Formatted Text - cnjinhao/nana GitHub Wiki

The formatted text is a string that contains font style, colour and other information for rich text rendering. The label widget supports the formatted text.

Enable the Formatted Text mode.


Font Style Attributes

Bold font

label.caption("Hello, <bold>This is a bold text</>");

Bold font

Font color

label.caption("Hello, <bold color=0xff0000>This is a bold red text</>");

Font color

Change font family name

label.caption("Hello, <bold color=0xff0000 font=\"Consolas\">This is a bold red Consolas text</>");

Change font

Change font size

label.caption("Hello, <bold color=0xff0000 font=\"Consolas\" size=20>This is a bold red Consolas text in size 20</>");

Reserved words

The formatted text defines some reserved words: red, green, blue, white and black. The reserved words can simplify the formatted text and increas readability.

label.caption("Click <color=0xff target=\"target id\">here</>");
label.caption("Click <blue target=\"target id\">here</>");


Alignment of Text The Formatted Text defines the vertical alignment of text. The default alignment of text is baseline-aligned. Nana provides 4 kinds of alignments: top, center, bottom and baseline. They are useful tools when display texts with different size in a line.

label.caption("<size=12 top>top</><size=14 center>center<size=16 bottom>bottom</><size=30>baseline</><size=10>small font by baseline</>");


URL Attribute

label.caption("Hello, <bold color=0xff0000 font=\"Consolas\" url=\"\">This is a bold red Consolas text</>"");

Arrow cursor becomes a hand when the cursor moves over the red text. Meanwhile, it calls a web browser to open the URL by clicking the red text. NOTE: the url only works under Windows

Target Attribute

The target attribute allows user clicking on the specified text, and application can react to the operation.

int main()
	using nanemspace nana;
	form fm;
	label lab(fm, rectangle{0, 0, 100, 40});
	lab.caption("Click <color=0xff target=\"target id\">here</>");
	lab.add_format_listener([](label::command cmd, const std::string& str)
		if(label::command::click == cmd)
			msgbox mb("target clicked");
			mb<<"the target \""<<str<<"\" is clicked";

Showing an Image

label.caption("<image=\"file.bmp\"><bold red size=20>Nana C++ Library</>");

The image tag has not a close-tag </>. The image is displayed with its orignal size.

Sizing image

label.caption("<image=\"file.bmp\" size=(150,150)><bold red size=20>Nana C++ Library</>");

Size image

"size=(150,150)" means that it stretchs the image by the specified size.

In some situations, the image is required to be displayed by a given size but with preserving aspect ratio. By using max_limited/min_limited, it is possible to make it. max_limited: stretchs the image with preserving aspect ratio until its one of edge beyongds the specified size. min_limited: stretchs the image with preserving aspect ratio until its one of edge is less than the specified size.

label.caption("<image=\"file.bmp\" size=(150,150) max_limited><bold red size=20>Nana C++ Library</>");

Size image with preserving aspect ratio

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