Using UIAlertView - codepath/ios_guides GitHub Wiki
NOTE UIAlertView has been deprecated since iOS 8. Use Using UIAlertController instead.
Step 1: Create the UIAlertView
Create and show the alertView as below. Title, message, delegate, cancelButtonTitle, otherButtonTitles are all optional.
var alertView = UIAlertView(title: "Title", message: "Message", delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle: "OK", otherButtonTitles: "Option 1", "Option 2")
If you don't have any otherButtonTitles, you should omit the parameter, as below.
var alertView = UIAlertView(title: "Title", message: "Message", delegate: self, cancelButtonTitle: "OK")
Step 2: Determining which button was tapped
Set your view controller to be a UIAlertViewDelegate
class MyViewController: UIViewController, UIAlertViewDelegate {
Implement the UIAlertView event method, as shown below.
func alertView(alertView: UIAlertView!, clickedButtonAtIndex buttonIndex: Int) {
// buttonIndex is 0 for Cancel
// buttonIndex ranges from 1-n for the other buttons.
Other Tasks
Dismissing the UIAlertView
Sometimes, you may want to dismiss an alert view programatically before a user dismisses it by tapping a button.
alertView.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(0, animated: true)