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  1. on one occasion 有一回
  • on several occasions 好幾次
  1. at a time 一次
  • Take two pills at a time. 一次服两粒。
  1. At one time 同时;曾经(常用過去式)
  • At one time they were friends, but they are seldom together now. 他们曾经是朋友,但是现在很少在一起了。
  1. lacerations 撕裂傷
  • Starbucks recalled 2.5 million stainless-steel straws due to reports of young children who experienced mouth lacerations from using the straws.(星巴克召回250萬支不鏽鋼吸管,因為報導顯示,使用這種吸管的幼童發生口腔撕裂傷。)
  1. tragic accident has renewed debate over bans on plastic straws. 悲慘的意外事故再次引發有關禁用塑膠吸管的辯論
  2. renew 給…展期,延長…的期限;更新,更換
  • Every year I renew my membership of the sports club. 我每年都將體育俱樂部會員資格續期。
  • I forgot to renew my season ticket.我忘了辦理季票續期了。
  • I'll use this material to renew the chair covers.我要用這塊布料做新的椅子罩來換掉舊的。 => renew 重新開始、復興=resume
  • The kidnappers renewed their threats.綁架者又發出威脅了。
  • She renewed her efforts to escape.她再次企圖逃跑。
  1. impale = pierce 刺穿 The dead deer was impaled on a spear. 死鹿被叉在長矛上。
  2. intent 專心致志的,專注的
  • She had an intent look on her face. 她的面部表情非常專注。 => be intent on 執意要/決意要達成... = make one's mind to... = make decision to = be determined to
  • I've tried persuading her not to go but she's intent on it. 我試圖勸她不要去,但她堅決要去。
  • He seems intent on upsetting everyone in the room! 他看來存心要惹惱屋子裡的每個人!
  1. ban is set to take effect 禁令生效
  2. the bans have sparked concern among people with disabilities and their advocates(支持者/擁護者) 該項禁令已引發身心障礙者及其倡權者的疑慮
  3. pose safety risks 造成安全隱憂
  • pose threat to 造成威脅
  1. moreover = besides = in addition = additionally
  2. the rigidity(堅硬特性) of reusable metal straws 可重複使用金屬吸管的堅硬特性
  3. synthesize 合成
  • There are many vitamins that the body cannot synthesize itself. 有很多維他命是人體無法自己合成的。