708. Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
708. Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List
- case 1: empty list
- case 2: single node list
- case 3: list has distinct min and max
- case 3.1: cur.val <= insertVal <= cur.next.val
- case 3.2: cur.val > cur.next.val (wrap-around point between max and min)
- 3.2.1: insertVal >= cur.val
- 3.2.2: insertVal <= cur.next.val
- case 4: list has identical min and max -> constant value list
- can insert anywhere
Main challenges are
- come up with diverse test cases
- write concise solution that works for all test cases
// Test case 1: insert(null, 1)
// Test case 2: insert(1->null, 0)
// Test case 3: insert(1->null, 1)
// Test case 4: insert(1->null, 2)
// Test case 5: insert(1->1->1->null, 0)
// Test case 6: insert(1->1->1->null, 1)
// Test case 7: insert(1->1->1->null, 2)
// Test case 8: insert(1->1->3->3->null, 0)
// Test case 9: insert(1->1->3->3->null, 1)
// Test case 10: insert(1->1->3->3->null, 2)
// Test case 11: insert(1->1->3->3->null, 3)
class Solution:
def insert(self, head: 'Optional[Node]', insertVal: int) -> 'Node':
insert_node = Node(insertVal)
if not head:
insert_node.next = insert_node
return insert_node
cur = head
while True:
# case 1: low -> insertVal -> high
if cur.val <= insertVal <= cur.next.val:
# case 2: max -> insertVal -> min
elif cur.val > cur.next.val and (insertVal >= cur.val or insertVal <= cur.next.val):
cur = cur.next
# case 3: loop back so list with uniform value
# special case: single element points to itself
if cur == head:
insert_node.next = cur.next
cur.next = insert_node
return head