 對某人嘮嘮叨叨

  • e.g. Helen is always on my back to make me pick up my clothes when I leave them lying around the house.每次我把衣服隨便扔的時候,海倫總是嘮嘮叨叨,讓我把它們揀起來

contemplate 盤算、思考...

  • I'm contemplating going abroad for a year.

  • 我打算出國一年。

  • They were contemplating a move to California.

  • 他們打算搬到加利福尼亞去。

  • It's too awful/horrific/dangerous to contemplate.

  • 這件事太糟糕/可怕/危險,簡直不敢想。

  • Given the fact that = if 假如...