777. Swap Adjacent in LR String - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
777. Swap Adjacent in LR String
Thinking process:
- start.replace('X', '') != end.replace('X', '') ensures L and R align in sequence and count in the 2 strings
- now we want to insert X properly such that start can transform to end
- when inserting a X to left of L in start, then a X should be inserted to right of the matching L in end
- when inserting a X to right of R in start, then a X should be inserted to left of the matching R in end
- 3: len(start) == len(end) so equal length of X are inserted into start and end
class Solution:
def canTransform(self, start: str, end: str) -> bool:
# if can transform, then string with X removed should be same
# this ensures L and R align in sequence and count
# "RXR" -> "XXR"
if start.replace('X', '') != end.replace('X', ''):
return False
i, j = 0, 0
n = len(start)
# ensure L and R adheres to the movement constraints
# L can only move left and R can only move right
while i < n and j < n:
while i < n and start[i] == 'X':
i += 1
while j < n and end[j] == 'X':
j += 1
if i == n and j == n:
return True
if i == n or j == n:
return False
if start[i] != end[j]:
return False
# RXX -> XRX -> XXR
if start[i] == 'R' and i > j:
return False
# XXL -> XLX -> LXX
if start[i] == 'L' and i < j:
return False
i += 1
j += 1
# we reach here only if at least one string has been processed
# as we have validated the 2 strings has L and R align in sequence and count, this means we have processed all L and R in the other string
# there could be extra X in the other string, but string1 and string2 have equal length so there is at most one extra R in the other string
return True