List of Python Kata to Update - codewars/content-issues GitHub Wiki

  • Python 3.8 List of kata stuck in Python 3.8. Should be prioritized so we can get rid of the older version. Note that updating to decorator syntax is not required.
  • Python 3.10 List of kata stuck in Python 3.10.
  • Update to decorator syntax List of kata not using the new decorator syntax.

NOTE: Simply remove the kata from the list after updating.

Python 3.8

This section lists kata that failed to update to Python 3.10 or 3.11 automatically.

  1. Create a one-liner FTP client with the ftplib
  2. Find Ends of Each Paths
  3. The Messenger's Oracle

Python 3.10

This section lists kata that failed to update to Python 3.11 from 3.10 automatically or was created with Python 3.10 after the attempt.

  1. Big Big Big Padovan Number
  2. Calculate k-th digit of π (Pi)
  3. Data mining #2
  4. I said the word WOULD instead of WOULDN'T
  5. Micro Optimization: Digit Sum
  6. Planning a city quarantine
  7. Sum of all numbers with the same digits (performance edition)
  8. Sum of certain products II
  9. Time Is Money (number of operations)
  10. Validate FEN notation
  11. Web Polygons

Test Framework

This section lists Python kata without in submission tests. This doesn't prevent Python 3.8 upgrade, but we'll be able to make the test framework behave less awkwardly if we can update all kata to the new syntax.

