List of JavaScript Kata to Update - codewars/content-issues GitHub Wiki

This page lists JavaScript kata still stuck in Node 8.x. It's not grouped in any way at the moment.

Any help is appreciated, but I'm still looking for ways to automate common fixes. jscodeshift can be used to transform the code (see example). If you come up with a codemod, please create a similar demo on AST explorer and let me know on That issue also includes some background information.

Since Node 10.x, we've been using Mocha instead of the custom test framework. There are some required changes related to this.

  • The test structure must be describe -> it -> assertions or it -> assertions (i.e., assertions must be inside it, and it cannot be nested). Grouping related tests with describe is preferred if there are many test cases. Note that tests with an invalid test structure might still look valid in the output panel. Automated updates have skipped over those with invalid structure.
  • Test case callback passed to it is no longer immediately executed. This can be tricky to notice.
    • To avoid common issue with closure within a loop, all var within all tests have been upated to let when possible (if tests passed after the change).
  • Test case defined with a callback. Some authors likes to write it("test", _ => {}) which creates a asynchronous test (it("test", (done) => { doStuff().on("end", done); })). Most of these have been fixed.
  • Old assertions are still available in Node 10. It's also available in Node 12 with const Test = require("@codewars/test-compat");. Updating to Chai assertions can be done later with codemod, so it can be skipped.

Use the new "Fork" feature to update kata:

You don't need to open an issue/suggestion and wait to edit. Forking a kata in a language is similar to forking an approved translation, but better because

  • all languages can be forked, including those added directly in Kata Editor and the original language
  • it's never outdated because it forks from the kata

You should see "Fork" when viewing a kata with the language you've completed in selected. Click that to open a translation editor with the current version filled in. The proposed changes can be merged or rejected after publishing, just like translations.


Native BigInts in Node

Native BigInts are available in Node 10.x. JS versions of all BigInt katas (arithmetic operations to numbers represented as strings) should be removed once Node 8.x is deprecated in the future.

Though they should've been removed already anyway since bignumber.js is installed in the environment, which means require would have to be disabled. Which does nothing anyway because people can just copy the entire minified source code from the bignumber.js repo into their solution, and things go out of hand very quickly with this.

List of Node 12.x Kata

The following failed to upgrade to Node 14.x/18.x automatically.

  1. Bresenham Circle Algorithm
  2. Ludicrous Coloured Triangles

List of Node 10.x kata

The following failed to update automatically by prepending const Test = require('@codewars/test-compat'); to tests.

  1. Brick by Boring Brick - Mathematical expression interpreter
  2. Mad Mathematician's Calculator (Basic Version)
  3. Mad Mathematician's Calculator (Hardcore Version)
  4. one line task : date converter (not that date, the other one)

