621. Task Scheduler - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
Option 1 (Preferred)
Thinking process:
Given A, B, A, B, C, A, A, B, B
the max possible idle slots is (freq_max - 1) * n: A, _, _, A, _, _, A, _, _, A
Those idle slots can be filled by B. We can put min(freq_A-1, freq_B): A, B, _, A, B, _, A, B, _, A, B
* where does `freq_A-1` come from? When freq_A == freq_B, only freq_B-1 Bs will be put into those slots and the last B will be put behind the last A
The remaining idle slots can be filled by C: A, B, C, A, B, _, A, B, _, A, B
T = O(1) as there are at most 26 elements to deal with
class Solution:
def leastInterval(self, tasks: List[str], n: int) -> int:
freqs = [0] * 26
for task in tasks:
index = ord(task) - ord('A')
freqs[index] += 1
frequ_max = freqs.pop()
idle_unit = (frequ_max-1) * n
while freqs:
idle_unit -= min(frequ_max-1, freqs.pop())
if idle_unit < 0:
idle_unit = 0
return idle_unit + len(tasks)
Option 2:
class Solution:
def leastInterval(self, tasks: List[str], n: int) -> int:
earliest_schedule = {task: 0 for task in tasks}
def getCandidateTasks(cur_time):
res = []
for t in earliest_schedule:
if earliest_schedule[t] <= cur_time:
return res
unit = 0
counters = collections.Counter(tasks)
completed_task_count = 0
while completed_task_count < len(tasks):
candidates = getCandidateTasks(unit)
if candidates:
pick = ''
pick_count = 0
for candidate in candidates:
if counters[candidate] > pick_count:
pick_count = counters[candidate]
pick = candidate
counters[pick] -= 1
completed_task_count += 1
if counters[pick] == 0:
del counters[pick]
del earliest_schedule[pick]
earliest_schedule[pick] = unit + 1 + n
unit += 1
return unit