  1. [Code War] The Weapon Factory: Assembly Line
  2. #3 Matrices: Rearrange the matrix
  3. 2 Arrays 1 Sort
  4. 3-2-1 Fire!
  5. 3D Cellular Neighbourhood
  6. 3D Sudoku Builder (a.k.a. multisize skyscraper puzzle)
  7. 4 By 4 Skyscrapers
  8. 5x5 Nonogram Solver
  9. A Crazy Robot? Who's is behind the scenes to make that?
  10. A Python iterator for people scared of Exceptions.
  11. AD2070: Help Lorimar troubleshoot his robots-Search and Disable
  12. Adding words - Part II
  13. ADFGX Simplified
  14. AdFly Encoder and Decoder
  15. Airport Arrivals/Departures - #1
  16. Alex & snooker: points earned.
  17. Algebraic Lists
  18. Algorithm Fun: Find The Unknown Number - Part I
  19. All divisors of large numbers
  20. All Star Code Challenge #31
  21. All that is open must be closed...
  22. Alpha to Numeric and Numeric to Alpha
  23. An Introduction to DocTesting...
  24. Angle between two planes
  25. Answer the students' questions!
  26. Approximate Fractions
  27. Approximate solution of differential equation with Runge-Kutta 4
  28. Are they really equals ?
  29. Are you available?
  30. Area of a Shape
  31. Arithmetic Expression Placeholders
  32. Arithmetic Sequence - find hidden
  33. Array Hyperrectangularity
  34. Array Info
  35. Array reduction
  36. Array to HTML table
  37. ASCII Cipher
  38. ASCII85 Encoding & Decoding
  39. Assembling a Circular Genome (Shortest Common Superstring)
  40. Assorted Rectangular Pieces Puzzle
  41. Asyncio - The Beginning
  42. Author Disambiguation: a name is a Name!
  43. Author Disambiguation: Signatures worth it
  44. Author Disambiguation: to the point
  45. Averaging in an Infinite Array
  46. Avoid trillion years of calculations !!
  47. Bad Apples
  48. Bad Exception Handling
  49. Balanced parentheses string
  50. Base Conversion
  51. Base Reduction
  52. Basic physics problem - Space -Kinematics
  53. Basic socket server
  54. Basic subclasses - Adam and Eve
  55. Batman Quotes
  56. Become The Ultimate Phychic
  57. Beggar Thy Neighbour
  58. Bernoulli numbers
  59. Berserk rater: CG Vs. Clang
  60. Bezier Curves
  61. Big Generalized Fibonacci numbers
  62. Binary Range Extraction
  63. Binary search tree validation
  64. Binary Search Trees
  65. Binary Simulation
  66. Binary Tree Compare
  67. Binding of Algebraic Data Types
  68. Bingo Card
  69. Bishop Movement checker
  70. Blaine is a pain
  71. Blobservation
  72. Bloxorz Solver
  73. Boolean array generator
  74. Bowling score calculator
  75. Bracket Buster
  76. Brainfuck Translator
  77. Bridge Puzzle
  78. Bridge: SAYC Openings
  79. Build a Trie
  80. Building blocks
  81. Building Chains Using the Arithmetic Derivative of a Number
  82. Button sequences
  83. Cable Matching Problem
  84. Caeser Encryption
  85. Calculate daily accurate interest for a bank account
  86. Calculate the expression
  87. Calculating Expected Utility
  88. Call Center Call Backs
  89. Can these three numbers form a date?
  90. can you guess what it is ?
  91. Candy thieves
  92. Car Rental Business Needs Statistics and Programming
  93. Card-Chameleon, a Cipher with Playing Cards
  94. Carpet shop
  95. Cartesian neighbors distance
  96. Cartesian product
  97. Castle of Cubes
  98. Challenge Fun #17: Merge Arrays
  99. Chameleon unity
  100. Cheat at rock paper scissors!
  101. Check and Mate?
  102. Checkerboard King Combo Move
  103. Checkout Line Pricing
  104. Chess Fun #10: Chess Encryption
  105. Chess position parser (FEN)
  106. Chocolate problem
  107. Choose featured projects for Gratipay's homepage!
  108. Circular Limited Sums
  109. Clock Hands
  110. Clock Lock - Save the World, Time Traveler! :)
  111. Clone Graph
  112. Cockroach Bug Scatter
  113. Codenames - matrix conversions
  114. Codewars API
  115. Codwars or Codewars?
  116. Cody Block's Pro Skater
  117. Columnar Transposition Cipher Collisions
  118. Composed Integers Having Prime Factors Only Once
  119. Compound Nouns, Common Nouns, and Adjectives Test
  120. Computational Geometry #1: Mixing Paints
  121. Compute Nullable Non-Terminals
  122. Confidence Intervals
  123. Connect Four - placing tokens
  124. Consecutive Digit Constraints
  125. Construct Graph Class (simple)
  126. Context manager decorator
  127. Continuation in arguments, part 1
  128. Convergents of e
  129. Convert between radians and degrees
  130. Convert integer to Whitespace format
  131. Convex hull area
  132. Conways game of life on a toroidal array
  133. Coordinates Validator
  134. Coping with NP-Hardness #1: 2-SAT
  135. Coping with NP-Hardness #2: Max Weight Independent Set of a Tree