List of Node 8.x Kata

  1. "AURUM RECLUDIT CUNCTA" - yet another FUBAR kata with restrictions which relies on specific setup of Node 8.
  2. "console.log" and the Lexical "this"
  3. "string".forEachMatch(regex, callback, [context]);
  4. "TRaduttore".tr( [ "u", "tt" ] , "it" )
  5. (Insane) N Warriors and a Lamp
  6. (Ready for) Prime Time
  7. [AI] Play Me : CodeWarsRunner I (Introduction)
  8. [AI] Play Me : CodeWarsRunner II (Acceleration)
  9. [BF] Even or Odd?
  10. [BF] Fibonacci Sequence
  11. [BF] Quine
  12. [BF] Reverse input
  13. [BF] Sort string
  14. [BF] Squares
  15. # Counting 1: I Want Some Subsets, Not All!
  16. #For Kids# Date decryption.
  17. #For Kids# Date encryption.
  18. #01 - Music theory - Minor/Major chords
  19. #1 Sequences: Pure Even Digit Perfect Squares (P.E.D.P.S)
  20. #4 Matrices: Process for a Square Matrix
  21. #6 Matrices: How Many Matrices Do These Elements Produce?
  22. #7 Matrices: Focused on the Contour
  23. #8 Matrices: Up and Down Sorting For Each Column
  24. 1 Two 3 Four 5!
  25. 1RM Calculator
  26. 1st day of month that are Sunday in a year range
  27. 2 DNAs sequences, coding for same protein?
  28. 2048!
  29. 5command - Esoteric programming #1
  30. 5x5 Tap Code
  31. 7-segment converter
  32. 80's Kids #1: How Many Licks Does it Take?
  33. 80's Kids #10: Captain Planet
  34. 80's Kids #2: Help ALF Find His Spaceship
  35. 80's Kids #3: Punky Brewster's Socks
  36. 80's Kids #4: Legends of the Hidden Temple
  37. 80's Kids #5: You Can't Do That on Television
  38. 80's Kids #6: Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots
  39. 80's Kids #7: She's a Small Wonder
  40. 80's Kids #8: The Secret World of Alex Mack
  41. 80's Kids #9: Down in Fraggle Rock
  42. 8kyu interpreters: HQ9+
  43. A (no more) bugs trilogy: Episode 3 - Make a Player
  44. A Banking Trouble
  45. A bugs trilogy: Episode 1 - "Let Math.Random(); decide your future"
  46. A Crazy Robot? Who's is behind the scenes to make that?
  47. A for Apple
  48. A functional deck of cards....
  49. A kata is a kata, you can't say it's only a half!
  50. A Man and his Umbrellas
  51. A Memory game array
  52. A Promise is a Promise
  53. A simple Tic-tac-toe class
  54. A Taste of Curry
  55. Aaaaaand theeeeeen
  56. ABC - Esoteric programming #2
  57. Abstract Model Magic
  58. Accumulator Calculator
  59. ACME factory needs your help
  60. Acute, Obtuse, or Right?
  61. AD2070: Help Lorimar troubleshoot his robots- ultrasonic distance analysis
  62. AD2070: Help Lorimar troubleshoot his robots-Search and Disable
  63. Add Length
  64. Add new item (collections are passed by reference)
  65. Adding Arrays
  66. Adding Big Numbers
  67. Adding Binary Numbers
  68. Additionless addition.
  69. Additive Numbers
  70. Advanced Events
  71. After(?) Midnight
  72. Age Range Compatibility Equation
  73. Alex & snooker: points earned.
  74. Alex & snooker: scores.
  75. Alfred's Laundry Robot
  76. Algebraic Lists
  77. Aliens have landed
  78. All Balanced Parentheses
  79. All representations as binomial coefficient, or: How often in Pascal's Triangle ?
  80. All Star Code Challenge #12
  81. All Star Code Challenge #17
  82. All Star Code Challenge #18
  83. All Star Code Challenge #32
  84. All that is open must be closed...
  85. All unique
  86. Alphabet symmetry
  87. Alphabetic Anagrams
  88. Alphabetical Sequence
  89. Alphabetize a list by the nth character
  90. Alphametics Solver
  91. Alternate capitalization
  92. Alternate Square Sum
  93. altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe
  94. Alternating Loops
  95. Alternative Truth Machine
  96. Am I safe to drive?
  97. Amidakuji
  98. Amount to Coins - Universal
  99. An 'orrible expression on 'is face
  100. An Eventful Bus
  101. Anagram difference
  102. And the Mosckar goes to…
  103. Angle-a-trons and Phyllotaxy
  104. Angular modules
  105. Anonymous Returns.
  106. Answering questions about data with Lo-Dash - 1
  107. Antipodal Points with Same Temperature
  108. AOP - After
  109. Apparently-Modifying Strings
  110. Apply offset to subtitles
  111. Approving Kata
  112. Approximate Fractions
  113. Are arrow functions odd?
  114. Are the values equal?
  115. Are there any arrows left?
  116. Are they the "same"?
  117. Are we alternate?
  118. Are You a One-Liner? #1: divide 2,3,5,7
  119. Are You a One-Liner? #2: multiplication table
  120. Are You a One-Liner? #3: A4 Paper
  121. Are you Geometric or Arithmetic? No, I´m both of them.
  122. Area and perimeter of the ellipse
  123. Area of a Circle
  124. Area of a Square
  125. Area of House from Path of Mouse
  126. Area or Perimeter
  127. Arguments to Binary addition
  128. Array combinations
  129. Array Deep Count
  130. Array element parity
  131. Array Graphics - Lines
  132. Array Info
  133. Array power
  134. Array reduction
  135. Array to HTML table
  136. Array.prototype.push
  137. Array.prototype.splice(from, count, insertItems...)
  138. Array.prototype.splice(from, count, insertItems...) - Advanced
  139. Arrays are Objects
  140. Arrays of cats and dogs
  141. Arrays of Lists of Sets
  142. Article archive and social likes
  143. Ascend, Descend, Repeat?
  144. Ascii Art Generator
  145. ASCII Games: Dance Dance Evolution I
  146. ASCII Games: Flood Fill (Player)
  147. ASCII Games: Warning: Ice!
  148. ASCII hex converter
  149. Assembler interpreter (part II)
  150. Assorted Rectangular Pieces Puzzle
  151. Atbash Cipher Helper
  152. ATM Heist
  153. Authenticate a list of usernames
  154. Auto Sorted Array - Easy
  155. Autocomplete! Yay!
  156. Automaton (Part 2)
  157. Automaton (Part 3)
  158. Automorphic Number (Special Numbers Series #6)
  159. Average Scores
  160. Back to KinderGarten (eeeeeeasy)
  161. Back to KinderGarten 3 : What's this list ? (easy?)
  162. Back to KinderGarten II : Where's Aïcha ? (eeeasy)
  163. Back to the Future?
  164. Balance the arrays
  165. Balance the parentheses
  166. Balance the tree
  167. Ball Launcher Robot
  168. Ball Roll On Quartic Polynomial
  169. Bar Graph - Graphing #1
  170. Barbell racking calculator
  171. Barbell weight
  172. Base64 Encoding
  173. Baseball
  174. Basic Compression
  175. Basic JS - Building a calculator
  176. Basic markdown to HTML
  177. Basic neural networks - Machine Learning #2
  178. Basics - Generators #1
  179. Basics 04: Rotate Matrix
  180. Basket of Fruits
  181. Batman Quotes
  182. Bầu cua tôm cá
  183. BBQ Pitmaster
  184. Be Concise I - The Ternary Operator
  185. Be Concise II - I Need Squares
  186. Be Concise III - Sum Squares
  187. Be Concise IV - Index of an element in an array
  188. Beautiful STAR
  190. Beeramid
  191. Begin your day with a challenge, but an easy one.
  192. Beginner Series #2 Clock
  193. Behind Enemy Lines
  194. Berlin Clock
  195. Berserk rater: CG Vs. Clang
  196. Bet payout calculator
  197. Bicycle gear inch calculator
  198. Big Arithmetic - integer add/subtract
  199. Big Integer Modulo
  200. Big integers sum
  201. Big number problem
  202. Bin to Decimal
  203. Binary Genetic Algorithms
  204. Binary scORe
  205. Binary string
  206. Binary Swap
  207. Binary sXORe
  208. Binary to string
  209. Binary Zoo
  210. Binding within the List Monad
  211. BIO 2013 : Watching the Clock
  212. bit "Wise" #1: XOR-cism
  213. Bit calculator
  214. Bit Plane Return
  215. BitMath: Addition
  216. BitMath: Multiplication
  217. Bitty Words
  218. Blobservation
  219. Block-exchanging reverse
  220. Bloxorz Solver
  221. Boardgame Fight Resolve
  222. Bob - The Automated Manager
  223. Bob's Secret Cipher
  224. Body mass index calculation
  225. Boggle Word Checker
  226. Boolean logic from scratch
  227. Bouncing Ball
  228. Bracket Duplicates
  229. Brainscrambler - Esoteric programming #3
  230. Branch Prediction
  231. Breadcrumb Generator
  232. Breadth-First DOM Traversal
  233. Bribe the Guards of the Crown Jewels
  234. Broken Image - Puzzles #1
  235. Broken sequence
  236. Build a pile of Cubes
  237. Build a Trie
  238. Building a mini search engine
  239. Building a Sequence Cocatenating Digits with a Given Order.
  240. Building blocks
  241. Building Strings From a Hash
  242. Bulk up!
  243. Burrows-Wheeler transform I. Coding
  244. Burrows-Wheeler transform II. Decoding
  245. Buying a car
  246. Buying the Farm : Irrigation
  247. Caesar Cipher Encryption - Variation
  248. Caesar Cipher Helper
  249. Caffeine Script
  250. Calculate age in years
  251. Calculate Hypotenuse of Right-angled Triangle
  252. Calculate mean and concatenate string
  253. Calculate number of inversions in array in linearithmic time
  254. Calculate Price Excluding VAT
  255. Calculate the required interest rate
  256. Calculate Two People's Individual Ages
  257. Calculating Expected Utility
  258. Calculating with Functions
  259. Calculating with objects
  260. Calculator (Addition and Spaces) [Part 1]
  261. Calendar Week
  262. Callback Set
  263. Cambridge Word Scramble
  264. CamelCase Method
  265. Can I have cake?
  266. Can you get the loop ?
  267. Can you keep a secret?
  268. Can you move to Zephland?
  269. Can you test it for me?
  270. Candy count
  271. Candy problem
  272. Capitalize first letter of a string
  273. Capitals first!
  274. Car Door Roulette - Harder Version
  275. Card Counting
  276. Card game
  277. Card game: twenty-one
  278. Cartesian coordinates from degree angle
  279. Cartesian neighbors
  280. Cartesian neighbors distance
  281. Case Reversal of Consecutive Duplicates
  282. Catch me if you can (rolling start)
  283. Centroid I
  284. Champernowne's Championship
  285. Change it up
  286. char_to_ascii
  287. Character Concatenation
  288. Character limits: How long is your piece of string?
  289. Cheating a bit...
  290. Check a Curious Divisibility. (Brute force version)
  291. check for winning box in dots and boxes game
  292. Check if a triangle is an equable triangle!
  293. Check if number is prime without loops
  294. Check if two words are isomorphic to each other
  295. Check RNA Nucleotides
  296. Check three and two
  297. Check your arguments
  298. Checkerboard King Combo Move
  299. Chess piece values
  300. Chessboard Squares Under Queen's Attack
  301. Chicken Sexing
  302. Chinese Zodiac
  303. Chocolate Celebration
  304. Chocolate Party
  305. Choose featured projects for Gratipay's homepage!
  306. Christmas baubles on the tree
  307. Chuck Norris I - Push Ups
  308. Chuck Norris II - One Punch
  309. Chuck Norris VI - Shopping with Chuck
  310. Chuck Norris VII - True or False? (Beginner)
  311. Church numbers
  312. Cipher
  313. Circular Objects #1 - Running around in circles
  314. Class conundrum - Bug Fixing #7
  315. Classy Classes
  316. Classy Extentions
  317. Clay Pigeon Shooting
  318. Clean up your Gibberish!
  319. Clean your shoes rack
