jpeg xl header magic bytes - cocoon/jxl.Net GitHub Wiki

JPEG-XL Header Magic Bytes


There are 3 (or more) different types of jpeg-xl headers:

  • JPEG XL container / JPEG lossless transcode (00 00 00 0C 4A 58 4C)
  • Unknown box (00 00 00 18 75 6E 6B 6E)


Result of:
cjxl.exe example.png example.jxl


Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000000  FF 0A F2 18 68 40 80 95 08 08 10 00 25 20 00 00  ÿ.ò.h@€•....% ..

JPEG XL container / JPEG lossless transcode (00 00 00 0C 4A 58 4C)

Result of:
cjxl.exe example.jpg example.jxl


Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000000  00 00 00 0C 4A 58 4C 20 0D 0A 87 0A 00 00 00 14  ....JXL ..‡.....

Unknown box (00 00 00 18 75 6E 6B 6E)


Offset(h) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
00000000  00 00 00 18 75 6E 6B 6E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....unkn........

Code snippets TEST(DecodeTest, JxlSignatureCheckTest)

TEST(DecodeTest, JxlSignatureCheckTest) {
  std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<uint8_t>>> tests = {
      // No JPEGXL header starts with 'a'.
      {JXL_SIG_INVALID, {'a'}},
      {JXL_SIG_INVALID, {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}},

      // Empty file is not enough bytes.

      // JPEGXL headers.
      {JXL_SIG_NOT_ENOUGH_BYTES, {0xff}},  // Part of a signature.
      {JXL_SIG_INVALID, {0xff, 0xD8}},     // JPEG-1
      {JXL_SIG_CODESTREAM, {0xff, 0x0a}},

      // JPEGXL container file.
       {0, 0, 0, 0xc, 'J', 'X', 'L', ' ', 0xD, 0xA, 0x87, 0xA}},
      // Ending with invalid byte.
      {JXL_SIG_INVALID, {0, 0, 0, 0xc, 'J', 'X', 'L', ' ', 0xD, 0xA, 0x87, 0}},
      // Part of signature.
       {0, 0, 0, 0xc, 'J', 'X', 'L', ' ', 0xD, 0xA, 0x87}},
  for (const auto& test : tests) {
              JxlSignatureCheck(, test.second.size()))
        << "Where test data is " << ::testing::PrintToString(test.second);

  if (add_container != kCSBF_None) {
    // Header with signature box and ftyp box.
    const uint8_t header[] = {0,    0,    0,    0xc,  0x4a, 0x58, 0x4c, 0x20,
                              0xd,  0xa,  0x87, 0xa,  0,    0,    0,    0x14,
                              0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x6a, 0x78, 0x6c, 0x20,
                              0,    0,    0,    0,    0x6a, 0x78, 0x6c, 0x20};
    // Unknown box, could be a box added by user, decoder must be able to skip
    // over it. Type is set to 'unkn', size to 24, contents to 16 0's.
    const uint8_t unknown[] = {0, 0, 0, 0x18, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x6b, 0x6e,
                               0, 0, 0, 0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
                               0, 0, 0, 0,    0,    0,    0,    0};
    // same as the unknown box, but with size set to 0, this can only be a final
    // box
    const uint8_t unknown_end[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0x75, 0x6e, 0x6b, 0x6e,
                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0,    0,    0,
                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0,    0,    0}; ReadSignature

JxlSignature ReadSignature(const uint8_t* buf, size_t len, size_t* pos) {
  if (*pos >= len) return JXL_SIG_NOT_ENOUGH_BYTES;

  buf += *pos;
  len -= *pos;

  // JPEG XL codestream: 0xff 0x0a
  if (len >= 1 && buf[0] == 0xff) {
    if (len < 2) {
    } else if (buf[1] == jxl::kCodestreamMarker) {
      *pos += 2;
      return JXL_SIG_CODESTREAM;
    } else {
      return JXL_SIG_INVALID;

