2. Installation - compsygroup/bitbox GitHub Wiki

Bitbox is a simple Python library that does not have many requirements itself, but it relies on processing backends, such as 3DI. Thus, you have to install at least one backend engine. Once this is done, the installation of Bitbox is as straightforward as pip install bitbox for installing the latest stable version or python setup.py install for installing the latest developmental version

Installing Bitbox

To install Bitbox, follow these steps. You will need to use Python 3.8 or higher.

  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

    python3 -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate

    Note that this will create a virtual environment named env in the current directory. You can use any name, and you can install the virtual environment anywhere you like. Just don't forget where you installed it. For the following steps, we will assume you have activated the virtual environment.

  2. Clone the Bitbox repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Computational-Psychiatry/bitbox.git
  3. Change to the Bitbox directory:

    cd bitbox
  4. Install requirements:

    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install Bitbox using python setup.py install:

    python setup.py install
  6. Set the environment variable PATH_3DI to indicate the directory in which 3DI was installed:

    • Linux:

      export PATH_3DI=/path/to/3DI/directory
    • Windows (Command Prompt):

      set PATH_3DI=C:\path\to\3DI\directory
    • Mac:

      export PATH_3DI=/path/to/3DI/directory

Installing Face Backend

Currently, Bitbox only supports 3DI as the face processing backend. Support for other engines (e.g., OpenFace) will be implemented in future releases.

Installing 3DI

3DI repository is located at https://github.com/Computational-Psychiatry/3DI.