  320. Climbing the Leaderboard
  321. Clock Hands
  322. Clock Patience
  323. Closest and Smallest
  324. Closest elevator
  325. Closest friends
  326. Closest to Zero
  327. Clue - Esoteric programming #4
  328. Code Adventurer Guild: BeiJing
  329. Code Adventurer Guild: HongKong
  330. Code-ilocks. This exercise is JUST RIGHT!
  331. Codewars style ranking system
  332. Coding 3min : A*B=C
  333. Coding 3min : Are they symmetrical?
  334. Coding 3min : Balance Attraction
  335. Coding 3min : Count animals
  336. Coding 3min : Eat watermelon
  337. Coding 3min : Excel Puzzle #1
  338. Coding 3min : Excel Puzzle #2
  339. Coding 3min : Find the murderer
  340. Coding 3min : Guess the Hat
  341. Coding 3min : Hacker and change
  342. Coding 3min : Half it II
  343. Coding 3min : Half it III
  344. Coding 3min : Half it IV
  345. Coding 3min : Max Value
  346. Coding 3min : Parallel circuit
  347. Coding 3min : Planting Trees
  348. Coding 3min : Reading a Book
  349. Coding 3min : Remove screws I
  350. Coding 3min : Remove screws II
  351. Coding 3min : Series circuit
  352. Coding 3min : Tidy up the room
  353. Coding 3min : toLoverCase()
  354. Coding 3min : Waiting for a Bus
  355. Coding 3min: Bug in Apple
  356. Coding 3min: Collatz Array(Split or merge)
  357. Coding 3min: Father and Son
  358. Coding 3min: Give me the equation
  359. Coding 3min: Trypophobia
  360. Coding Meetup #10 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Create usernames
  361. Coding Meetup #15 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the odd names
  362. Coding with Squared Strings
  363. Collatz
  364. Collision Detection
  365. Color Ghost
  366. Color of the moment
  367. Colored Hexes!
  368. Coloured Lattice Points Forming Coloured Triangles
  369. Combine objects
  370. Combining Records
  371. Common array elements
  372. Common Bit Twiddles
  373. Compact data processing: bit comparison
  374. Compare powers
  375. Competitive eating scoreboard
  376. Complete The Pattern #10 - Parallelogram
  377. Complete The Pattern #11 - Plus
  378. Complete The Pattern #12
  379. Complete The Pattern #13
  380. Complete The Pattern #14
  381. Complete The Pattern #15
  382. Complete The Pattern #16
  383. Completed Mahjong Hands
  384. Complex numbers
  385. Composed Integers Having Prime Factors Only Once
  386. Composing squared strings
  387. Compound Nouns, Common Nouns, and Adjectives Test
  388. CompoundArray
  389. Compression : impossible
  390. Computational Geometry 101: Perimeter and Area of an arbitrary shape (2D)
  391. Compute a convex hull
  392. Compute the Largest Sum of all Contiguous Subsequences
  393. Compute Unix path
  394. Concatenating functions
  395. Concatenation substring
  396. Conference Traveller
  397. Config Parsing: INI
  398. Configure an express server
  399. Connect Four
  400. Connect Four: Unlimited Edition
  401. Connected blocks
  402. Connected blocks (second part)
  403. Consecutive Count
  404. Consecutive k-Primes
  405. Consecutive strings
  406. Conservative Property Proxy
  407. Consonant value
  408. Constrained GCD
  409. Contact Deduplication
  410. Contamination #1 -String-
  411. Control the Beast (controlled components in ReactJS)
  412. Convert an array of strings to array of numbers
  413. Convert Hash To An Array
  414. Convert PascalCase string into snake_case
  415. Convert Sentences to New York, my guy.
  416. Convert the score
  417. Converter
  418. Converting integer to currency format
  419. Conway's Game of Life - Unlimited Edition
  420. Coordinates Validator
  421. Coprimes up to N
  422. Cost of Shopping
  423. Count all the sheep on farm in the heights of New Zealand
  424. Count chains of ones in subsequences
  425. Count the Combinations
  426. Count the connected components
  427. Count the divisible numbers
  428. Count the number of cubes with paint on
  429. Count the Ones
  430. Count the smiley faces!
  431. Count The Zeros: 1 to n
  432. Count word occurrences
  433. Countdown - Longest Word
  434. Countdown to Christmas
  435. Counting DNA Nucleotides
  436. Counting Duplicates
  437. Counting E-Primes
  438. Counting in English one, two, three... to 2 Quadrillion (2,000,000,000,000,000)
  439. Counting Nested Functions
  440. Counting Sort
  441. Counting String Subsequences
  442. Covfefe
  443. Cracking CRC32
  444. Crash Override
  445. Crashing Boxes
  446. Cream of the crop
  447. Create 10x10 array and randomly fill each cell with "A", "B", "C", or "D"
  448. Create a frame!
  449. Create a House Cleaning Rota
  450. Create a password hashing function.
  451. Create Four Letter Birding Codes from Bird Names
  452. Create palindrome
  453. Create the base - Dungeon crawler #1
  454. Create Your Own "Promise.all()"
  455. Creating Elements with React
  456. Credit Card Checker
  457. Cross the Bridges
  458. Crouching Distribution, Hidden Constant
  459. Crushing blows and blushing crows
  460. Cryptic Cave: Episode 1
  461. Cryptography Challenge - Log of Lights
  462. CSV representation of array
  463. Currency Conversion
  464. Currying functions: multiply all elements in an array
  465. Custom Array Filters
  466. Custom concat() Array Method
  467. Custom each() Array method
  468. Custom Setters and Getters
  469. Cut array into smaller parts
  470. Cut me in Pieces but in The Way I Like
  471. D&D Character generator #1: attribute modifiers and spells
  472. D&D Character generator #2: psion power points
  473. D&D Character generator #3: carrying capacity
  474. Dangerous Dates
  475. Dashatize it
  476. dataTypes String to Array
  477. Date Format Validation
  478. Date formatter
  479. Date Sanity Methods
  480. Dave's gamble.
  481. Days in the year
  482. Debug Sum of Digits of a Number
  483. Decibel Scale
  484. Decipher the Message
  485. Decipher this!
  486. Decode Morse
  487. Decode the Morse code
  488. Decode the Morse code, advanced
  489. Decode the Morse code, for real
  490. Decoded String by the Numbers
  491. Decompose double strand DNA into 6 reading frames
  492. Decreasing Inputs
  493. Decrypt this school cipher
  494. Deep Assignment
  495. Deep Freeze
  496. Defeat the Elemental Titans
  497. Defend your castle
  498. Deferred Objects
  499. Déjà vu Duplicates
  500. Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times
  501. Deletion in an array
  502. Delta Bits
  503. Depot organization 1
  504. Derive Cipher from Plaintext
  505. Describe the shape
  506. Design a simple markdown compiler with string substitution feature
  507. Determine Results of Pole Vault Competition
  508. Devil's Sequence
  509. DevOps legacy roasting -> disco inferno -> burn baby burn
  510. Diamonds and Toads
  511. Dice roll - D&D #1
  512. Dice Rolling
  513. Did she say hallo?
  514. Difference between two collections
  515. Difference Of Squares
  516. DigitAll
  517. Digits Average
  518. Disarium Number (Special Numbers Series #3)
  519. Distance Between 2 Points on a Cartesian Plane
  520. Distance from the average
  521. Distribute server workload
  522. Divide integers as strings
  523. Divide numbers as strings
  524. Divisible by previous digit?
  525. Divisor harmony
  526. DNA GC-content
  527. Do something "n.times" (Simplifying "for" loops)
  528. Do you speak "English"?
  529. Do you speak retsec?
  530. Dollars and Cents
  531. Dominant array elements
  532. Dominant primes
  533. Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board
  534. Domino Tiling - 3 x N Board
  535. Domino Tiling - 5 x 2N Board
  536. Domino Tiling - M x N Board with Holes
  537. Don't Drink the Water
  538. Don't get stressed
  539. Don't rely on luck HARDCORE
  540. Dont drive too long!
  541. Doomsday Basic
  542. DOS era #1: Help!!!
  543. DOS era #2: Attrib
  544. Dota 2 Bots - Pudge's Meat Hook
  545. Double Rainbow!
  546. Double Trouble
  547. Down Arrow With Numbers
  548. Draw a Circle.
  549. Dream Or Reality
  550. Dreidel dreidel
  551. Driving Licence
  552. Driving School Series #2
  553. Drunk friend
  554. Drying Potatoes
  555. Duck Duck Goose
  556. Dude E Free
  557. Dumb News: The Truth About CW Leaderboard !
  558. Dummy Epoch - find the gap
  559. Duplicate Arguments
  560. Duplicates. Duplicates Everywhere.
  561. Easy Cyclist's Training
  562. Easy Diagonal
  563. Easy Line
  564. Easy mathematical callback
  565. Easy Time Convert
  566. Echo
  567. Elections: Weighted Average
  568. Element equals its index
  569. Elevator algorithm
  570. Elevator Distance
  571. Elevator with call buttons
  572. Ellipse contains point?
  573. Elo rating - one game, one pair
  574. Email Validation
  575. Emily's Eccentric Encoding
  576. Emirps
  577. English beggars
  578. Enumerable Magic - Does My List Include This?
  579. Enumerable Magic #1 - True for All?
  580. Enumerable Magic #4 - True for None?
  581. Enumerable Magic #5- True for Just One?
  582. Equation Discovery
  583. Equivalent Dice
  584. Error Throwing - Error Handling #2
  585. ES2015: Get the real length of string. 
  586. ES6 string addition
  587. Escape the maze
  588. Esolang Interpreters #1 - Introduction to Esolangs and My First Interpreter (MiniStringFuck)
  589. Especially Joyful Numbers
  590. esrever esreveR!
  591. Euclidean distance in n dimensions
  592. Evaluate a postfix expression
  593. Even Binary Sorting
  594. Even numbers in an array
  595. Even odd disparity
  596. Even Odd Pattern #1
  597. Every archer has its arrows
  598. Every possible sum of two digits
  599. Everything Is Even
  600. Evil Autocorrect Prank
  601. Excel sheet column numbers
  602. Exclamation marks series #4: Remove all exclamation marks from sentence but ensure a exclamation mark at the end of string
  603. Exclusive "or" (xor) Logical Operator
  604. Exclusive presentations
  605. Expression Transpiler
  606. Expressive Objects
  607. Extended weekends
  608. Extended Weekends - Challenge Edition
  609. Extending JavaScript Objects: Contains Method
  610. Extending JavaScript Objects: Get First & Last Array Element
  611. Extending JavaScript Objects: Reverse String
  612. Extending JavaScript Objects: Simple Math Methods
  613. Extra Perfect Numbers (Special Numbers Series #7)
  614. extract file name
  615. Extract the IDs from the data set
  616. Fabergé Easter Eggs crush test
  617. Fac Recursion (Pest control - find the bugs and fix them)
  618. Factorial
  619. Factorial length
  620. Factory Functions #1 - Creating profile for people
  621. Factory Functions #2 - Inheritance and Object Composition
  622. Failed Filter - Bug Fixing #3
  623. Failed Sort - Bug Fixing #4
  624. Fake website #1: Choose a good name for the website
  625. Fake website #2: Choose a best server to create website
  626. Fake website #3: Choose a cool color for the web site
  627. Fake website #4: Design a strict user registration verification function