  // JPEG XL container
  if (len >= 1 && buf[0] == 0) {
    if (len < 12) {
    } else if (buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 0 && buf[3] == 0xC && buf[4] == 'J' &&
               buf[5] == 'X' && buf[6] == 'L' && buf[7] == ' ' &&
               buf[8] == 0xD && buf[9] == 0xA && buf[10] == 0x87 &&
               buf[11] == 0xA) {
      *pos += 12;
      return JXL_SIG_CONTAINER;
    } else {
      return JXL_SIG_INVALID;


Decoder process JxlDecoderProcessInput

JxlDecoderStatus JxlDecoderProcessInput(JxlDecoder* dec) {
  const uint8_t** next_in = &dec->next_in;
  size_t* avail_in = &dec->avail_in;
  if (dec->stage == DecoderStage::kInited) {
    dec->stage = DecoderStage::kStarted;
  if (dec->stage == DecoderStage::kError) {
    return JXL_API_ERROR(
        "Cannot keep using decoder after it encountered an error, use "
        "JxlDecoderReset to reset it");
  if (dec->stage == DecoderStage::kFinished) {
    return JXL_API_ERROR(
        "Cannot keep using decoder after it finished, use JxlDecoderReset to "
        "reset it");

  if (!dec->got_signature) {
    JxlSignature sig = JxlSignatureCheck(*next_in, *avail_in);
    if (sig == JXL_SIG_INVALID) return JXL_API_ERROR("invalid signature");

    dec->got_signature = true;

    if (sig == JXL_SIG_CONTAINER) {
      dec->have_container = 1;

  // Available codestream bytes, may differ from *avail_in if there is another
  // box behind the current position, in the dec->have_container case.
  size_t csize = *avail_in;

  if (dec->have_container) {
    Process bytes as follows:
    *) find the box(es) containing the codestream
    *) support codestream split over multiple partial boxes
    *) avoid copying bytes to the codestream vector if the decoding will be
     one-shot, when the user already provided everything contiguously in
    *) copy to codestream vector, and update next_in so user can delete the data
    on their side, once we know it's not oneshot. This relieves the user from
    continuing to store the data.
    *) also copy to codestream if one-shot but the codestream is split across
    multiple boxes: this copying can be avoided in the future if the C++
    decoder is updated for streaming, but for now it requires all consecutive
    data at once.

    if (dec->first_codestream_seen && !dec->last_codestream_seen &&
        dec->codestream_end != 0 && dec->file_pos < dec->codestream_end &&
        dec->file_pos + *avail_in >= dec->codestream_end &&
        !dec->codestream.empty()) {
      // dec->file_pos in a codestream, not in surrounding box format bytes, but
      // the end of the current codestream part is in the current input, and
      // boxes that can contain a next part of the codestream could be present.
      // Therefore, store the known codestream part, and ensure processing of
      // boxes below will trigger. This is only done if
      // !dec->codestream.empty(), that is, we're already streaming.

      // Size of the codestream, excluding potential boxes that come after it.
      csize = *avail_in;
      if (dec->codestream_end && csize > dec->codestream_end - dec->file_pos) {
        csize = dec->codestream_end - dec->file_pos;
      dec->codestream.insert(dec->codestream.end(), *next_in, *next_in + csize);
      dec->file_pos += csize;
      *next_in += csize;
      *avail_in -= csize;

    if (dec->inside_jpeg_reconstruction_box) {
      // We are inside a JPEG reconstruction box.
      JxlDecoderStatus recon_result =
          JxlDecoderProcessJPEGReconstruction(dec, next_in, avail_in);
      if (recon_result == JXL_DEC_JPEG_RECONSTRUCTION) {
        // If successful JPEG reconstruction, return the success if the user
        // cares about it, otherwise continue.
        if (dec->events_wanted & recon_result) {
          dec->events_wanted &= ~recon_result;
          return recon_result;
      } else {
        // If anything else, return the result.
        return recon_result;

