Part 6: Create an AWS Lambda Function - connect-group/terraform-aws-ses-dashboard GitHub Wiki

Now that all of the components are in place, you can create a Lambda function. The function creates an HTML dashboard and notifies you by email when that dashboard is updated.

To create a new AWS Lambda function

  1. Download from

  2. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Lambda console at

  3. Choose Create function.

  4. Choose Author from scratch.

  5. On the Basic information page, make the following selections:

    Choose Create function.

  6. Under Function code, for Code entry type, choose Upload a .ZIP file.

  7. Under Function package, choose Upload. Upload

  8. Under Environment variables, specify the following keys and values:

Keys and Values

  • QueueURL

  • Region

    • The AWS Region in which you created the Amazon SNS topic in Part 1: Create a Topic in Amazon Simple Notification Service.
    • Example: us-east-1
  • ToAddr

    • [Optional] The email address that will receive the bounce and complaint report.
    • Example: [email protected]
  • SrcAddr

    • [Optional] The email address that will send the bounce and complaint report.
    • Example: [email protected]
  • BucketName

    • The name of the Amazon S3 bucket you created in Part 3: Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service Bucket.
    • Example: sample-s3-bucket
  • BucketPrefix

    • [Optional] If you want to save the dashboards in a folder in the Amazon S3 bucket, specify the path here. The path you specify must end with a forward slash (/).
    • Example: SES/reports/
  1. Under Basic settings, make the following selections:

    • For Memory (MB), choose 512.
      • NOTE: If you think you will receive more than 5,000 bounces and complaints per day, specify a Memory value of 1024 MB or greater. If you think you will receive more than 10,000 bounces and complaints per day, specify a Memory value of 1536 MB or greater.
    • For Timeout, select 5 minutes.
  2. Choose Save and test.

  3. On the Configure test event window, for Event name, type a name, and then choose Create.

  4. Proceed to Part 7: Test the AWS Lambda Function.