  628. Fake website #6: Design an automatic beta katas processing function
  629. Fame Of All
  630. Fast/Precise Natural Logarithm
  631. Fastest Code : A*B=C
  632. Fastest Code : Count animals
  633. Fastest Code : Equal to 24
  634. Fastest Code : Excel Puzzle #2
  635. Fastest Code : Half it III
  636. Fastest Code : Half it IV
  637. Faulty Data Recovery
  638. Feed Kahumolings!
  639. Feynman's square question
  640. Fibo akin
  641. Fibonacci Generator
  642. Fibonacci, Tribonacci and friends
  643. Fifa 17 Launch
  644. Figure Out the Notes
  645. File Finder
  646. File Size Trouble!
  647. Fill in the gaps in my timesheet.
  648. Filling an array (part 1)
  649. Filling an array (part 2)
  650. Filter out for good!
  651. Filter valid romans
  652. Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n
  653. Find Cracker.
  654. Find a Bunch of Common Elements of Two Lists in a Certain Range
  655. Find a Very Special Set Of Numbers In a Certain Range
  656. Find All Array Values That Fall Within a Given Difference
  657. Find all non-consecutive numbers
  658. Find all occurrences of an element in an array
  659. Find an area
  660. Find array
  661. Find Factors Down to Limit
  662. Find Fibonacci last digit
  663. Find Grid Position
  664. Find heavy ball - level: conqueror
  665. Find heavy ball - level: master
  666. Find heavy ball - level: novice
  667. Find heavy ball - level: ubermaster
  668. Find last Fibonacci digit [hardcore version]
  669. Find me the names
  670. Find min and max
  671. Find Multiples of a Number
  672. Find Nearest square number
  673. Find number in an array # 2
  674. Find number in an array # 3
  675. Find number in an array # 4
  676. Find number in an array # 5
  677. Find number in an array # 6
  678. Find Number With Maximum Number Of Divisors
  679. Find Numbers with Same Amount of Divisors
  680. Find out the longest string chain
  681. Find out whether the shape is a cube
  682. Find sum of top-left to bottom-right diagonals
  683. Find the area of the rectangle!
  684. Find the calculation type
  685. Find the Capitals
  686. Find the discounted prices
  687. Find The Duplicated Number in a Consecutive Unsorted List - Tougher Version
  688. Find the force of gravity between two objects
  689. Find the Golden Ticket!
  690. Find the hobbits!
  691. Find the Integral
  692. Find the Location for the Wildlife Study
  693. Find the longest gap!
  694. Find The Max Sum Of Contiguous-Submatrix In a Matrix - Ultimate Version
  695. Find the Middle of the Product
  696. Find the Mine!
  697. Find the missing element between two arrays
  698. Find the missing term in a Geometric Progression
  699. Find the missing term in an Arithmetic Progression
  700. Find the Most Probable Sum Value or Values, in Rolling N-dice of n Sides
  701. Find the motif in DNA sequence.
  702. Find the Nexus of the Codewars Universe
  703. Find the Nth longest string in an Array
  704. Find the odd int
  705. Find The Parity Outlier redux
  706. Find the position!
  707. Find the smallest
  708. Find the sum of the roots of a quadratic equation
  709. Find the Word Pair!
  710. Find Transcription Factors
  711. Find whether there is a route between two nodes in a graph
  712. Find within array
  713. Find X
  714. Finding North
  715. Finding Remainder Without Using '%' Operator
  716. Finding the Closest Maximum Values of a Function to an Upper Limit
  717. Finish this Mini Sudoku
  718. First n Prime Numbers
  719. First-Class Function Factory
  720. Fix arithmetic progression
  721. Fix array sequence
  722. Fix string case
  723. Fix your code before the garden dies!
  724. Fixed length palindromes
  725. FIXME: Get Full Name
  726. Fizz Buzz - Without ifs
  727. Fizz Buzz Reloaded
  728. FizzBuzz Backwards
  729. Flexible Card Game
  730. Flight incident probabilities
  731. Floating-point Approximation (II)
  732. FloatStream
  733. Fly as fast as you can
  734. Follow that Spy
  735. Following Sierpinski's Footprints
  736. Following the Paths of Numbers Through Prime Factorization
  737. Food combinations
  738. For the sake of argument
  739. For Twins: 1. Types
  740. For UFC Fans (Total Beginners): Conor McGregor vs George Saint Pierre
  741. Format data value
  742. Format Text
  743. Forming a Magic Square
  744. Four Pass Transport
  745. Foxes and rabbits
  746. Free pizza
  747. Frequency Analysis With Buckets
  748. Freudian translator
  749. Friday the 13th Part 1
  750. Frugal Pizza
  751. Fruit Machine
  752. Fruit string calculator
  753. Fuel economy converter (mpg <-> L/100 km)
  754. Fuel usage reporting
  755. Fun with ES6 Classes #1 - People, people, people
  756. Fun with ES6 Classes #2 - Animals and Inheritance
  757. Fun with ES6 Classes #3 - Cuboids, Cubes and Getters
  758. Fun with ES6 Classes #4 - Cubes and Setters
  759. Function Cache
  760. Function Wrappers: Inline Testing
  761. Function Wrappers: pool
  762. Function.prototype.clone
  763. Functional Addition
  764. Functional Binary Trees
  765. Functional Lists
  766. Functions of Integers on Cartesian Plane
  767. functions waterfall!
  768. Funny jubilees
  769. Future
  770. Game Hit the target - 2nd part
  771. Gaussian primes
  772. Generate a random number (the hard way!)
  773. Generate An Array of Unique Strings
  774. Generate range of integers
  775. Generate user links
  776. Generating Generators - Generators #3
  777. Generic Ball Clock
  778. Genetic Algorithm Series - #1 Generate
  779. Genetic Algorithm Series - #3 Crossover
  780. Geohashing
  781. Geometric Mean I
  782. Geometric Progression Sequence
  783. Geometry Basics: Circle Area in 2D
  784. Geometry Basics: Distance between circles in 2D
  785. Geometry Basics: Distance between points in 3D
  786. Geometry Basics: Triangle Area in 2D
  787. Geometry Basics: Triangle Perimeter in 2D
  788. Gerrymander Solver
  789. Get all array elements except those with specified indexes
  790. Get angle between hour and minute hands
  791. Get array elements with specified keys
  792. get ascii value of character
  793. get character from ASCII Value
  794. Get Password from grid
  795. Get root property name
  796. Get Smallest Common Factor
  797. Get the Excel column title!
  798. Get the Grid Coordinates
  799. Get your steppin' on son
  800. Get Zodiac Sign
  801. Getting along with Bernoulli's numbers
  802. Give me a Diamond
  803. Give me DST !!!
  804. Give me the k first digits. Odd digits.
  805. Global estimates
  806. Goldbach’s Conjecture
  807. Gotta start somewhere - Code Tracker #1
  808. GPS Navigation
  809. Grandpa's pants
  810. Graphics Series #1: barcode EAN-13 part1
  811. Graphics Series #2: barcode EAN-13 part2
  812. Graphics Series #3: Repair the LED display
  813. Graphics Series #4: Fireworks
  814. Graphics Series #5: The rope is burning
  815. Graphics Series #6: Traffic lights check
  816. Grasshopper - Function syntax debugging
  817. Grasshopper - Object syntax debug
  818. Grasshopper - Terminal Game #1
  819. Greatest Common Factor of an Array
  820. Greatest Difference
  821. Green Glass Roof- Puzzles #6
  822. Grocer Grouping
  823. Group Repeating Fractions
  824. Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch Game
  825. Guess the array
  826. Guess the list pattern #2
  827. Guess the number!
  828. Hack My Account!
  829. Hacker's job
  830. Haiku Wizard
  831. Half Life
  832. Hall Of Fame
  833. Hamming(7,4) code - Message encoding
  834. Hamster me
  835. Handy Toolbox for Kata authors
  836. Hangman
  837. Hangman game
  838. Hangŭl Unicode From Jamo Values
  839. Hannah vs. Snooze Button
  840. Happy New Year, 2018 !!
  841. Happy numbers
  842. Happy numbers to the n power
  843. Hard Time Bomb
  844. Harry and the Mathematician's Chicken
  845. Haskell scanl function
  846. heggeleggleggo
  847. Hello Happy Codevarrior!
  848. Help Mrs Jefferson
  849. Help Green Lantern with his web site
  850. Help Kiyo きよ solve her problems LCM Fun!
  851. Help Mr. E
  852. Help Mr... Dr. Strange to bargain!
  853. Help Suzuki pack his coal basket!
  854. Help Suzuki purchase his Tofu!
  855. Help the general decode secret enemy messages.
  856. Help your fellow warrior!
  857. Help Yumi collect all the rings. Part 1
  858. Heroes of Might & Magic II: One-on-One
  859. Heroes of Might & Magic II: Chain Lightning
  860. Hex class
  861. Hex to base64
  862. Hex Word Sum
  863. hidden key
  864. Hide from the Sun
  865. Hide password from jdbc url
  866. Hide phone numbers
  867. Highest number with two prime factors
  868. Hit Count
  869. Hofstadter Q
  870. Hold'em Holecard Combinatorics
  871. Holiday IV - Leg Room
  872. Holiday VI - Shark Pontoon
  873. Holiday X - Bintang Vests
  874. Hollow Triangle
  875. Homogenous arrays
  876. Horror Top Trumps (card game)
  877. House of cards
  878. How deep do these trees even go?
  879. How far can you pedal a bike???
  880. How Green Is My Valley?
  881. How long should you cook this for?
  882. How long will it take the train to reach its final destination?
  883. How low do you go?
  884. How many consecutive numbers are needed?
  885. How many cows do you have?
  886. How Many Differences of Squares?
  887. How many dots are covered
  888. How many eggs?
  889. How many feelings?
  890. How many numbers III?
  891. How Many Numbers?
  892. How Many Numbers? II
  893. How many palindromes can you find ? (performance)
  894. How many times should I go?
  895. How much coffee do you need?
  896. How much Wood?
  897. How old will I be in 2099?
  898. HTML DOM: Part 1 - Tree
  899. HTML DOM: Part 2 - Attributes
  900. Human Friendly Random Numbers
  901. Human readable duration format
  902. Human readable working hours
  903. Hungarian Vowel Harmony (harder)
  904. I guess this is a 6kyu kata #10: Emotion of sentences
  905. I guess this is a 6kyu kata #2: Merge strings
  906. I guess this is a 6kyu kata #3: Trim the Christmas tree
  907. I guess this is a 6kyu kata #5: Whac-A-Mole
  908. I guess this is a 7kyu kata #1: Search result
  909. I guess this is a 7kyu kata #4: Find 0 and 1
  910. I guess this is a 7kyu kata #6: Fruit Ninja I
  911. I love big nums and I cannot lie
  912. I need a lookup quick!
  913. I need more speed!
  914. I Promise Not To Optimize
  915. I Spy
  916. I'm already Tracer
  917. I'm longer than you!
  918. Ideal electron distribution
  919. Identify the array's ordering
  920. Image Files Only
  921. Image Processing
  922. Imaginary Base Conversion
  923. Imperfect Fibonacci Rabbits
  924. Imperfect Network #1 (duplicate messages)
  925. Imperfect Network #2 (out-of-order messages)
  926. Implement "The Match" to assign med school graduates to hospitals
  927. Implement brute force protection
  928. Implement Debounce
  929. Implementing a Queue
  930. Implementing a Queue - Performance Version
