Upgrade RabbitMQ - codalab/codabench GitHub Wiki

This intervention is needed when upgrading from a version equal or lower than v1.0.0

Backup RabbitMQ settings

Go to http://<instance_ip>:<rabbitmq_admin_port>/api/definitions and save the response (enter login and password as configured in .env)

For example:


Do not submit any submission and wait until all submissions are processed

Stop and remove RabbitMQ's container and data

docker compose stop rabbit && docker compose rm rabbit
sudo rm -rvf var/rabbit/*

Switch to the latest RabbitMQ version

Add WORKER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=<your timeout value> into your .env file with your custom value. Then execute:

git pull
docker compose build rabbit
docker compose up -d

Restore the backup settings

Connect to the instance by ssh and upload your json file at 1st step, execute :

curl -u <login>:<password> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -T <your definitions file>.json http://localhost:<rabbit_admin_port>/api/definitions

You can check if it succeeded by doing the 1st step.

Verify if your submission can be processed.

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