636. Exclusive Time of Functions - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
636. Exclusive Time of Functions
when there is an end event, first pair it with the start event of same function id in stack. if stack is still not empty, it means current function is called inside another function. so the time spent on current function should be excluded from the parent function
- how to deduct the current duration from parent function?
- option 1: update parent function timestamp in stack: if parent function is within another function, this could impact the calculation of the grandparent function
- option 2: update function_time for parent function: no side effect
class Solution:
def exclusiveTime(self, n: int, logs: List[str]) -> List[int]:
function_time = [0] * n
stack = []
for log in logs:
tokens = log.split(':')
function_id = int(tokens[0])
function_type = tokens[1]
timestamp = int(tokens[2])
if function_type == 'start':
stack.append((function_id, timestamp))
_, start_timestamp = stack.pop()
duration = timestamp - start_timestamp + 1
function_time[function_id] += duration
if stack:
parent_function_id = stack[-1][0]
function_time[parent_function_id] -= duration
return function_time
stack[-1] is always the active function even if there are recursion calls
class Solution:
def exclusiveTime(self, n: int, logs: List[str]) -> List[int]:
time = [0] * n
stack = []
start_time = 0 # start time of the active function
for log in logs:
function_id, state, timestamp = log.split(':')
function_id = int(function_id)
timestamp = int(timestamp)
if state == 'start':
if stack:
time[stack[-1]] += timestamp - start_time
start_time = timestamp
time[function_id] += timestamp + 1 - start_time
start_time = timestamp + 1
return time