Home - conor-mcmullan/Graph-Algorithm-Animation-JavaFX-App GitHub Wiki

Graph Algorithm Animation JavaFX App

Java Java Java


The App was created as part of my Final Year Project in my BEng Computer Science Degree at Queens University Belfast for the following module, CSC3002 Computer Science Project.

The official project name is: PK01: Animation of Graph Algorithms


The aim of this project was to provide a tool that could help visualize the animations of classic graph algorithms to act as a teaching aid for module CSC4003: Algorithms: Analysis and Applications.

Getting Started

  • Before checking out the repo or downloading the JAR file I would advise reviewing all notes and instructions provided.
  • Getting Started Page


  • Image displaying the Main/Home Menu Scene in the project.


  • Image displaying the Draw Scene in the project, where all the logic and Visualizing occurs.