List of Scala Kata to Update - codewars/content-issues GitHub Wiki

The following kata failed to update to Scala 3 mainly because of breaking changes to the test framework.

If you'd like to help writing a script to update them, see codewars/runner#89.

You can also use to find them.


  2. Faberge easter eggs crush test [linear]
  3. Regular Expression for Binary Numbers Divisible by n
  4. Scott Encoding


  1. Assembler interpreter (part II)
  2. Decode the Morse code, for real
  3. Symbolic differentiation of prefix expressions


  1. Binomial Expansion
  2. Fabergé Easter Eggs crush test
  3. Isomorphism
  4. Psychic
  5. Screen Locking Patterns
  6. Texas Hold'em Hands
  7. The boolean order
  8. The Millionth Fibonacci Kata


  1. Bagels
  2. BasE91 encoding & decoding
  3. Decode the Morse code, advanced
  4. Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board
  5. Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board -- Challenge Edition!
  6. Five Fundamental Monads
  7. Getting along with Integer Partitions
  8. Human readable duration format
  9. Linear Equation Solver
  10. Longest Common Subsequence (Performance version)
  11. Magnet particules in boxes
  12. Matrix Determinant
  13. Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator d
  14. Range Extraction
  15. Simple Fun #27: Rectangle Rotation
  16. Snail
  17. Square into Squares. Protect trees!
  18. Strings Mix
  19. Sudoku Solution Validator
  20. Sum by Factors
  21. Total increasing or decreasing numbers up to a power of 10
  22. Twice linear


  1. A Scandal in Bohemia
  2. Best travel
  3. Buddy Pairs
  4. Closest and Smallest
  5. Coding with Squared Strings
  6. Common Denominators
  7. Consecutive k-Primes
  8. Decimal to Factorial and Back
  9. Diophantine Equation
  10. Directions Reduction
  11. Easy Cyclist's Training
  12. Euler's method for a first-order ODE
  13. Factorial decomposition
  14. Fibo akin
  15. Find the smallest
  16. First Variation on Caesar Cipher
  17. Gap in Primes
  18. Getting along with Bernoulli's numbers
  19. Going to zero or to infinity?
  20. Help your granny!
  21. Integers: Recreation One
  22. Is my friend cheating?
  23. John and Ann sign up for Codewars
  24. Josephus Survivor
  25. k-Primes
  26. Matching And Substituting
  27. Mean Square Error
  28. Memoized Fibonacci
  29. Mixbonacci
  30. Number of trailing zeros of N!
  31. Perimeter of squares in a rectangle
  32. Phone Directory
  33. Primes in numbers
  34. Product of consecutive Fib numbers
  35. RGB To Hex Conversion
  36. Rotate a square matrix like a vortex
  37. Second Variation on Caesar Cipher
  38. Sections
  39. Simple assembler interpreter
  40. Some Egyptian fractions
  41. Square sums (simple)
  42. Weight for weight
  43. Weird prime generator
  44. Which x for that sum?


  1. [Scala] Language Features: Make It Type Check!
  2. 1/n- Cycle
  3. A disguised sequence (I)
  4. A Rule of Divisibility by 13
  5. Address Book by State
  6. Array.diff
  7. Backspaces in string
  8. Backwards Read Primes
  9. Ball Upwards
  10. Banker's Plan
  11. Basics 08: Find next higher number with same Bits (1's)
  12. Binaries
  13. Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion
  14. Bit Counting
  15. Bouncing Balls
  16. Braking well
  17. Build a pile of Cubes
  18. Buying a car
  19. Catalog
  20. Change your Points of View
  21. Character with longest consecutive repetition
  22. Color Choice
  23. Computing the complex logarithm function
  24. Consecutive strings
  25. Convert string to camel case
  26. Count characters in your string
  27. Count the smiley faces!
  28. Counting Duplicates
  29. Crack the PIN
  30. Decode the Morse code
  31. Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times
  32. Disease Spread
  33. Disguised sequences (II)
  34. Does my number look big in this?
  35. Ease the StockBroker
  36. Easy Balance Checking
  37. Easy Diagonal
  38. Encrypt this!
  39. English beggars
  40. Errors : histogram
  41. Experimenting with a sequence of complex numbers
  42. Financing a purchase
  43. Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n
  44. Find the missing letter
  45. Find The Parity Outlier
  46. Floating-point Approximation (I)
  47. Floating-point Approximation (II)
  48. Grouped by commas
  49. Help the bookseller !
  50. Hidden "Cubic" numbers
  51. Highest Scoring Word
  52. How Much?
  53. Integers: Recreation Two
  54. Inverted Ranges
  55. Irreducible Sum of Rationals
  56. Make the Deadfish Swim
  57. Matrix Rotation
  58. Meeting
  59. Moduli number system
  60. Most Frequent Weekdays
  61. Moves in squared strings (II)
  62. Moves in squared strings (III)
  63. Moves in squared strings (IV)
  64. Multiplication table
  65. N-Point Crossover
  66. Parabolic Arc Length
  67. Parity bit - Error detecting code
  68. Parse a linked list from a string
  69. Pascal's Triangle #2
  70. Persistent Bugger.
  71. PI approximation
  72. Pimp my Library
  73. Pipe and Tap chaining operators
  74. Playing on a chessboard
  75. Playing with digits
  76. Playing with passphrases
  77. Positions Average
  78. Prize Draw
  79. Projectile Motion
  80. Pyramid Array
  81. Rainfall
  82. Rectangle into Squares
  83. Reducing by steps
  84. Replace With Alphabet Position
  85. Reverse every other word in the string
  86. Reverse or rotate?
  87. Reversing a Process
  88. Roman Numerals Decoder
  89. Roman Numerals Encoder
  90. Rotate matrix counter - clockwise N - times!
  91. Salesman's Travel
  92. Schrödinger's Boolean
  93. Serializing an Enum
  94. Simple Fun #116: Prime String
  95. Simple Web Framework #1: Create a basic router
  96. Simpson's Rule - Approximate Integration
  97. Split Strings
  98. Statistics for an Athletic Association
  99. Steps in k-primes
  100. Steps in Primes
  101. Stop gninnipS My sdroW!
  102. Sum consecutives
  103. Sum of Digits / Digital Root
  104. Sums of Parts
  105. Take a Ten Minutes Walk
  106. Tank Truck
  107. The Walker
  108. Tortoise racing
  109. Transform To Prime
  110. Tribonacci Sequence
  111. Triple trouble
  112. Unique In Order
  113. up AND down
  114. Valid Braces
  115. van Eck sequences
  116. Which are in?
  117. Who has the most money?
  118. Your order, please
  119. Zozonacci


