Meetings and why we have them - codemagic-ci-cd/company-handbook GitHub Wiki
Meetings are a double-edged sword. If you're not careful it can easily do more harm than good.
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Meetings vs written communication
The preferred way of communication is always written and public. However, there are several cases where meetings are really important.
All-hands meetings
We are a remote team and people need to feel like they are part of a team. When asked what do you like about all-hands the most common thing people say is that they like seeing their colleagues and feeling part of a team.
This is very important and a big reason why we have all-hands every 2 weeks. That said all-hands meetings are quite expensive since everyone joins in for 30-45 minutes.
During all-hands, we have several opportunities to show one of our very important values: transparency matters!
During all-hands, we can bring people together and tell them how it is. What are trying to do as a company, what are we struggling with, what do our finances look like, and what plans do we have, to hold ourselves accountable, and celebrate our victories and people?