    if (!dec->last_codestream_seen &&
        (dec->codestream_begin == 0 ||
         (dec->codestream_end != 0 && dec->file_pos >= dec->codestream_end))) {
      size_t pos = 0;
      // after this for loop, either we should be in a part of the data that is
      // codestream (not boxes), or have returned that we need more input.
      for (;;) {
        const uint8_t* in = *next_in;
        size_t size = *avail_in;
        if (size == 0) {
          // If the remaining size is 0, we are exactly after a full box. We
          // can't know for sure if this is the last box or not since more bytes
          // can follow, but do not return NEED_MORE_INPUT, instead break and
          // let the codestream-handling code determine if we need more.
        if (OutOfBounds(pos, 8, size)) {
          dec->basic_info_size_hint =
              InitialBasicInfoSizeHint() + pos + 8 - dec->file_pos;
          return JXL_DEC_NEED_MORE_INPUT;
        size_t box_start = pos;
        uint64_t box_size = LoadBE32(in + pos);
        char type[5] = {0};
        memcpy(type, in + pos + 4, 4);
        pos += 8;
        if (box_size == 1) {
          if (OutOfBounds(pos, 8, size)) return JXL_DEC_NEED_MORE_INPUT;
          box_size = LoadBE64(in + pos);
          pos += 8;
        size_t header_size = pos - box_start;
        if (box_size > 0 && box_size < header_size) {
          return JXL_API_ERROR("invalid box size");
        size_t avail_contents_size =
            (box_size == 0)
                ? (size - pos)
                : std::min<size_t>(size - pos, box_size - pos + box_start);
        size_t contents_size =
            (box_size == 0) ? 0 : (box_size - pos + box_start);
        // TODO(lode): support the case where the header is split across
        // multiple codestream boxes
        if (strcmp(type, "jxlc") == 0 || strcmp(type, "jxlp") == 0) {
          // A JXL container file either has exactly one "jxlc" box with the
          // full codestream, or has one or more "jxlp" boxes with parts of the
          // codestream, but never both. So we only know for sure that it's the
          // last codestream box if either it was the only one (jxlc), or it
          // was one with unlimited size (box_size == 0), which can only happen
          // to the last box in the entire container file. However, it is
          // possible that the last jxlp box is not the last box of the
          // container or does not use box_size == 0, in that case it can happen
          // that last_codestream is false even though it is the last
          // codestream. This does not cause issues, it may affect decisions for
          // copying or not copying user input however.
          bool last_codestream = (strcmp(type, "jxlc") == 0) || (box_size == 0);
          dec->first_codestream_seen = true;
          if (last_codestream) dec->last_codestream_seen = true;
          if (dec->codestream_begin != 0 && dec->codestream.empty()) {
            // We've already seen a codestream part, so it's a stream spanning
            // multiple boxes.
            // We have no choice but to copy contents to the codestream
            // vector to make it a contiguous stream for the C++ decoder.
            // This appends the previous codestream box that we had seen to
            // dec->codestream.
            if (dec->codestream_begin < dec->file_pos) {
              return JXL_API_ERROR("earlier codestream box out of range");
            size_t begin = dec->codestream_begin - dec->file_pos;
            size_t end = dec->codestream_end - dec->file_pos;
            dec->codestream.insert(dec->codestream.end(), *next_in + begin,
                                   *next_in + end);
          dec->codestream_begin = dec->file_pos + pos;
          dec->codestream_end =
              (box_size == 0) ? 0 : (dec->codestream_begin + contents_size);
          // If already appending codestream, append what we have here too
          if (!dec->codestream.empty()) {
            size_t begin = pos;
            size_t end =
                std::min<size_t>(*avail_in, begin + avail_contents_size);
            dec->codestream.insert(dec->codestream.end(), *next_in + begin,
                                   *next_in + end);
            pos += (end - begin);
            dec->file_pos += pos;
            *next_in += pos;
            *avail_in -= pos;
            pos = 0;
            // TODO(lode): check if this should break always instead, and
            // process what we have of the codestream so far, to support
            // progressive decoding, and get events such as basic info faster.
            // The user could have given 1.5 boxes here, and the first one could
            // contain useful parts of codestream that can already be processed.
            // Similar to several other exact avail_size checks. This may not
            // need to be changed here, but instead at the point in this for
            // loop where it returns "NEED_MORE_INPUT", it could instead break
            // and allow decoding what we have of the codestream so far.
            if (*avail_in == 0) break;
          } else {
            // skip only the header, so next_in points to the start of this new
            // codestream part, for the one-shot case where user data is not
            // (yet) copied to dec->codestream.
            dec->file_pos += pos;
            *next_in += pos;
            *avail_in -= pos;
            pos = 0;
            // Update pos to be after the box contents with codestream
            if (avail_contents_size == *avail_in) {
              break;  // the rest is codestream, this loop is done
            pos += avail_contents_size;
        } else if (strcmp(type, "jbrd") == 0) {
          // This is a JPEG reconstruction metadata box.
          // A new box implies that we clear the buffer.
          dec->inside_jpeg_reconstruction_box = true;
          if (box_size == 0) {
            dec->jpeg_reconstruction_box_until_eof = true;
          } else {
            dec->jpeg_reconstruction_size = contents_size;
          *next_in += pos;
          *avail_in -= pos;
          JxlDecoderStatus recon_result =
              JxlDecoderProcessJPEGReconstruction(dec, next_in, avail_in);
          pos = 0;
          if (recon_result == JXL_DEC_JPEG_RECONSTRUCTION) {
            // If successful JPEG reconstruction, return the success if the user
            // cares about it, otherwise continue.
            if (dec->events_wanted & recon_result) {
              dec->events_wanted &= ~recon_result;
              return recon_result;
          } else {
            // If anything else, return the result.
            return recon_result;
        } else {
          if (box_size == 0) {
            // Final box with unknown size, but it's not a codestream box, so
            // nothing more to do.
            if (!dec->first_codestream_seen) {
              return JXL_API_ERROR("didn't find any codestream box");
          if (OutOfBounds(pos, contents_size, size)) {
            // Indicate how many more bytes needed starting from *next_in.
            dec->basic_info_size_hint = InitialBasicInfoSizeHint() + pos +
                                        contents_size - dec->file_pos;
            return JXL_DEC_NEED_MORE_INPUT;
          pos += contents_size;
          if (!(dec->codestream.empty() && dec->first_codestream_seen)) {
            // Last box no longer needed, remove from input.
            dec->file_pos += pos;
            *next_in += pos;
            *avail_in -= pos;
            pos = 0;

