305. Number of Islands II - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
Notes 2021:
- 每次添加一个land, count += 1
- 每次合并两个land, count -= 1
- find不影响count
注意duplicated operation
使用path compression + union by weight后,时间复杂度是O(M * log N) where M is number of operations (eg, union, find) and N is number of nodes in UF. In this case, M == K and N == K where K is len(positions)
class UnionFind:
def __init__(self):
self.parent = {}
self.size = {}
self.count = 0
def find(self, i):
while i != self.parent[i]:
i = self.parent[self.parent[i]]
return i
def add(self, i):
self.parent[i] = i
self.size[i] = 1
self.count += 1
def union(self, i, j):
root1 = self.find(i)
root2 = self.find(j)
if root1 != root2:
sz1, sz2 = self.size[root1], self.size[root2]
if sz1 < sz2:
self.parent[root1] = root2
self.size[root2] = sz1 + sz2
self.parent[root2] = root1
self.size[root1] = sz1 + sz2
self.count -= 1
def getGroupSize(self):
return self.count
class Solution:
def numIslands2(self, m: int, n: int, positions: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
DIRS = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
lands = set()
uf = UnionFind()
res = []
for position in map(tuple, positions):
if position not in lands:
for dr, dc in DIRS:
newPosition = (position[0]+dr, position[1]+dc)
if newPosition in lands:
uf.union(position, newPosition)
return res
tips: unordered_set is not available for pair<int, int> because hash function for pair is not available
there are k connect()
operations, and at most m * n elements in the UnionFind, where k is the length of positions
. Regardless of initialization of UnionFind
, time complexity is O(k log*(m*n))
class Solution {
class UnionFind {
int num;
UnionFind(int n) {
num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
bool connected(int i, int j) {
return root(i) == root(j);
void connect(int i, int j) {
int p = root(i);
int q = root(j);
if (p == q) {
if (sz[p] < sz[q]) {
parent[p] = q;
sz[q] += sz[p];
} else {
parent[q] = p;
sz[p] += q;
vector<int> parent;
vector<int> sz;
int root(int i) {
while (i != parent[i]) {
parent[i] = parent[parent[i]];
i = parent[i];
return i;
vector<int> numIslands2(int m, int n, vector<pair<int, int>>& positions) {
vector<int> res;
UnionFind uf(m * n);
unordered_set<int> st;
const vector<pair<int, int>> offsets{{-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}};
for (auto position : positions) {
int pos1 = position.first * n + position.second;
for (auto offset : offsets) {
int row = position.first + offset.first;
int col = position.second + offset.second;
int pos2 = row * n + col;
if (row >= 0 && row < m && col >= 0 && col < n && st.find(pos2) != st.end()) {
uf.connect(pos1, pos2);
return res;