  136. Coping with NP-Hardness #3: Finding the Minimum Hamiltonian Cycle
  137. Coping with NP-Hardness #4: 3-Recoloring
  138. Count Connectivity Components
  139. Count the days!
  140. Countdown
  141. Counting Cuts
  142. Counting hexagons
  143. Courier 🚚
  144. Cracking the Vigenère cipher, step 1: determining key length
  145. Crane Operation
  146. Create a one-liner FTP client with the ftplib
  147. Cricket Scores
  148. Crouching Distribution, Hidden Constant
  149. Custom Array Filters
  150. Custom Christmas Tree III: the center of leaves
  151. Cut me in Pieces but in The Way I Like
  152. Cut the cake
  153. Cycle Detection: Floyd's The Tortoise and the The Hare
  154. Cycle Detection: greedy algorithm
  155. D&D Character generator #1: attribute modifiers and spells
  156. D&D Character generator #3: carrying capacity
  157. Data mining #1
  158. Date Format Validation
  159. Deadlock Detection
  160. Debugger
  161. Decimal to any Rational or Irrational Base Converter
  162. Decipher the sentence
  163. Decode the Morse code, advanced
  164. Decode the Morse code, for real
  165. Decompose a number
  166. Decreasing Numbers with N Digits
  167. Deficiently Abundant Perfect Amicable Numbers
  168. Democracy Representation
  169. denumerate string
  170. Department scheduler [simple]
  171. Derpcode Interpreter
  172. Design a Simple Automaton (Finite State Machine)
  173. Detecting Factions in Friend-Foe Networks
  174. Determine Results of Pole Vault Competition
  175. Devil's Sequence
  176. DevOps legacy roasting -> disco inferno -> burn baby burn
  177. Dice rolls threshold
  178. Diff That Poly!
  179. Diophantine Equation Solver
  180. Disease Spread
  181. Divide polynomial by polynomial
  182. Divisible by primes
  183. Divisor harmony
  184. Dobble
  185. Dobble: Identify the missing cards
  186. Dollar words
  187. Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board
  188. Domino Tiling - 3 x N Board
  189. Dota 2 Bots - Pudge's Meat Hook
  190. Double Even Magic Square
  191. Doubly Linked List
  192. Draw a Circle.
  193. Dropzone
  194. Dynamic Connectivity
  195. Easy Cyclist's Training
  196. Egg Drops
  197. Eight ways to iterate over table
  198. Elections: Weighted Average
  199. Elo rating - one game, one pair
  200. Endianness Conversion
  201. Endless String
  202. Enigeliisohe too Eniigeeliiisoohee Toroanisoliatooro
  203. Enumerable Magic #30 - Split that Array!
  204. Error Correction Codes
  205. Escape the Aliens
  206. Escape the maze
  207. Esolang Interpreters #1 - Introduction to Esolangs and My First Interpreter (MiniStringFuck)
  208. Esolang Interpreters #3 - Custom Paintf**k Interpreter
  209. Esolang: InfiniTick
  210. Esolang: Stick
  211. Esoteric Language: 'Poohbear' Interpreter
  212. Euler method for numerical integration
  213. Euler Squares
  214. Evil Autocorrect Prank
  215. Exact p
  216. Exception Handling (with restrictions)
  217. Exclusive presentations
  218. Exercise in Summing
  219. Experimenting with a sequence of complex numbers
  220. Express number as sum of four squares
  221. Fabergé Easter Eggs crush test
  222. Family Relations
  223. Family Tree - Ancestors
  224. Fastest Code : Equal to 24
  225. Fat Fingers
  226. Feed Kahumolings!
  227. File Path Operations
  228. Fill in the gaps in my timesheet.
  229. Filtering Values For an Election
  230. Financing a purchase
  231. Find all possible number combos that sum to a number
  232. Find All The Unique Substrings
  233. Find amplitude of a binary tree
  234. Find Ends of Each Paths
  235. Find the centre of a sphere
  236. Find the Counterfeit
  237. Find the files then read them
  238. Find the most adjacent integers of the same value in a grid
  239. Find the name of the lucky variable
  240. Find the Next Powers Higher than a Given Value With Given Constraints
  241. Finding a Circulation
  242. Finish Guess the Number Game
  243. Finish NxN Array Tic-Tac-Toe Game
  244. First n Prime Numbers
  245. First-Class Function Factory
  246. Fix arithmetic progression
  247. Fix array sequence
  248. Fix the base conversion function!
  249. Fix the Bugs (Syntax) - My First Kata
  250. Fix the pipes
  251. Fix the robot and save the secret Mars base
  252. Fixed-length integer partitions
  253. Fizz Buzz Reloaded
  254. FizzBuzz++
  255. Flatten A Nested Dictionary That Contains Lists
  256. Float or Integer verifier
  257. Floating-point Approximation (III)
  258. Folding Tiles Solver
  259. Following the Paths of Numbers Through Prime Factorization
  260. Football Season
  261. Fractions of a currency' smallest value
