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The original article on which the AWS SES Dashboard was based has been removed (for now); presumably because the AWS Web Console has changed and the instructions are a little out dated. For those who need to review it, here is a reproduction.
Appendix: Create a Deliverability Dashboard
Bounce and complaint rates can have a negative impact on your sender reputation. This makes it less likely that the emails you send through Amazon SES will reach your recipients' inboxes. Additionally, if your bounce or complaint rate is too high, we may have to suspend your Amazon SES account to protect other users.
For these reasons, it is essential that you have a process to remove email addresses that bounced or complained from your recipient list. This section describes a sample tracking dashboard that you can use to track bounces and complaints using other AWS services. You can customize this solution to meet your specific needs.
When you complete the steps in this section, you will receive an email every day that includes a link. When you click the link, you see a dashboard that displays information about the numbers of bounces and complaints that were received in the previous 24-hour period. The dashboard also provides details about the messages that resulted in bounces and complaints. The following image shows an example of this dashboard.
NOTE This solution is not supported by AWS.
There are several steps required to create and deploy this dashboard:
Part 1: Create a Topic in Amazon Simple Notification Service contains procedures for creating an Amazon SNS topic. Amazon SNS topics are access points for people who want to receive specific notifications.
Part 2: Create a Queue in Amazon Simple Queue Service contains procedures for creating an Amazon SQS queue. This Amazon SQS queue collects the bounce and complaint notifications from Amazon SNS and passes them to an AWS Lambda function for further processing.
Part 3: Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service Bucket contains procedures for creating an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket, which stores and hosts the dashboard reports generated by the Lambda function.
Part 4: Create AWS Identity and Access Management Policies and Roles contains procedures for setting up policies and roles in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). These policies and roles allow the components of this solution to work together securely.
Part 5: Configure Bounce and Complaint Notifications in Amazon SES contains procedures for configuring Amazon SES to send bounce and complaint notifications to certain email addresses.
Part 6: Create an AWS Lambda Function contains procedures for creating an AWS Lambda function. The function processes the bounce and complaint notifications in the Amazon SQS queue, creates new dashboards, and emails those dashboards to addresses you specify.
Part 7: Test the AWS Lambda Function contains information about using the Amazon SES mailbox simulator to send sample bounce and complaint emails. After you send these emails, you can test the Lambda function to ensure it is working properly.
Part 8: Configure Triggers in Amazon CloudWatch contains information about scheduling the Lambda function to run on a schedule that you specify.
As an alternative to completing the preceding sections, you can instead download an AWS CloudFormation template from the aws-support-tools repository on GitHub. To learn more about deploying AWS CloudFormation stacks, see Get Started in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.