List of Agda Kata to Update - codewars/content-issues GitHub Wiki
Agda 2.6.2 was added, the following are not compatible:
- A map from a truncated set to a set
- A special set of matrices with unique representation
- Cardinality of N and N x N
- Coinduction Proof Principle
- Exploring ways to evaluate and compile a trivial language
- Factorial divisibility a.k.a. binomial coefficient
- Finally tagless interpreter
- Heterogeneous Equality on sized vectors
- I~ transport lemmas so right, proving the wrong thing
- Inductive types are initial algebras
- Join until impossible
- Just Be Injective
- Kacarott's path factorization
- Left, left! Right, right! Comp! Symmetric! Q!E!D!
- Maybe Injective
- Modular operations on Finite data type
- Pattern in the mirror and bisimulation for real
- Program Verification #7: Longest Common Subsequence
- Reach the size that lies across this new divide
- Remember all the guardedness and termination, and let it sized
- Simply typed lambda calculus type checker
- String formatting, type-safely
- Two paths in the forest
- Typeclass is garbage
- Uneval your Agda expression
- Verified list maximum
- Verified maximum subarray sum
- W-types