  262. Frogificator
  263. Fuel usage reporting
  264. Function Composition
  265. Function iteration
  266. Funnel Out A String
  267. Gambling Game: Choosing Order
  268. Game of Go
  269. Game of Thrones : Wildlings are coming!
  270. Geohashing
  271. Get recursion limit
  272. Get the Excel column title!
  273. getting started #let's piay
  274. Getting the neighbors
  275. Give me data
  276. Gnomes and Hats: A Horror Story
  277. Golden Section Search
  278. Grid index
  279. Guess the (prime) number, digit by digit
  280. Guess the list pattern #3
  281. Guess the list pattern #4
  282. Guess Who?
  283. guessing game server
  284. Gymbro's Unique Gym - Weight Calculator
  285. Hack the NSA
  286. Hackermann
  287. Hanoi Tower Array
  288. Happy Numbers. Another performance edition.
  289. Heartbeat Status Montor
  290. Help Mr. E
  291. Help Suzuki pack his coal basket!
  292. Helpers For a 3DGame I: Biggest Triangle in a Sphere
  293. Heroes of Might & Magic II: Chain Lightning
  294. Hidden pixels
  295. Hide a message in a deck of playing cards
  296. How far away is it ?
  297. How good are you really?
  298. How many dots are covered
  299. HTML Element Generator
  300. Hungarian Cardinal Numerals
  301. Hypercube Lists
  302. I Liked the SQL Better...
  303. I'm already Tracer
  304. Image host filename generator
  305. Image Processing: Gaussian Blurring
  306. Imaginary Base Conversion
  307. Imperfect Fibonacci Rabbits
  308. Implement Classes by using Functions
  309. Implementing SHA-1
  310. Inertial Array
  311. Infinite continued fractions
  312. Insane Circular Limited Sums
  313. Insane Increasing or Decreasing Numbers
  314. Insane Tri-Bicolor Tiling
  315. Integer factorization: CFRAC basics
  316. Integer to string deciphering
  317. Integer triangles
  318. Integer Triangles I: Maximum Number of Integer Triangles with the Smallest Perimeter
  319. Interlaced Spiral Cipher
  320. Intro to Statistics - Part 1: A Five figure summary
  321. Intro to Statistics - Part 2: Boxplots
  322. Intro to Statistics - Part 3: Correlation Coefficients
  323. IntroToArt
  324. intTunes
  325. IPv4 Parser
  326. IRR Calculation - evaluation of profitability
  327. Is it a group? (Group theory, Abstract algebra)
  328. Is there a sequence re-occuring in the list
  329. Is this a good batch of stout? (Student's t test)
  330. Is this event within this time?
  331. Isogram Cipher
  332. Iterative Rotation Cipher
  333. Jacob's Weight Loss Program
  334. Javascript filter - 1
  335. Jimmy's Journey
  336. Job Matching #2
  337. Jobs
  338. Johnny the Poker Player - What is my equity?
  339. Joyful Transpiler
  340. Jumble words
  341. Jungerstein's Math Training Room: 4. O Pascal tree, how green are your leaves?
  342. Jungerstein's Math Training Room: 5. Cat back
  343. Kata 2019: Bonus Game II
  344. Kata Impossible I - The Impossible Lottery
  345. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
  346. Knapsack problem - the max value with the lists of elements
  347. Krazy King Blackjack
  348. Largest Numeric Palindrome
  349. Largest Power that Divides a Large Factorial
  350. Largest prime number containing n digit
  351. Latin Squares
  352. Lattice Paths, But...?
  353. Lazily executing a function
  354. Lazy Init
  355. Left$ and Right$
  356. Length Factorial Encryption
  357. Let's Play Darts: Beat The Power!
  358. Letterss of Natac
  359. Level Up!
  360. Linked Lists - Front Back Split
  361. Linked Lists - Remove Duplicates
  362. Linked Lists - Shuffle Merge
  363. Linked Lists - Sorted Merge
  364. Linux history and ! command. Series#3 The !-n command
  365. Linux history and ! command. Series#4 The !string command
  366. Linux history and ! command. Series#5 The !?string command
  367. List of pairs instead of dictionary
  368. Little PL/SQL parser - get text literals
  369. Logic Detective
  370. Longest Consecutive Sequence of Squares
  371. Longest Palindromic Substring (Linear)
  372. Looper
  373. Loose Change (Part 2)
  374. Ludic numbers
  375. Magic Zeckendorf
  376. Magritte - Golconda
  377. Mahjong - #1 Pure Hand
  378. Making Copies
  379. Markings to White Triangles and How to Find Them
  380. Master your primes: sieve with memoization
  381. Mastermind
  382. matrix expanding
  383. Max Collatz Sequence Length
  384. Max number of people and year in a specific place
  385. Maximum 2d subarray sum
  386. Maximum Area in Histogram
  387. Maximum Overkill
  388. Maze Exit
  389. Mean without outliers
  390. Message from Alien (Easy Version)
  391. Midpoint Sum
  392. Minesweeper
  393. Minimal Cost Binary Search Trees