  931. Implied Probability from Fractional Betting Odds
  932. Indexed capitalization
  933. Infinite Diceworks: MeanMaxing your rolls
  934. Infinite Diceworks: MeanMaxing your rolls (Quantum Mechanically)
  935. Infinite Sequences
  936. Ins and Outs--Play game Series #6:
  937. Insane Permutation Promenade (from AoC 2017 Day 16)
  938. Insert Dashes 2
  939. Insert into xml object - xml #3
  940. Insert value into an array
  941. Inserting multiple strings into another string
  942. Inspiring Strings
  943. Instant Runoff Voting
  944. Integer depth
  945. Integer reduction
  946. Integer to Musical Pitch Classes
  947. Integer triangles
  948. Integer Triangles Having One Angle The Double of Another One
  949. Integer with the longest Collatz sequence
  950. Integers Sum Square
  951. Interactive Dictionary
  952. Interesting Pyramid
  953. Interlaced Spiral Cipher
  954. Invalid Input - Error Handling #1
  955. IP Validation
  956. IPv6 address validation and contraction
  957. IPv6 validator
  958. Is a Prime?
  959. Is Divisible By 6 Mk II
  960. Is Integer Array?
  961. Is It In?
  962. Is n divisible by (...)?
  963. Is there a sequence re-occuring in the list
  964. Is there an arrow missing ? (Relations - Part1: Reflexivity)
  965. Is this working?
  966. Is Undefined?
  967. Is your period late?
  968. isAN(value)
  969. isInt32(int, byteLength)
  970. ISRC - Significant Figures
  971. isReallyNaN
  972. It's Full of Stars
  973. Iterative Rotation Cipher
  974. Japanese Romaji-to-Hiragana Converter
  975. Java format Unicode encoder/decoder
  976. JavaScript class-like objects
  977. Javascript filter - 1
  978. Javascript filter - 2
  979. Javascript filter - 3
  980. Javascript from the Inside #1 : Map
  981. Javascript from the Inside #2: Filter
  982. Javascript Mathematician
  983. JavaScript seems to be broken
  984. Jewel Thief
  985. John and Ann sign up for Codewars
  986. Join command (simplified)
  987. Jokes you've been 'awaiting' for ... promise
  988. Josephus Permutation
  989. Josephus Survivor
  990. JS Golfing #1: undefined
  991. JS Golfing #2: Math.floor
  992. JS Golfing #3: Math.round
  993. JS Golfing #4: Math.random
  994. JS Golfing #5: A Million Times
  995. JS Golfing #6: String Summation
  996. JS Golfing #7: Join
  997. JS Golfing #8: Is it Uppercase?
  998. JSON Account Updater
  999. JSON Parser
  1000. Jumble words
  1001. Jump!
  1002. Jumping Kangaroos
  1003. Jumping Number (Special Numbers Series #4)
  1004. Jurassic Word
  1005. Just Adding and Multiplying
  1006. Kama Sutra Cipher Helper
  1007. Kaprekar Split
  1008. Kaprekar's Routine
  1009. Karnaugh's detonating timer (a k-map primer)
  1010. Kata Impossible I - The Impossible Lottery
  1011. Kebabize
  1012. Keypad horror
  1013. Keys, their drawings and ancient symbols
  1014. Keyword Cipher Helper
  1015. Kids and candies
  1016. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
  1017. Knapsack Part 1 - The Greedy Solution
  1018. Kushim the Accountant: Extract $ values from text
  1019. L1: Bartender, drinks!
  1020. Large Factorials
  1021. Larger Product or Sum
  1022. Largest Cross Sum
  1023. Largest Elements
  1024. Largest Palindromic Product
  1025. Largest product in a series
  1026. Last
  1027. Last and rich in circle
  1028. Last Digit of an Array
  1029. Last digit of a huge number
  1030. Last digit symmetry
  1031. Lat/Long Parser
  1032. Laxative Shot Roulette
  1033. Lazy Chain
  1034. Lazy evaluation
  1035. Left$ and Right$
  1036. Let's Play Darts!
  1037. Lexicographic Permutations
  1038. Life without primes
  1039. Limit string length - 1
  1040. Line Segments Intersection Point
  1041. Line, Normalization
  1042. Linear Equation Solver
  1043. Linear Regression of Y on X
  1044. Link Up--Play game Series #7
  1045. Linux history and ! command. Series#1 The !! command
  1046. Linux history and ! command. Series#2 The !n command
  1047. Linux history and ! command. Series#3 The !-n command
  1048. Linux history and ! command. Series#4 The !string command
  1049. Linux history and ! command. Series#5 The !?string command
  1050. List Comprehensions
  1051. Lists and Objects - Top Trump Optimizer
  1052. Live and Let Dice ...roll
  1053. Live Chess Ratings
  1054. Localize The Barycenter of a Triangle
  1055. Logic Calculator - Puzzles #3
  1056. Logical Disjunctions
  1057. Logistic Map
  1058. Long Division
  1059. Longest Consecutive Sequence of Squares
  1060. Longest palindrome
  1061. Longest Word in Dictionary
  1062. Loose Change
  1063. Loose Change!
  1064. Lost number in number sequence
  1065. Lottery machine
  1066. Lowercase strings in array
  1067. Lowest product of 4 consecutive numbers
  1068. LRU Cache
  1069. Lucas numbers
  1070. Lucas-Lehmer Test for Mersenne Primes
  1071. Lucky Sevens
  1072. Lychrel numbers
  1073. LZW Compression - Squeeze that data!
  1074. LZW Compression (and decompression)
  1075. Mad Max: Recursion Road
  1076. Madhav array
  1077. Magic Square Validator
  1078. Magic The Gathering #2: Mana
  1079. Magic The Gathering #3: Spell Stack
  1080. Mahjong - #2 Seven-pairs
  1081. Mahjong - #3 How far from winning
  1082. Mahjong - #4 Play with imagination!
  1083. Mahjong winning hand Validation #1: DA SI XI(大四喜)
  1084. Mahjong winning hand Validation #2: DA SAN YUAN(大三元)
  1085. Mahjong winning hand Validation #4: JIU LIAN BAO DENG(九莲宝灯)
  1086. Mahjong winning hand Validation #5: YI SE SI BU GAO(一色四步高)
  1087. Make a 1 to n sequence
  1088. Make a Palindrome
  1089. Make a square box!
  1090. Make Object Into Iterable Array
  1091. Make the Deadfish Swim
  1092. Make the small words big!
  1093. Making Change
  1094. Making Change: Part 2
  1095. Making Copies
  1096. Making squares with lines
  1097. Man in the west
  1098. Manage the Robot Factory: Day 1
  1099. Manipulate URL Parameters
  1100. Many Maps As One
  1101. Map and Filter to Get a Special Sequence of Integers
  1102. Map function issue
  1103. Marching armies
  1104. Markings to White Triangles and How to Find Them
  1105. Masquerade Waiting Line
  1106. Master your primes: sieve with memoization
  1107. Math Issues
  1108. Math Object Madness
  1109. Matrix Multiplier
  1110. Matrix Rotation
  1111. Matrix Square Up, B!
  1112. Max number of people and year in a specific place
  1113. Max-min arrays
  1114. Maxed Out
  1115. Maximum Product of Parts
  1116. Maximum Product
  1117. Maya Number Converter
  1118. Memesorting
  1119. Memoized Log Cutting
  1120. Memory Reallocation
  1121. Merge two arrays
  1122. MergeSort "merge" function
  1123. Message from Aliens
  1124. Meta-Kata: Duplicate Detector v0.1
  1125. Metaprogramming: Lisp-style Generic Functions
  1126. Mid-Endian numbers
  1127. Midpoint inception
  1128. Midtown Navigator
  1129. Miles per gallon to kilometers per liter
  1130. Milliseconds
  1131. Min or Max of . . .
  1132. Mind the Gap
  1133. Mine Sweeper
  1134. Minimum dollar bill's count
  1135. Minimum Number of Coins
  1136. Minimum path in squares
  1137. Minimum Reduction
  1138. Minimum Steps (Array Series #6)
  1139. Miracle Sort
  1140. Missing Alphabet
  1141. Missing Angle
  1142. Missing number in Unordered Arithmetic Progression
  1143. Mission: Hidden Message
  1144. Mixbonacci
  1145. mkdir -p - starting from NodeJS 10, fs.mkdirSync has recusrive option, which defeats the purpose of this kata. Either restrict the usage of such option or rertire the kata as obsolete.
  1146. Mnemo Passwords : pwgen
  1147. Mnemonic Lookup
  1148. Modulo operations of big Numbers
  1149. Monads: The Maybe Monad
  1150. Monads: The list monad
  1151. Money Match: Double or Nothing
  1152. Mongodb ObjectID
  1153. Monkey Talk
  1154. Monkey Tennis - The Aftermath
  1155. Monkey's MATH 01: How many "ZERO"s?
  1156. MONTE CARLO 3D
  1157. month name story
  1158. Months, Weeks, Days, Hours and Minutes
  1159. Most Consecutive Zeros of a Binary Number
  1160. Most frequently used words in a text
  1161. Mount Events in ReactJS
  1162. Moves in squared strings (I)
  1163. Moves in squared strings (II)
  1164. Moves in squared strings (III)
  1165. Moves in squared strings (IV)
  1166. MTV Cribs
  1167. Multi Line Task: Fizz Buzz
  1168. Multi Line Task: GCD Function
  1169. Multi Line Task++: Hello World
  1170. Multi Line Task∞: Hello World
  1171. Multiple implications
  1172. Multiple remainder of the division
  1173. Multiples by permutations
  1174. Multiples By Permutations II
  1175. Multiples of 3 and 5 redux
  1176. Multiplication - Generators #2
  1177. Multiplicative Persistence... What's special about 277777788888899?
  1178. Multiply list by integer (with restrictions)
  1179. Multiply the number
  1180. Multiply Word in String
  1181. multiply(value, times)
  1182. Mutate My Strings
  1183. Mutual Recursion
  1184. myjinxin katas #001 : Rotate, Remove, Return
  1185. myjinxin katas #002 : Hotel room number
  1186. myjinxin katas #003 : Crossword puzzle
  1187. myjinxin katas #004 : Soldier's queue training(easy version)
  1188. myjinxin katas #005 : Age Of Wind
  1189. myjinxin's Fairy tales #001 : Aladdin's lamp and three wishes
  1190. myjinxin's Fairy tales #002 : Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves I
  1191. myjinxin's Fairy tales #003 : Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves II
  1192. myjinxin's Fairy tales #004 : Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves III
  1193. myjinxin's Fairy tales #005 : The little match girl
  1194. Mystery Function
  1195. Mystery function #1
  1196. Mystery function #2
  1197. N High Scores
  1198. N smallest elements in original order
  1199. n-Bonacci Ratio
  1200. N-centered Array
  1201. N-Parasitic Numbers Ending in N
  1202. N00bify - English to n00b Translator
  1203. Name Array Capping
  1204. Name on billboard
  1205. Name That Integer
  1206. Name to Matrix
  1207. Natas Recipes
  1208. NATO Phonetic Alphabet
  1209. Natural Log Approximator
  1210. Naughty or Nice?
  1211. Needles in a haystack
  1212. Negation of a Value
  1213. Nesting Structure Comparison
  1214. new Deck() of Cards
  1215. new IntStorage(byteLength, ints).read(from, count);
  1216. new IntStorage(byteLength).write(value, length)
  1217. new with apply
  1218. Next Featured Number Higher than a Given Value
  1219. Next Largest Value (by rearranging the last digit and the last by one if neccessary)
  1220. Next Palindromic Number.
  1221. Next smaller number with the same digits
  1222. Nickname Generator
  1223. NIM the game
  1224. Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
  1225. Ninja vs Samurai: Strike
  1226. No Loops 1 - Small enough?
  1227. No Loops 2 - You only need one
  1228. No Return #2: Test the Devices
  1229. No Return #3: Solve the Equation
  1230. Node.js Async I/O
  1231. Non Decomposable Primes as Sums of Perfect Squares
  1232. Non-even substrings
