1326. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
1326. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden
Option 0: O(n) greedy
class Solution:
def minTaps(self, n: int, ranges: List[int]) -> int:
taps = []
for i, r in enumerate(ranges):
left, right = max(0, i-r), min(n, i+r)
taps.append([left, right])
curEnd, nextEnd = 0, 0
cnt = 0
for left, right in taps:
if nextEnd < left:
return -1
if curEnd < left:
cnt += 1
curEnd = nextEnd
if curEnd >= n:
return cnt
nextEnd = max(nextEnd, right)
if nextEnd < left:
return -1
if curEnd >= n:
return cnt
return cnt + 1
pretty much 45. Jump Game II
Option 1: greedy
why for i in range(n):
instead of for i in range(n+1)
at the point i == n-1, there are 3 cases:
- curMaxPos < n-1: return -1
- curMaxPos == n-1: return count+1
- curMaxPos > n-1: return count
class Solution:
def minTaps(self, n: int, ranges: List[int]) -> int:
nextIdx = [-1] * (n+1)
for i, r in enumerate(ranges):
left = max(i-r, 0)
nextIdx[left] = max(nextIdx[left], i+r)
count = 0
curMaxPos = nextMaxPos = 0
for i in range(n):
nextMaxPos = max(nextMaxPos, nextIdx[i])
if curMaxPos < i:
return -1
elif curMaxPos == i:
count += 1
curMaxPos = nextMaxPos
return count
Option 2: DP
initialize dp to n+2 as the max number we need is n+1 so n+2 means unreachable
dp[i] : min number of taps required to water range [0: i+1]
dp[j] = min(dp[j], dp[left] + 1) => there might be position x between left and j where we can add this tap to water j. However, dp[x] >= dp[left]
class Solution:
def minTaps(self, n: int, ranges: List[int]) -> int:
dp = [0] + [n+2] * n
for i, r in enumerate(ranges):
left, right = max(i-r, 0), min(i+r, n)
for j in range(left+1, right+1):
dp[j] = min(dp[j], dp[left] + 1)
return dp[-1] if (dp[-1] < n+2) else -1