  394. Minimal Squarewave PCM Synthesizer
  395. Minimum exact p
  396. Minimum path in squares
  397. Minimum Transactions
  398. Mistaking a forest for a tree
  399. Mongodb ObjectID
  401. Morse Encoding
  402. Most improved - Puzzles #4
  403. MTV Cribs
  404. Multi Poly Coordinates
  405. Multicast IP Address to MAC address mapping
  406. Multiply Two Numbers Without Integers
  407. Multiply without asterisk
  408. Multiplying Binomials
  409. Multisize Nonogram Solver
  410. Musical Scales and Modes
  411. My smallest code interpreter (aka Brainf**k)
  412. My Very Own Python's Split Function
  413. Mysterious Letters
  414. N Linear
  415. n-Bonacci Ratio
  416. N-centered Array
  417. N-Dimensional Vector Magnitude
  418. N00bify - English to n00b Translator
  419. Nerdle - The General Version
  420. New season, new league
  421. Next level string padding
  422. NIM the game
  423. No adjacent integers sequence generator
  424. No arithmetic progressions
  425. No unknown variables!
  426. Northwest and Southeast corners
  427. nova polynomial 5. from roots
  428. Numbers Having Digits Occurring Only Once
  429. Numbers with Collatz Starting Patterns
  430. Nut Farm 2
  431. OCR Numbers
  432. Odd-squares traversal
  433. Odder than the rest - 2
  434. Old Mobile Display
  435. One for His Nob: Scoring Cribbage Hands
  436. One Line Task: Diamond Creator Pro
  437. One line task: Is the King in check ?
  438. One Line Task: Palindrome String
  439. Only-Readable-Once list
  440. Optimal Taxi Fare
  441. Optimized Pathfinding Algorithm
  442. Ordinal Numbers
  443. Packet Delivery -- Enforcing Constraints
  444. packing rectangles
  445. Palindrome integer composition
  446. Palindromic Expression
  447. Palindromization
  448. Pandigital Sequence
  449. Paperboy 2
  450. Papers, Please
  451. Parametric to Rectangular Equation
  452. Parentheses are loud !
  453. Parse python terminal output
  454. Parse the log
  455. Password generator
  456. Path Finder #4: where are you?
  457. Perimeter Sum
  458. Permutation-free Strings
  459. Physics - Mechanics - Atwood Machines in Series
  460. Pi approximation fractions
  461. Plotting points on a grid.
  462. Polydivisible Numbers
  463. Polynomial Evaluation - Binomial Form
  464. Posix command
  465. Possible Triangles Formed with Available Iron Rods
  466. Power Laws
  467. Power tower modulo m
  468. Precise fractions pt. 1 - basics
  469. Prefill an Array
  470. Prime Ant - Crazy Version
  471. Prime factorization
  472. Prime number decompositions
  473. Probabilities for Sums in Rolling Cubic Dice
  474. Probable Prime or Composite (Much bigger primes)
  475. Process Waterfowl Survey Data Results
  476. Processes
  477. Program hangs!
  478. Progress of a challenge
  479. Progressive Spiral Number Branch
  480. Projectile Motion
  481. Propositional SAT Problem
  482. Propositional SAT Problem [Performance]
  483. Python's Dynamic Classes #1
  484. Python's Dynamic Classes #3
  485. Quadratic Enumerator
  486. Quest: Kill ten rats!
  487. Queue Battle
  488. Radical Simplifier
  489. Radix Tree
  490. Random Integers
  491. Range Extractor
  492. Range of Integers in an Unsorted String
  493. Range Parser
  494. Ranking Poker Hands
  495. Rational Zeros
  496. RDS (Radio Data System) Splash Text Concatenation
  497. Read a UPC/Barcode
  498. Read a UPC/Barcode Part 2
  499. Recaman Sequence
  500. Recovering from a Disk Crash - Reverse Engineering Some Lost Code!
  501. Rectangle Cipher Puzzle
  502. Rectangular Subsets of Tiles in Square Grids (Fixed)
  503. Recursion puzzle
  504. Regex for a decimal number divisible by 4
  505. Regex for Gregorian date validation
  506. Regex to Match Significant Figures
  507. Regexp basics - parsing mana cost
  508. RegExp Fun #1 - When I miss few days of gym
  509. Regular expression for binary numbers divisible by 5
  510. Regular Expressions (groups): Splitting phone numbers into their separate parts.
  511. Relatively Prime Numbers
  512. Remember members decorator
  513. Retirement Planning as a Service
  514. Reverse Inside Parentheses (Inside Parentheses)
  515. Reverse polish notation calculator
  516. Reverse Polish Notation solver (Easy)
  517. riemann sums II (trapezoidal rule)
  518. Right Truncatable Harshad numbers
  519. RoboScript #2 - Implement the RS1 Specification
  520. RoboScript #3 - Implement the RS2 Specification
  521. RoboScript #4 - RS3 Patterns to the Rescue
  522. Roman numerals, Zeroes and Fractions
  523. ROT13 variant cipher
  524. Rotate Array (JS)
  525. Rotate Corners
  526. Rotated string
  527. Rotational energy levels
