what is the Claim Name or MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_CLAIM_NAME or identity_openid claim_name in MinIO keycloak - cniackz/public GitHub Wiki

Ok in keycloak config you put the name:


This same name is defaulted to policy in minio:


Hence you don't have to set a name as they match. But if you put a different name it will fail:

so make sure they match, if you do this:

$ mc admin config get myminio identity_openid --insecure
# MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_CLIENT_SECRET=6aabe0ea-8d5f-412c-99f8-63b999ccd281
# MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_SCOPES=openid,profile,email
identity_openid enable= display_name= config_url= client_id= client_secret= claim_name=policy claim_userinfo= role_policy= claim_prefix= redirect_uri= redirect_uri_dynamic=off scopes= vendor= keycloak_realm= keycloak_admin_url= 

then # MINIO_IDENTITY_OPENID_CLAIM_NAME=nombredelclaim will introduce failure, set it back to policy match them