285. Inorder Successor in BST - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
Notes 2020:
This option leverages in-order traversal. Suppose p is the kth smallest elements then time complexity is O(k), which is less efficient compared with other O(log N) approach(es).
class Solution:
def inorderSuccessor(self, root: 'TreeNode', p: 'TreeNode') -> 'TreeNode':
stack = []
found = False
cur = root
while cur or stack:
while cur:
cur = cur.left
cur = stack.pop()
if found:
return cur
if cur == p:
found = True
cur = cur.right
return None
recursion. t(n) = 1 + t(n/2) = O(log n), space is O(h)
TreeNode* inorderSuccessor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p) {
if (! root) {
return nullptr;
} else if (root->val <= p->val) {
return inorderSuccessor(root->right, p);
} else { //root->val > p->val => root is a candidate
TreeNode* node = inorderSuccessor(root->left, p);
return node ? node : root;
closest nuber that is greater than p->val. Once found one node greater than p, we update res, go on checking if there existing closer node.
iteration, O(h) time and O(1) space
TreeNode* inorderSuccessor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p) {
TreeNode* res = nullptr;
while (root) {
if (root->val > p->val) {
res = root;
root = root->left;
else {
root = root->right;
return res;
follow up: there is parent node. Either going up or going down, time complexity is O(h), h = n for unbalanced bst
- 1 if p has right subtree, min value of right subtree is successor
- 2 else if p doesn't have parent, return nullptr
- 3 else if p is left of p->parent, p->parent is successor
- 4 else if p is right of p->parent, check step 2, 3 for p->parent
TreeNode* inorderSuccessor(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* p) {
if (p->right) {
TreeNode* res = p->right;
while (res->left) {
res = res->left;
return res;
} else {
while (p->parent && p != p->parent->left) {
p = p->parent;
return p->parent;