LC 0126 [H] Word Ladder II - ALawliet/algorithms GitHub Wiki

class Solution:
    def findLadders(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, wordList: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
        ans = []
        Q = deque([ [beginWord] ])
        visited = set()
        wordSet = set(wordList)
        while Q:
            curLayerWords = set()
            # because we want to return all the paths, and not just 1, we need to track on a level/layer basis
            for _ in range(len(Q)):
                curList = Q.popleft()

                lastWord = curList[-1]
                if lastWord == endWord:
                # look for next layer of words
                for i in range(len(beginWord)): # all words have same len
                    for c in string.ascii_lowercase: # a-z
                        nextWord = lastWord[:i] + c + lastWord[i+1:]
                        if nextWord in wordSet and nextWord not in visited:
                            Q.append(curList + [nextWord])
                            # visited.add(nextWord) # this will block the other paths
                            curLayerWords.add(nextWord) # so maintain it outside the level
            visited.update(curLayerWords) # add set 2 to set 1 without returning a new set (update instead of union)
        return ans