1206. Design Skiplist - cocoder39/coco39_LC GitHub Wiki
skip list:
- the bottom layer is an ordered linked list
- The probability of an element being at level i is p^i (p = 0.5 usually)
- the number of level is then log n (suppose n elements at the bottom layer, each layer gets cut by half)
- space complexity is O(n + n/2 + n/4 + ...) = O(n) (等比数列)
- total number of nodes across levels is O(n). Due to the probabilistic promotion of each node, nodes are uniformly distributed across each level. As a result, the number of nodes to check at each level is constant. the total time complexity for add, search, and deletion is O(log N) as they could go over all Log N levels
class Node:
def __init__(self, val=-1, right=None, down=None):
self.val = val
self.right = right
self.down = down
class Skiplist:
def __init__(self):
self.head = Node()
def search(self, target: int) -> bool:
cur = self.head
while cur:
while cur.right and cur.right.val < target:
cur = cur.right
if cur.right and cur.right.val == target:
return True
cur = cur.down
return False
def add(self, num: int) -> None:
nodes = []
cur = self.head
while cur:
while cur.right and cur.right.val < num:
cur = cur.right
cur = cur.down
insert = True
down = None
while insert and nodes:
cur = nodes.pop()
cur.right = Node(num, cur.right, down)
down = cur.right
insert = (random.random() < 0.5)
if insert:
self.head = Node(-1, None, self.head)
def erase(self, num: int) -> bool:
cur = self.head
found = False
while cur:
while cur.right and cur.right.val < num:
cur = cur.right
if cur.right and cur.right.val == num:
found = True
cur.right = cur.right.right
cur = cur.down
return found