  1233. None shall pass
  1234. noobCode 03: CHECK THESE LETTERS... see if letters in "String 2" are present in "String 1"
  1235. noobCode 04: HOT two arrays, return the unpaired items !
  1236. Normal number
  1237. Normalizing Out of Range Array Indexes
  1238. Not all but sometimes all
  1239. Not prime numbers
  1240. Not Quine
  1241. Not so black box
  1242. Not that obvious summation
  1243. Not very secure
  1244. Now that's a crib!
  1245. Noye's Fludde
  1246. NSA Phone Tapping
  1247. NSA's Little Puzzle
  1248. nth Floyd line
  1249. Nth Smallest Element (Array Series #4)
  1250. Nth term - Linear Sequences
  1251. Nuclear Missile Manager
  1252. Number , number ... wait LETTER !
  1253. Number climber
  1254. Number Decoding
  1255. Number Manipulation I (Easy)
  1256. Number of anagrams in an array of words
  1257. Number of Folds
  1258. Number of measurements to spot the counterfeit coin
  1259. Number of Palindromic Substrings
  1260. Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator d
  1261. Number Shortening Filter
  1262. number with 3 roots.
  1263. Number-like counter
  1264. Number-Star ladder
  1265. Number.prototype.toDecimal
  1266. Numbers and its Reversal Having Same Prime Factors.
  1267. Numbers in different systems
  1268. Numbers in strings
  1269. Numbers that are a power of their sum of digits
  1270. Numbers Which Sum of Powers of Its Digits Is The Same Number
  1271. Numbers' Plus Pattern
  1272. Numerical Palindrome #2
  1273. Numerical Palindrome #3
  1274. Numerical Palindrome #3.5
  1275. Numerical Palindrome #4
  1276. Numerology
  1277. NxN Connect X
  1278. Obfuscation confusion - Bug Fixing #10
  1279. Object to Array
  1280. object to xml - xml #2
  1281. Objectify all the strings
  1282. Odd Not Prime
  1283. Odd-heavy Array
  1284. Odds-Index
  1285. Offload your work!
  1286. Offspring Traits
  1287. Oh come on! Hello world! once again?
  1288. Oh dear God! Is it bugged?
  1289. Oktober Fest: Bjorg's Got A Drinking Problem
  1290. Old Greg's Binary Fingers
  1291. Once
  1292. One down
  1293. One graph or multiple ones ?
  1294. One Line : Bit Calculator
  1295. One line kata: Sum Multiples of 3 and 5
  1296. One Line Task: 'for' fun
  1297. One Line Task: Diamond Creator Pro
  1298. One Line Task: Making Pizza
  1299. One line task: Multiples of 3 and 5
  1300. One Line Task: Paint The Walls Of Office
  1301. One line task: Square a number Without *, + or Math.pow()
  1302. One line task: Square Every Digit
  1303. One Line Task: String Isomorphism
  1304. One Line Task: The Special Downward Step
  1305. One Line Wonder: Sum All Even Fibonacci Numbers
  1306. One Line: Even Check
  1307. One Variable Second Degree Equation Solver
  1308. Ones' Complement
  1309. Onion array
  1310. Ookkk, Ok, O? Ook, Ok, Ooo!
  1311. Operation - Steal the Election!
  1312. Optimum coding school location
  1313. Oracle: Coin Method
  1314. Ordinal Numbers
  1315. Ore Numbers
  1316. Organise duplicate numbers in list
  1317. ORing arrays
  1318. Orthogonal Vectors
  1319. Pack the box.
  1320. PaginationHelper
  1321. Palindrome for your Dome
  1322. Palindrome integer composition
  1323. Palindromes with a slight twist: vowels & consonants assessed separately
  1324. Palindromic Mnemonics
  1325. Paragraph Setting: Align Left
  1326. Parallel resistors
  1327. Parity bit - Error detecting code
  1328. Parse a linked list from a string
  1329. Parse all my XML please - Angular #1
  1330. Parse HTML/CSS Colors
  1331. Parse this function! - Puzzles #7
  1332. Parsing musical notes into MIDI
  1333. Partial Word Searching
  1334. Partially equal objects
  1335. Partition On
  1336. Path Finder #2: shortest path
  1337. Path Finder #3: the Alpinist
  1338. Path Finder #4: where are you?
  1339. Path Finder #5: there's someone here
  1340. Paths in the Grid
  1341. Paul Cipher & Kevin Arnold
  1342. PC upgrade specs using HOC in ReactJS
  1343. Peak array index
  1344. Peel the Pairs
  1345. Pentabonacci
  1346. Percentage of amino acids
  1347. Perfect Square.
  1348. Permutation position
  1349. Permutation Average
  1350. Permutation by number
  1351. Permutational Primes
  1352. Permutations - Generators #4
  1353. Permutations Of An Array And Associated Values
  1354. Permute a Palindrome
  1355. Personalising Spammy Marketing Emails
  1356. Personalized brand list
  1357. Physics - Mechanics - Atwood Machines in Series
  1358. Piano Kata, Part 1
  1359. Piano Kata, Part 2
  1360. pick a set of first elements
  1361. Pig Sursurunga
  1362. Pillow on the Fridge
  1363. Ping-Pong service problem
  1364. Pinocchio's polygraph.
  1365. Pitches and Notes
  1366. Pizza Payments
  1367. Plants and Zombies
  1368. Play FlappyBird : Advance Bravely
  1369. Play PacMan : Devour all
  1370. Play PingPong : Precise control
  1371. Play Tetris : Shape anastomosis
  1372. Player Contact Manager
  1373. Player Methods - Dungeon crawler #2
  1374. Playing with Sets : Complement
  1375. Playing with Sets : Equal or Not ?
  1376. Playing with Sets : Intersection
  1377. Playing with Sets : Sup/Sub
  1378. Playing with types
  1379. Plenty of Fish in the Pond
  1380. Plus - minus - plus - plus - ... - Count
  1381. Plus - minus - plus - plus - ... - Sum
  1382. Podcast Speed Listening Calculator
  1383. Pokemon Go
  1384. Pokemon Go - Extended Edition
  1385. PokerHelper lvl. 1
  1386. Pole Vault Starting Marks
  1387. Polish alphabet
  1388. Polygon Orientation
  1389. Poor man's spreadsheet API
  1390. Portion of Array
  1391. Possibilities of throwing a coin n times
  1392. Possible Triangles Formed with Available Iron Rods
  1393. Potenciation
  1394. Potion Class 101
  1395. Power
  1396. Power .bind()
  1397. Power 2
  1398. Power Laws
  1399. Powers of 3
  1400. Powers of i
  1401. Practical Interview Prep: Binary Search Tree .push()
  1402. Pre-FizzBuzz Workout #1
  1403. Prefix Permutation
  1404. Presentation order
  1405. Preserve the order !
  1406. Pretty date
  1407. Price is right
  1408. Price of Mangoes
  1409. Prime reduction
  1410. Prime reversion
  1411. Prime Word
  1412. Primes in numbers
  1413. Primitive Pythagorean Triples
  1414. Primorial Of a Number
  1415. Print a Rectangle Using Asterisks
  1416. Print count and numbers
  1417. Print number with character
  1418. PRNG: Linear Congruential Generator
  1419. Process Waterfowl Survey Data Results
  1420. Product ID from URL
  1421. Product of Adjacent Grid Numbers
  1422. Product of consecutive Fib numbers
  1423. Product Of Maximums Of Array (Array Series #2)
  1424. Product of the main diagonal of a square matrix.
  1425. Product-Sum Numbers
  1426. Program a Calculator #1 - Points in 3D Space
  1427. Program a Calculator #2 - 3D Vectors
  1428. Progressive Spiral Number Branch
  1429. Progressive Spiral Number Distance
  1430. Progressive Spiral Number Position
  1431. Promises Made and Broken: The Misadventures of Bob the Highly Paid Consultant
  1432. Protein Synthesis: From DNA to Polypeptide
  1433. Puzzle Fighter
  1434. Pythagorean Triplets
  1435. PythonSlice
  1436. Quadratic Enumerator
  1437. Quantum Bogosort
  1438. Quartile methods
  1439. Queue Battle
  1440. Queue time counter
  1441. Quick (n choose k) calculator
  1442. Quicksum
  1443. Quidditch Scoreboard
  1444. Quipu Calculator
  1445. Random case
  1446. Randomize Objects
  1447. Range function
  1448. Range of Integers in an Unsorted String
  1449. Ranking Appointments
  1450. Ranking System
  1451. Rap-Name Generator
  1452. Ratio of Bouncy Numbers
  1453. Reach Me and Sum my Digits
  1454. React Fun #1: Component types and nesting
  1455. React with JSX
  1456. Read the time
  1457. Readability is King
  1458. Readable developer-friendly large numbers
  1459. Really Complex Sum
  1460. Recurrence by Recursion
  1461. Recursion 101
  1462. Recursion #1 - Factorial
  1463. Recursion #2 - Fibonacci
  1464. Recursion: An introduction
  1465. Recursive Averages
  1466. Recursive Floor Sequence
  1467. Recursive Ninja
  1468. Recursive Ninja: Warlords edition
  1469. Reducing Problems - Bug Fixing #8
  1470. Refactored Greeting
  1471. Regular Expression for Binary Numbers Divisible by n
  1472. Reimplement Multiplication Part 1
  1473. Relatively Prime Numbers
  1474. Remember
  1475. Remove a Specific Element of an Array
  1476. Remove All The Marked Elements of a List
  1477. Remove duplication
  1478. Remove First and Last Character Part Two
  1479. Remove Zeros
  1480. ReOrdering
  1481. Replace Noun Phrases with Pronouns
  1482. Represent array of numbers as ranges
  1483. Retrieve Ether Balance
  1484. Return a sorted list of objects
  1485. Return Specifics from an Object.
  1486. Return String of First Characters
  1487. Return the first M multiples of N
  1488. Return TIMESTAMP from date
  1489. Reverse a Number
  1490. Reverse DNS delegation (RFC4183)
  1491. Reverse every other word in the string
  1492. Reversed Message
  1493. reverseIt
  1494. Reverser
  1495. Reversi row rudiments
  1496. Rithm Series: Frame a Phrase Simple
  1497. Roasting Chicken
  1498. Robbing Rövarspråket
  1499. RoboScript #5 - The Final Obstacle (Implement RSU)
  1500. Robotic Tattoo Removal
  1501. Rock Paper Scissors Oracle
  1502. Roman numerals converter and validator
  1503. Romanize Russian Road Signs
  1504. ROT13 variant cipher
  1505. Rotate Array (JS)
  1506. Rotate Corners
  1507. Rotate matrix counter - clockwise N - times!
  1508. Rotated string
  1509. Rotation Cipher Cracker
  1510. Round by 0.5 steps
  1511. Round to nearest 0 or 5
  1512. Route Calculator
  1513. Routes in a square grid
  1514. Running out of space
  1515. RuplesJS #1: N Times Do
  1516. RuplesJS #2: String Delete
  1517. RuplesJS #3: String EachChar
  1518. RuplesJS #4: String Formatting
  1519. RuplesJS #5: Range
  1520. Russian plurals
  1521. Russian postal code checker
  1522. Saint Petersburg Paradox Model
  1523. Same Birthday Probability
  1524. Santa wish list form in ReactJS
  1525. SantaClausable Interface
  1526. Satisfying numbers
  1527. Save Private Brain
  1528. Scaling Squared Strings
  1529. Scheduling (Round-Robin)
  1530. Scheduling (Shortest Job First or SJF)
  1531. Schrödinger's Boolean
  1532. Scooby Doo Puzzle
  1533. Scrambled Numbers Sorting
  1534. Scraping: Codewars Top 500 Users
  1535. Screen Locking Patterns
  1536. Scrolling Text
  1537. Search and sort names
  1538. search in multidimensional array
  1539. Seating arrangement at a Polyglot Summit
  1540. Secret Agent 101: The secret password
  1541. Secret knock
  1542. Secret Message
  1543. Secret Reverse Language Converter
  1544. See You Next Happy Year
  1545. Seeing Shows at the Edinburgh Fringe!
  1546. Selective Array Reversing
  1547. Selective fear of numbers
  1548. self_converge
  1549. Semi-Optional
  1550. Sentence Calculator
  1551. Sentences with Functions
