Cold Stunning General Ensemble (Spring 2025) - conrad-blucher-institute/semaphore GitHub Wiki
Term Definitions
model = single H5 file that predicts a value for a given location and a given lead time
model family = a group of models for the same location across multiple lead times and the same prediction series (Ex. All temperature predictions for Laguna Madre across different lead times, all water level for Virginia Key across lead times).
ensemble lead time slice = a group of predictions for a model where we get multiple predictions for one lead time (range graph)
multi lead time ensemble = A group of predictions for the same location across multiple lead times with variable inputs for each lead time (spaghetti graph). (a group of ensemble lead time slices)
family input slice = a group of predictions for a model family where we get one prediction per lead time in the group from a single input vector (one line on a time series graph).
General Ensemble Requirements
Running a single Cold Stunning model per lead time.
Running each model over multiple The Weather Company Predictions.
Saving Ensemble Predictions.
Graphing Ensemble Predictions in Flare
Ribbon Graph (Grouped by lead time)
Spaghetti Graph (Grouped by ensemble member)
Separated Requirements
Same model multi run requirements:
Be able to run 100 models per lead time [3,6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54,60,66,72,78,84,90,96,102,108,114,120]
Run models in batches. (Tenserflow loads the model once, and we feed it every vector order and it runs them all at the same.