  528. Rotational state populations (the Boltzmann distribution)
  529. Rotten Oranges
  530. Round by 0.5 steps
  531. RPG dice roller
  532. RPS Knockout Tournament Winner
  533. Rubiks cube CFOP algo : Cross
  534. Rudimentary Pivot Table
  535. Russian Peasant Multiplication
  536. Sales report
  537. Sat Nav directions
  538. Save for retirement
  539. Schedulability Test
  540. School Class Arrangement
  541. Searching for Bulls
  542. Seat Allocation Double Dutch
  543. Secret Agent Time Travel Calculations
  544. Secret knock
  545. Self-closing Cookie Jar
  546. Semi-Thue Systems - The Word Problem [Part 1]
  547. Sentence to words
  548. Separate filename from extension
  549. Sequence generator
  550. Seventh JSON of a seventh JSON
  551. Shakespearean Tug of War
  552. Shallowest path across the river
  553. Shelve your trophies
  554. Shifted cycles
  555. Shorten IPv6 Address
  556. Shortest string
  557. Shortest string that contains all possible bigrams from set of characters
  558. Sierpinski triangle
  559. Simple elevator
  560. Simple Encryption #2 - Index-Difference
  561. Simple Events
  562. Simple Finite State Machine Compiler
  563. Simple Fun #134: Fix Progression
  564. Simple Fun #139: Black And White
  565. Simple Fun #167: Spreadsheet
  566. Simple Fun #170: Sum Groups
  567. Simple Fun #188: Slogans
  568. Simple Fun #26: Weak Numbers
  569. Simple Fun #283: Censor The Forbidden Words
  570. Simple Fun #387: Lonely Frog IV
  571. Simple Fun #55: Cyclic String
  572. Simple Fun #62: Draw Rectangle
  573. Simple Fun #89: Boxes Packing
  574. Simple Interactive Interpreter
  575. Simple max digit sum
  576. Simple non-decreasing array
  577. Simple number divisibility
  578. Simple palindrome game
  579. Simple parenthesis removal
  580. Simple Pig Latin
  581. Simple repeated words
  582. Simple Socket Client
  583. Simple Substitution Cipher Helper
  584. Simple Web Framework #1: Create a basic router
  585. Simpler Interactive Interpreter
  586. Simplexer
  587. Simplifying multilinear polynomials
  588. Simulating Collective Behaviour with Linear Threshold Model
  589. Simultaneous Equations - Three Variables
  590. Single Word Pig Latin
  591. Sleigh Authentication
  592. So many kinds of numbers!
  593. Social Golfer Problem Validator
  594. Social Golfer Problem Validator V2
  595. Socialist distribution
  596. socket guessing game client
  597. Solve the Grid! Binary Toggling Puzzle
  598. Some Tips For Quality Control I
  599. Sophie Germain primes
  600. Sort a massive list of strings (hard)
  601. Sort the comments!
  602. Sortable Poker Hands
  603. Sortable Shapes
  604. Sorting Poker
  605. Sorting Time
  606. Space Invaders Underdog
  607. Spanish class help
  608. Speed Control
  609. Spelling Bee II
  610. SPF Russia
  611. Spidey Swings Across Town
  612. Spinning Rings - Fidget Spinner Edition
  613. Split string by multiple delimiters
  614. Split Without Loss
  615. Splitting the Workload (part II)
  616. Sports league table - help your local team!
  617. Spreadsheet Cell Name Conversions
  618. Spy Agent
  619. Squad number generator
  620. Square sums (simple)
  621. Stack Arithmetic Machine
  622. Stop the loop after n seconds
  623. Strange roman numbers
  624. String counting
  625. String Pyramid
  626. String searching with wildcard
  627. String Shortener (shrink)
  628. String subpattern recognition III
  629. String to integer conversion
  630. Strip Url Params
  631. Sub-array division
  632. Subsequence Product Sum
  633. Subset Sum Problem
  634. Sudoku Solver
  635. Sum and Multiply
  636. Sum of certain products
  637. Sum of certain products II
  638. Sum of dices
  639. Summing subsets in list
  640. Sungka
  641. Supernatural
  642. Swap items in a dictionary
  643. Swap Row In Certain Columns of a Matrix
  644. Symbolic differentiation of prefix expressions
  645. T.T.T.#2: Equal to 24
  646. Task master
  647. Terrible Exception Handling
  648. Tetris Series #2 — Primitive Gameplay
  649. Texas Hold'em Hands
  650. The Chakitra's language
  651. The cross-stitch Kata
  652. The Enigma Machine - Part 2: A Rotor
  653. The Enigma Machine - Part 3: The Reflector
  654. The Enigma Machine - Part 4: A Rotor Part II
  655. The most asked question on CodeWars
  656. The Seven Bridges of Königsberg
  657. Time For Validation
  658. Train of dominoes
  659. Triangulate a konvex polygon
  660. Tug-o'-War
  661. Twice Their Age
  662. Understanding epidemic.
  663. Unicode Math
  664. Vanilla Neural Network from scratch
  665. Vanity Plates
  666. Watchmaker problems - watch hands issue