    // Size of the codestream, excluding potential boxes that come after it.
    csize = *avail_in;
    if (dec->codestream_end && csize > dec->codestream_end - dec->file_pos) {
      csize = dec->codestream_end - dec->file_pos;

  // Whether we are taking the input directly from the user (oneshot case,
  // without copying bytes), or appending parts of input to dec->codestream
  // (streaming)
  bool detected_streaming = !dec->codestream.empty();
  JxlDecoderStatus result;

  if (detected_streaming) {
    dec->codestream.insert(dec->codestream.end(), *next_in, *next_in + csize);
    dec->file_pos += csize;
    *next_in += csize;
    *avail_in -= csize;
    result = jxl::JxlDecoderProcessInternal(dec, dec->,
  } else {
    // No data copied to codestream buffer yet, the user input may contain the
    // full codestream.
    result = jxl::JxlDecoderProcessInternal(dec, *next_in, *avail_in);
    // Copy the user's input bytes to the codestream once we are able to and
    // it is needed. Before we got the basic info, we're still parsing the box
    // format instead. If the result is not JXL_DEC_NEED_MORE_INPUT, then
    // there is no reason yet to copy since the user may have a full buffer
    // allowing one-shot. Once JXL_DEC_NEED_MORE_INPUT occured at least once,
    // start copying over the codestream bytes and allow user to free them
    // instead. Next call, detected_streaming will be true.
    if (dec->got_basic_info && result == JXL_DEC_NEED_MORE_INPUT) {
      dec->codestream.insert(dec->codestream.end(), *next_in, *next_in + csize);
      dec->file_pos += csize;
      *next_in += csize;
      *avail_in -= csize;

  return result;
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️