  1552. Separate The Wheat From The Chaff
  1553. Separating Strings
  1554. Sequence convergence
  1555. Sequence to 1
  1556. Series Forensics
  1557. Set - the card game
  1558. Seventh JSON of a seventh JSON
  1559. Sexy Primes <3
  1560. Shakespearean Tug of War
  1561. Share prices
  1562. Sharpen up
  1563. Shop Inventory Manager
  1564. Shorten Me: Array Declaration III (Fibonacci Last Digit)
  1565. Shorten Me: Array Declaration IV (1-30)
  1566. Shorten Me: Array Declaration IX (Variable Types)
  1567. Shorten Me: Array Declaration V (Weekday & Weekend)
  1568. Shorten Me: Array Declaration VI (Months)
  1569. Shorten Me: Array Declaration VII (Alphabets)
  1570. Shorten Me: Array Declaration VIII (Musical Scales)
  1571. Shorten Me: Array Declaration X (O-I-II)
  1572. Shorten Me: Array Declaration XI (Triangle)
  1573. Shorten Me: Array Declaration XII (Constants)
  1574. Shorten Me: Mad Mathematician's Algorithm VI (Power)
  1575. shorter concat [reverse longer]
  1576. Shortest Code : Are they symmetrical?
  1577. Shortest code : Balance Attraction
  1578. Shortest Code : Eat watermelon
  1579. Shortest Code : Find the murderer
  1580. Shortest Code : Guess the Hat
  1581. Shortest Code : Jumping Dutch act
  1582. Shortest Code : Planting Trees
  1583. Shortest Code : Reading a Book
  1584. Shortest Code : Regular expression compression
  1585. Shortest Code : Remove screws I
  1586. Shortest Code : Special factor
  1587. Shortest code : Tidy up the room
  1588. Shortest Code : Waiting for a Bus
  1589. Shortest code: Bug in Apple
  1590. Shortest Code: Collatz Array(Split or merge)
  1591. Shortest code: Father and Son
  1592. Shortest code: Give me the equation
  1593. Shortest code: Max Value
  1594. Shortest Code: Symmetric Sort
  1595. Shortest Code: Trypophobia
  1596. Shortest code: Virus in Apple
  1597. Shortest Knight Path
  1598. Shortest steps to a number
  1599. Shrink the maze!
  1600. SillyCASE
  1601. Simple division
  1602. Simple arithmetic progression
  1603. Simple array product
  1604. Simple Blackjack
  1605. Simple Change Machine
  1606. Simple Comparison?
  1607. Simple consecutive pairs
  1608. Simple digit code breaker
  1609. Simple directions reversal
  1610. Simple equation reversal
  1611. Simple Events
  1612. Simple eviternity numbers
  1613. Simple fibonacci strings
  1614. Simple fraction to mixed number converter
  1615. Simple frequency sort
  1616. Simple Fun #364: Not Too Random
  1617. Simple Fun #365: Remove Number Game I
  1618. Simple Fun #377: The Visible Posters II
  1619. Simple Interest and Compound Interest
  1620. Simple letter removal
  1621. Simple Maths Test
  1622. Simple max digit sum
  1623. Simple Memory Manager
  1624. Simple missing sum
  1625. Simple nearest prime
  1626. Simple non-decreasing array
  1627. Simple number sequence
  1628. Simple palindrome game
  1629. Simple parenthesis removal
  1630. Simple Physics Problem
  1631. Simple prime streaming
  1632. Simple repeated words
  1633. Simple reversal game
  1634. Simple reversed parenthesis
  1635. Simple rotated palindromes
  1636. Simple Ruby code formatter
  1637. Simple safecracking
  1638. Simple Simple Simple String Expansion
  1639. Simple string characters
  1640. Simple string division
  1641. Simple string division II
  1642. Simple string expansion
  1643. Simple string indices
  1644. Simple string matching
  1645. Simple string reversal
  1646. Simple string reversal II
  1647. Simple Substitution Cipher Helper
  1648. Simple sum of pairs
  1649. Simple template
  1650. Simple Time Bomb
  1651. Simple time difference
  1652. Simple Web Framework #1: Create a basic router
  1653. simpleLog
  1654. Simplify the number!
  1655. Simplifying multilinear polynomials
  1656. Simulating a Multiserver Queue
  1657. Simultaneous Equations - Three Variables
  1658. Single character palindromes
  1659. Single character palindromes II
  1660. Single-Use Tickets: Don't Let Anyone Sneak In!
  1661. Singleton Pattern
  1662. Sir , showMe yourID
  1663. Slamming Lockers
  1664. sliceBits(int, from, count)
  1665. Sliding Puzzle Solver
  1666. Smallest possible sum
  1667. Smart Sum
  1668. Smart Toaster
  1669. Smith number
  1670. SMS Lottery Bet Validator
  1671. SMS Shortener
  1672. Soccer Fixtures Results Table
  1673. Socialist distribution
  1674. Solomon's Quest for the Temporal Crystal
  1675. Solve For X
  1676. solve from sums
  1677. Solve Rubik 's Cube by repetition
  1678. Solving Quadratics
  1679. Some Circles
  1680. Something 's fishy...
  1681. Sort and Transform
  1682. sort array by last character
  1683. Sort it out!
  1684. Sort rectangles and circles by area
  1685. Sort the climbing grades
  1686. Sort the Gift Code
  1687. Sort the Vowels!
  1688. Sorted list
  1689. Sorting Arrays by the Amount of Perfect Squares that Each Element May Generate
  1690. Sorting the Rabbit Hole
  1691. Sorting Time
  1692. Space Invaders Underdog
  1693. Spanish Conjugator
  1694. Spanish Pirates off the Treasure Coast
  1695. Sparse Ruler
  1696. Sparse array split function
  1697. Special Number (Special Numbers Series #5)
  1698. Special Multiples
  1699. Speech to Text - String Manipulation
  1700. SpeedCode #1 - Getters and Setters in Object Literals
  1701. SpeedCode #2 - Array Madness
  1702. SpeedCode #3 × Fun with ES6 Classes #5 - Dogs and Classes
  1703. SpeedCode #4 × Factory Functions #3 - Artefacts
  1704. Spider man and his enemy
  1705. Spidey Swings Across Town
  1706. Spinning Rings
  1707. Split an array
  1708. Split and then add both sides of an array together.
  1709. Split In Parts
  1710. Split string for Text-to-Speech API
  1711. Split The Bill
  1712. Sports league table - help your local team!
  1713. Spraying trees
  1714. Spy Function
  1715. Square sums (simple)
  1716. Squarefree Part of a Number
  1717. Squares sequence
  1718. Stack Safe Recursion
  1719. Stargate SG-1: Cute and Fuzzy (Improved version)
  1720. Statistics - Fundamentals
  1721. Statistics for an Athletic Association
  1722. Steer the Ship
  1723. Steps in k-primes
  1724. Steven's Password Decryption
  1725. Stock Position Size Calculator
  1726. Stone bridge primes
  1727. Stop it, HTML!
  1728. Strange roman numbers
  1729. String array duplicates
  1730. String like [Char]
  1731. String basics
  1732. String Box
  1733. String Breakers
  1734. String character frequency
  1735. String chunks
  1736. String Compression Challenge
  1737. String counting
  1738. String doubles
  1739. String Evaluation
  1740. String formatter
  1741. String Integer Greater-than
  1742. String matchup
  1743. String Merge!
  1744. String reduction
  1745. String Reordering
  1746. String Scramble
  1747. String subpattern recognition I
  1748. String subpattern recognition II
  1749. String subpattern recognition III
  1750. Strings, strings, strings (Easy)
  1751. Strings, strings, strings (Hard)
  1752. Stutter function
  1753. Sub-array division
  1754. Subnet Calculating
  1755. Sum #2
  1756. Sum decomposition
  1757. Sum of (Two) Squares
  1758. Sum of a Sequence [Hard-Core Version]
  1759. Sum of all arguments
  1760. Sum of array singles
  1761. Sum of differences between products and LCMs
  1762. Sum of differences in array
  1763. Sum of integer combinations
  1764. Sum of integers in string
  1765. Sum of prime-indexed elements
  1766. Sum Only Numbers
  1767. Sum The Strings: ARRAY EDITION
  1768. Sum up the random string
  1769. sum2total
  1770. Summarize ranges
  1771. Summy
  1772. Super Class Extensions
  1773. Super Smaaassh Brotheerrrs!
  1774. Superphore Master
  1775. Surface Area and Volume of a Trapezoidal Prism
  1776. Sushi-go-round (Beginner's)
  1777. Swap the head and the tail
  1778. Swap two elements
  1779. Swap two numbers
  1780. Swarm bots - swarm intelligence #1
  1781. Swedish Tipping
  1782. Sweet Dreams are Made of Cheese
  1783. Switch/Case - Bug Fixing #6
  1784. Symbolic differentiation of prefix expressions
  1785. Symbols counted
  1786. Synchonizing records
  1787. T.T.T. #7: Profit or loss
  1788. T.T.T. #8: Reverse all
  1789. T.T.T. #9: Peaks and valleys
  1790. T.T.T.#2: Equal to 24
  1791. T.T.T.#3: Three lifts
  1792. T.T.T.#4: Key of door
  1793. T.T.T.#5: Only you
  1794. T.T.T.#6: nth user
  1795. T.T.T.10: The largest square
  1796. T.T.T.11: Three increasing numbers
  1797. T.T.T.12: Split integer
  1798. T.T.T.13: A game named "Five,Ten,Fifteen,Twenty"
  1799. T.T.T.14: Find the largest "X"
  1800. T.T.T.15: Sort the alarm clock
  1801. T.T.T.16: Warning of
  1802. T.T.T.23: Silly birds
  1803. T.T.T.24: Chinese surname (《百家姓》)
  1804. T.T.T.33: Grandfather clock
  1805. T.T.T.38: The sum of each digits
  1806. T.T.T.40: m to n % 9
  1807. T.T.T.41: The maximum profit
  1808. T.T.T.43: The appellation of the Chinese people's age and his zodiac(中国人的年龄和他的生肖称谓)
  1809. T.T.T.58: Simple face recognition system
  1810. T.T.T.59: The language from the distant planet
  1811. T.T.T.60: Break all the rules
  1812. T.T.T.61: Alien's magic
  1813. Tabs to spaces
  1814. Tail Call Optimization
  1815. Take an Arrow to the knee, Functionally
  1816. Take It or Leave It Interview Strategy
  1817. Take the Derivative
  1818. Takeshi's Castle Spy: Knock Knock
  1819. Talisman Board Game Combat System Checker
  1820. Tank coding #1 : simple AIM systems
  1821. Tap Into Mr. Mxyzinjin's Brain
  1822. Tap Into Mr. Mxyzinjin's Matrix
  1823. Tap Into Mr. Mxyzinjin's Safe
  1824. Tap into Mr. Mxyzinjin's Stream
  1825. Tap Into Mr. Mxyzinjin's Toy Safe
  1826. Tap into Reivhax's robot
  1827. Temp Tracker: Max, Min, Mean and Mode
  1828. Template Strings
  1829. Test for semiprime (Mathematics)
  1830. Test Your Knowledge Of Function Scope
  1831. Test's results
  1832. Testing the Porges hypothesis
  1833. Texas Hold'em Hands
  1834. Text editor feature!
  1835. The 'if' function
  1836. The (nearly) Perfect Mirror
  1837. The 196-algorithm and Lychrel numbers
  1838. The answer to life the universe and everything.
  1839. The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything
  1840. The Arpeggiator
  1841. The average length
  1842. The Baby Years III - First Tooth
  1843. The boolean order
  1844. The common directory path
  1845. The Coupon Code
  1846. The Cube Structure
  1847. The Deca Tree
  1848. The Desperate Rocket Scientist
  1849. The Enigma Machine - Part 1: The Plugboard
  1850. The fusc function -- Part 1
  1851. The fusc function -- Part 2
  1852. The good old olden early years
  1853. the hidden thief
  1854. The Ice Cream Vendors Dilema
  1855. The Ladies of ENIAC
  1856. The largest "mirror"
  1857. The learning game - Machine Learning #1
  1858. The longest bracket substring in the string
  1859. The map and the keys
  1860. The maximum sum value of ranges -- Ultimate version
  1861. The money in the bank
  1862. The most asked question on CodeWars