  1. A Rule of Divisibility by 7
  2. All Inclusive?
  3. Alphabetical Addition
  4. Alphabetically ordered
  5. Array - squareUp b!
  6. Beginner Series #3 Sum of Numbers
  7. Breaking chocolate problem
  8. Coloured Triangles
  9. Complementary DNA
  10. Composing squared strings
  11. Consecutive Ducks
  12. Count the Digit
  13. Count the divisors of a number
  14. Currying functions: multiply all elements in an array
  15. Deodorant Evaporator
  16. Descending Order
  17. Determine if the poker hand is flush
  18. Drying Potatoes
  19. Easy Line
  20. Easy wallpaper
  21. Exes and Ohs
  22. Factorial
  23. Fizz Buzz
  24. Fizz Buzz Cuckoo Clock
  25. Floating-point Approximation (III)
  26. Forcing an Option
  27. Functions of Integers on Cartesian Plane
  28. Get the Middle Character
  29. Going to the cinema
  30. Growth of a Population
  31. How Green Is My Valley?
  32. Hungarian Vowel Harmony (easy)
  33. Leap Years
  34. Looking for a benefactor
  35. Love vs friendship
  36. Maximum Length Difference
  37. Maximum Multiple
  38. Maybe - concat 2 maybe's
  39. Method For Counting Total Occurence Of Specific Digits
  40. Minimize Sum Of Array (Array Series #1)
  41. Minimum Steps (Array Series #6)
  42. Moves in squared strings (I)
  43. Mumbling
  44. Ordered Count of Characters
  45. Over The Road
  46. Pairs of integers from m to n
  47. Parts of a list
  48. Predict your age!
  49. Printer Errors
  50. Robinson Crusoe
  51. Rotate for a Max
  52. Scaling Squared Strings
  53. Simple Fun #152: Invite More Women?
  54. Simple Fun #176: Reverse Letter
  55. Simple Fun #198: Cake Slice
  56. Simple Fun #37: House Numbers Sum
  57. Simple Fun #63: Shape Area
  58. Simple Fun #74: Growing Plant
  59. Simple Fun #8: Kill K-th Bit
  60. Simple Fun #9: Array Packing
  61. Small enough? - Beginner
  62. Sort array by string length
  63. Sort by Last Char
  64. Speed Control
  65. Stacked Balls - 2D
  66. Stacked Balls - 3D (square base)
  67. Sum of angles
  68. Sum of odd numbers
  69. Sum of the first nth term of Series
  70. Sum of two lowest positive integers
  71. Target Date
  72. Thinking & Testing: A and B?
  73. Two to One
  74. Unlucky Days
  75. V A P O R C O D E


  1. Beginner - Lost Without a Map
  2. Beginner - Reduce but Grow
  3. Beginner Series #2 Clock
  4. Convert a Number to a String!
  5. Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'.
  6. Count Odd Numbers below n
  7. Count of positives / sum of negatives
  8. Even or Odd
  9. Expressions Matter
  10. Find the first non-consecutive number
  11. Get Planet Name By ID
  12. Grasshopper - Check for factor
  13. Grasshopper - Terminal game move function
  14. Holiday VI - Shark Pontoon
  15. If you can't sleep, just count sheep!!
  16. Is n divisible by x and y?
  17. My head is at the wrong end!
  18. Opposites Attract
  19. Pillars
  20. Regular Ball Super Ball
  21. Remove String Spaces
  22. Removing Elements
  23. Reversed Words
  24. Simple Fun #1: Seats in Theater
  25. Simple multiplication
  26. Square(n) Sum
  27. Subtract the Sum
  28. Sum of positive
  29. Thinkful - Number Drills: Pixelart planning
  30. Total amount of points
  31. Transportation on vacation
  32. Twice as old
  33. You only need one - Beginner


  1. Browse my tree
  2. Construct/Deconstruct
  3. Is this a valid Chess 960 position?
  4. Optimal sort
  5. Spendings for the period
  6. Worm adventures (Part 1)