Toefl_8 19(一) - cookie10142008/tsmc_intern GitHub Wiki


  1. collective 集體的;共同的/ 企業集團
  • a collective decision/effort 共同的決定/努力
  • collective responsibility/leadership 共同責任/集體領導
  1. outperform 勝過 = surpass
  • The company has consistently outperformed its rivals this season. 這一季,這家公司的表現一直優於競爭對手。
  1. tend to = be prone to = be inclined to + Ving 傾向/易於../容易常常...
  2. be in breach of sth = breach 違反...(law/rule)
  3. tenfold 十倍
  • a tenfold increase
  • Membership grew more than tenfold this year.
  1. literacy 知識/識字能力
  • Computer literacy 電腦技能知識
  1. 三種倍數用法
  • 中國是台灣的幾百倍大.
  • China is hundreds of times as big as Taiwan.
  • = China is hundreds of times bigger than Taiwan.
  • = China is hundreds of times the size of Taiwan.
  • 這裡的男性人數是女性的五倍
  • There are five times as many men here as women. (here 也可放句尾)
  • = The number of men here is five times greater than that (=the number) of women.
  1. under no circumstances 無論如何絕不....
  • I will under no circumstances attend the makeup test.
  • = Under no circumstances wiil I attend the makeup test.
  • Under no circumstances will I ever go back there again!(无论如何,我都绝不再回去了。
  1. make a trade-off between 做平衡/取捨
  • she'd had to make a trade-off between her job and her family. 她必須平衡好工作和家庭。
  1. overwhelm 擊敗
  • Government troops have overwhelmed the rebels and seized control of the capital. 政府軍已擊敗了叛亂者,控制了首都。
  • overwhelm 充滿強烈情感
  • They were overwhelmed with/by grief when their baby died. 嬰兒夭折時他們悲痛欲絕。
  • I was overwhelmed by all the flowers and letters of support I received. 收到這些鮮花和支持者的來信令我激動得不知所措。
  • overwhelm 淹沒
  • If water overwhelms a place, it covers it suddenly and completely.
  1. most important of all, 最重要的是...
  2. consistently 始終如一的
  • consistently outperform its rivals
  1. spontaneous 自發的/不由自主的/自然的
  • He made a spontaneous offer of help. 他自願提供幫助。
  • Hearing the joke, we burst into spontaneous laughter. 聽到笑話,我們不由自主地大笑起來。
  • She's such a spontaneous, lively woman.她是個爲人率直、充滿活力的女子。
  1. harsh 嚴厲的
  • harsh criticism 嚴厲的批評
  • the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence 對這樣的小錯,這種懲罰太嚴酷了。
  • harsh 刺眼的/刺耳的
  • harsh chemicals/lighting 過於刺激的化學品/刺眼的光線
  1. superficial 膚淺的
  • I only have a superficial (= slight) knowledge of French. 我對法語只是略知皮毛。
  • superficial 表面的
  • superficial damage 表面損傷
  • The driver only received superficial injuries/cuts/wounds. 司機只受了點皮外傷。
  • There are superficial similarities between the two cars, but really they're very different in terms of performance. 這兩輛汽車表面上雖然相似,但事實上它們的性能相差甚遠。
  1. breath 透氣
  • This material doesn't breathe very well. (這個材質不是很透氣。)
  • This breathing fabric is perfect for summer. (這種透氣的布料很適合夏天。)
  1. fabric 布料/ 結構 *Unhappiness was woven into the natural fabric of people's lives. 苦惱憂愁原是人們日常生活的一部分。
  • the fabric of society 社會結構
  1. launched plenty of interstellar expeditions 發動了多次星際間的探索
  2. his views diverged from hers. 意見分歧
  3. elicit/ trigger/ inspire 誘發,激發 our parental instincts
  4. evoke 喚起(記憶)/引起(共鳴)
  • That old movie evoked memories of my childhood
  • evokes a strong affective(情感的) resonance in all of us => have a strong affective ties to family
  1. influential 具有影響力的
  • well-known influential singer
  1. firm 堅定的
  • answered the question in a firm voice. 用堅定的口吻回答問題