423. Reconstruct Original Digits from English - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
423. Reconstruct Original Digits from English
- find out the rule: eg some char is only used by single digit
- how to implement in well-structured code
class Solution:
def originalDigits(self, s: str) -> str:
counter = collections.Counter(s)
freq = [0] * 10
freq[0] = counter['z']
freq[2] = counter['w']
freq[4] = counter['u']
freq[6] = counter['x']
freq[8] = counter['g']
freq[3] = counter['h'] - freq[8]
freq[5] = counter['f'] - freq[4]
freq[7] = counter['s'] - freq[6]
freq[9] = counter['i'] - freq[5] - freq[6] - freq[8]
freq[1] = counter['n'] - freq[7] - 2 * freq[9]
res = []
for i in range(10):
for j in range(freq[i]):
return ''.join(res)