  1863. The Most Repeated Letter.
  1864. The Most Sacred of Days
  1865. The observed PIN
  1866. The Office II - Boredom Score
  1867. The old switcheroo
  1868. The old switcheroo 2
  1869. The Overlap Time
  1870. The Owls Are Not What They Seem
  1871. The Power of Exponents
  1872. The Prediction
  1873. The Queen Of Hearts Challenge
  1874. The queen on the chessboard
  1875. The rarest pepe
  1876. The Rhinestone Cowboy ~ Count the dollars in his boots!
  1877. The sortReloaded() method
  1878. The Sum and The Rest of Certain Pairs of Numbers have to be Perfect Squares (more Challenging)
  1879. The Supermarket Queue
  1880. The ugly truth about reduce
  1881. The ugly truth about reduce (ii)
  1882. The ugly truth about reduce (iii)
  1883. The Walker
  1884. There are two kinds of people
  1885. They say that only the name is long enough to attract attention. They also said that only a simple Kata will have someone to solve it. This is a sadly story #1: Are they opposite?
  1886. Thinkful - Logic Drills: Red and bumpy
  1887. Thinkful - Number Drills: Blue and red marbles
  1888. Thinkful - Object Drills: Vectors
  1889. Thinking & Testing #38: What's the "?"
  1890. Thinking & Testing : Archery contest
  1891. Thinking & Testing : A happy day will come
  1892. Thinking & Testing : Digital swimming pool
  1893. Thinking & Testing : Falsetto Rap Concert
  1894. Thinking & Testing : From nothingness To nothingness
  1895. Thinking & Testing : Hail and Waterfall
  1896. Thinking & Testing : How many "word"?
  1897. Thinking & Testing : How many blocks?
  1898. Thinking & Testing : I hate big and small
  1899. Thinking & Testing : Incomplete string
  1900. Thinking & Testing : Love Forever
  1901. Thinking & Testing : Math of Middle school
  1902. Thinking & Testing : Math of Primary School
  1903. Thinking & Testing : Nebula or Vortex
  1904. Thinking & Testing : Not perfect? Throw away!
  1905. Thinking & Testing : Operator hidden in a string
  1906. Thinking & Testing : Report about something
  1907. Thinking & Testing : Retention and discard
  1908. Thinking & Testing : Retention and discard II
  1909. Thinking & Testing : Safe position
  1910. Thinking & Testing : Something capitalized
  1911. Thinking & Testing : Spatiotemporal index
  1912. Thinking & Testing : Sport Star
  1913. Thinking & Testing : Substring Magic
  1914. Thinking & Testing : Sum of 15(Hetu Luosliu)
  1915. Thinking & Testing : The repair of parchment
  1916. Thinking & Testing : True or False
  1917. Thinking & Testing : Uniq or not Uniq
  1918. Thinking & Testing : Who are you?
  1919. Thinking & Testing : Wind whispers
  1920. Thinking & Testing: A and B?
  1921. This isn't what you think! The Misadventures of Bob the Highly Paid Consultant #2
  1922. THIS n' THAT
  1923. Three added Characters
  1924. Three Dots--Play game Series #8
  1925. Throw from list - Error Handling #3
  1926. Thue-Morse Sequence
  1927. Tic-Tac-Toe Checker
  1928. Tic-Tac-Toe-like table Generator
  1929. Ticker
  1930. Tidy Number (Special Numbers Series #9)
  1931. Time Conversion: 12s and 24s
  1932. Time Converter: hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds
  1933. Time Degrees
  1934. Time Simulation
  1935. Timers
  1936. To BrainFuck Transpiler
  1937. toHonestlyFixed()
  1938. ToLeetSpeak
  1939. Tom's Allergies
  1940. Tombola - validation
  1941. Total Resistance in a Parallel Circuit
  1942. Touching Rectangles
  1943. Tower Defense: Risk Analysis
  1944. Track the Ball
  1945. Tracking Hits for Different Sum Values for Different Kinds of Dice
  1946. Tracking Sums in a Process
  1947. Train to remove duplicates from an array with filter()
  1948. Training JS #1: create your first JS function and print "Hello World!"
  1949. Training JS #10: loop statement --for
  1950. Training JS #11: loop statement --break,continue
  1951. Training JS #12: loop statement and for..of
  1952. Training JS #13: Number object and its properties
  1953. Training JS #14: Methods of Number object--toString() and toLocaleString()
  1954. Training JS #15: Methods of Number object--toFixed(), toExponential() and toPrecision()
  1955. Training JS #16: Methods of String object--slice(), substring() and substr()
  1956. Training JS #17: Methods of String object--indexOf(), lastIndexOf() and search()
  1957. Training JS #18: Methods of String object--concat() split() and its good friend join()
  1958. Training JS #19: Methods of String object--toUpperCase() toLowerCase() and replace()
  1959. Training JS #2: Basic data types--Number
  1960. Training JS #20: Methods of String object--charAt() charCodeAt() and fromCharCode()
  1961. Training JS #21: Methods of String object--trim() and the string template
  1962. Training JS #22: Unlock new skills--Arrow function,spread operator and deconstruction
  1963. Training JS #23: methods of arrayObject---push(), pop(), shift() and unshift()
  1964. Training JS #24: methods of arrayObject---splice() and slice()
  1965. Training JS #25: methods of arrayObject---reverse() and sort()
  1966. Training JS #26: methods of arrayObject---map()
  1967. Training JS #27: methods of arrayObject---filter()
  1968. Training JS #28: methods of arrayObject---every() and some()
  1969. Training JS #29: methods of arrayObject---concat() and join()
  1970. Training JS #3: Basic data types--String
  1971. Training JS #30: methods of arrayObject---reduce() and reduceRight()
  1972. Training JS #31: methods of arrayObject---isArray() indexOf() and toString()
  1973. Training JS #32: methods of Math---round() ceil() and floor()
  1974. Training JS #33: methods of Math---max() min() and abs()
  1975. Training JS #35: methods of Math---log() and its family
  1976. Training JS #36: methods of Math---kata author's lover:random()
  1977. Training JS #37: Unlock new weapon---RegExp Object
  1978. Training JS #38: Regular Expression--"^","$", "." and test()
  1979. Training JS #39: Regular Expression--"?", "*", "+" and "{}"
  1980. Training JS #4: Basic data types--Array
  1981. Training JS #40: Regular Expression--"|", "[]" and "()"
  1982. Training JS #41: Regular Expression--""
  1983. Training JS #42: Regular Expression--( ?: ), ( ?= ) and ( ?! )
  1984. Training JS #5: Basic data types--Object
  1985. Training JS #6: Basic data types--Boolean and conditional statements if..else
  1986. Training JS #7: if..else and ternary operator
  1987. Training JS #8: Conditional statement--switch
  1988. Training JS #9: loop statement --while and do..while
  1989. Training Random Testcases #2: Palindrome string
  1990. Tram Capacity
  1991. Transform To Prime
  1992. Transforming Maze Solver
  1993. Translate DNA in 6 frames
  1994. Transpose of a Matrix
  1995. Traverse array elements diagonally
  1996. Treasure Box
  1997. Tree Depth
  1998. Tree Directory
  1999. Triangle Line Task: Fizz Buzz
  2000. Triangle of Multiples (Easy One)
  2001. Triangular matrices.
  2002. Tribonacci Sequence
  2003. Triple Shiftian Numbers
  2004. Triple trouble
  2005. Troll Mystery Encoding
  2006. Truck driving time(Level I)
  2007. Trucks Driver Time.
  2008. True Addition
  2009. True Min
  2010. Trumpness detector
  2011. Truncate a string!
  2012. Tube strike options calculator
  2013. Turn any word into a beef taco
  2014. TV channels
  2015. Twice Their Age
  2016. Two arrays -- Zero rows and zero columns
  2017. Two cube sums
  2018. Two's complement
  2019. Two's Complement
  2020. Type of sum
  2021. Typoglycemia Generator
  2022. UN-usual Sort
  2023. Unary function chainer
  2024. Understanding closures - the basics
  2025. Unicode Madness: 東方名確認 ~ Eastern Title Validator.
  2026. UniDecoder
  2027. Union of Intervals
  2028. Unique digits sequence
  2029. Unique string characters
  2030. Unique Sum
  2031. uniquePush - No Dupes!
  2032. Unit-Test Inception
  2033. Unix command line ls -l extract the file type.
  2034. Unlucky Days
  2035. Unpacking Arguments
  2036. Unsecure login - Hack this code #1
  2037. Unshackle the Beast (uncontrolled components in ReactJS)
  2038. up AND down
  2039. upperCasePlace()
  2040. Upside down numbers
  2041. Upside-Down Numbers - Challenge Edition
  2042. Upside-Down Pyramid Addition...REVERSED!
  2043. Upstream/Downstream
  2044. Upturn Numeral Triangle
  2045. Urban Dictionary
  2046. URI codec (encode/decode)
  2047. UriBuilder
  2048. UVB-76 Message Validator
  2049. Valid Curly Braces (Code Golf)
  2050. Valid GB number plate?
  2051. Valid HK Phone Number
  2052. Vending Machine
  2053. Vertical symmetry on coordinate plane
  2054. Visa application centre
  2055. Visible Dots On a Die
  2056. Volume of a Cuboid
  2057. Vowel Alternations
  2058. Vowel one
  2059. Vowel Shifting
  2060. Vowel-consonant lexicon
  2061. Walk-up Stairs
  2062. Walter's miraculous FizzBuzz factory
  2063. Warm Up for Speed.
  2064. Warrior's adventure
  2065. Waving the Stream
  2066. We are Family
  2067. We are the Robots d[(0)(0)]b
  2068. We need these data immediately!
  2069. Weight of its Contents
  2070. Weighted Grading System
  2071. Weird Factory
  2072. Welcome to Economics! #1 Consumer Price Index
  2073. Welcome to Economics! #2 Economic Surplus
  2074. What Happened To My Object?
  2075. What happened to the vowels?
  2076. What The Biggest Search Keys?
  2077. What's a Perfect Power anyway?
  2078. What's in a name?
  2079. What's the pattern?
  2080. What’s the degree?
  2081. When's my birthday ?
  2082. When's the next train to Brighton?
  2083. Where did my Ether go?
  2084. Where do they meet?
  2085. Which are in?
  2086. Which Gas Station should I pick?
  2087. Whitespace Interpreter
  2088. Who ate the cookie?
  2089. Who can still win the Formula One World Championship?
  2090. Who is going to pay for the wall?
  2091. Who wins the card game?
  2092. Whole of Names
  2093. Whose bicycle?
  2094. Word Challenges at School
  2095. Word Finder
  2096. Word Segmentation: MaxMatch
  2097. Wordify an integer
  2098. Wordsearch
  2099. WordSquare
  2100. Working With Coloured Numbers
  2101. Working With Coloured Numbers II
  2102. Working with Dictionaries
  2103. World Bits War
  2104. World Rally Championship
  2105. Wrapped Function
  2106. Write a function to sort a given string into alphabetical order
  2107. Write a letter to your friend (给远方的朋友写封信)
  2108. Write out numbers
  2109. X marks the spot!
  2110. X plus Y Card problem
  2111. xml to object - xml #1
  2112. XOR string reduction
  2113. YaCG: #1 Yet another Card Kata !
  2114. YaCG: #2 One Trick, One Taker.
  2115. YaCG: #3 "no elephant were harmed..."
  2116. Yes No Yes No
  2117. You are a Cube!
  2118. You Can't Code Under Pressure #2
  2119. You're not my type
  2120. Your Ride Is Here
  2121. Zebulan's Nightmare
  2122. Zero fill... for the Queen!
  2123. zero-balanced Array
  2124. Zeros and Ones
  2125. Ziggurat Ride of Fortune