vault and minio - cniackz/public GitHub Wiki
Window 1:
# Delete any previous cluster
kind delete clusters kind
# Create the cluster
kind create cluster --config ~/operator/testing/kind-config.yaml
# Deploy the operator
kubectl apply -k ~/operator/resources
# Deploy Vault
kubectl apply -f ~/operator/examples/vault/deployment.yaml
# Wait for vault to be ready
kubectl wait --namespace default \
--for=condition=ready pod \
--selector=app=vault \
# Get vault token
VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN=$(kubectl logs -l app=vault | grep "Root Token: " | sed -e "s/Root Token: //g")
# Execute some commands and copy policy file
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods -l app=vault | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}') -- sh -c 'VAULT_TOKEN='$VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN' VAULT_ADDR="" vault auth enable approle'
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods -l app=vault | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}') -- sh -c 'VAULT_TOKEN='$VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN' VAULT_ADDR="" vault secrets enable kv'
kubectl cp ~/operator/examples/vault/kes-policy.hcl $(kubectl get pods -l app=vault | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}'):/kes-policy.hcl
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods -l app=vault | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}') -- sh -c 'VAULT_TOKEN='$VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN' VAULT_ADDR="" vault policy write kes-policy /kes-policy.hcl'
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods -l app=vault | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}') -- sh -c 'VAULT_TOKEN='$VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN' VAULT_ADDR="" vault write auth/approle/role/kes-role token_num_uses=0 secret_id_num_uses=0 period=5m policies=kes-policy'
# Get role id
ROLE_ID=$(kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods -l app=vault | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}') -- sh -c 'VAULT_TOKEN='$VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN' VAULT_ADDR="" vault read auth/approle/role/kes-role/role-id' | grep "role_id " | sed -e "s/role_id //g")
# Get secret id
SECRET_ID=$(kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods -l app=vault | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}') -- sh -c 'VAULT_TOKEN='$VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN' VAULT_ADDR="" vault write -f auth/approle/role/kes-role/secret-id' | grep "secret_id " | sed -e "s/secret_id //g")
Window 2:
kubectl -n minio-operator port-forward svc/console 9090
Window 1:
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: console-sa-secret
namespace: minio-operator
annotations: console-sa
SA_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n minio-operator get secret console-sa-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
echo $SA_TOKEN
COOKIE=$(curl 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/login/operator' -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"jwt":"'$SA_TOKEN'"}' -i | grep "Set-Cookie: token=" | sed -e "s/Set-Cookie: token=//g" | awk -F ';' '{print $1}')
# Create the Tenant with the credentials via POST
CREDENTIALS=$(curl 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/tenants' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Cookie: token='$COOKIE'' \
--data-raw '{"name":"kes-tenant","namespace":"default","access_key":"","secret_key":"","access_keys":[],"secret_keys":[],"enable_tls":true,"enable_console":true,"enable_prometheus":true,"service_name":"","image":"","expose_minio":true,"expose_console":true,"pools":[{"name":"pool-0","servers":4,"volumes_per_server":1,"volume_configuration":{"size":26843545600,"storage_class_name":"standard"},"securityContext":null,"affinity":{"podAntiAffinity":{"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"In","values":["kes-tenant"]},{"key":"","operator":"In","values":["pool-0"]}]},"topologyKey":""}]}}}],"erasureCodingParity":2,"logSearchConfiguration":{"image":"","postgres_image":"","postgres_init_image":""},"prometheusConfiguration":{"image":"","sidecar_image":"","init_image":""},"tls":{"minio":[],"ca_certificates":[],"console_ca_certificates":[]},"encryption":{"replicas":"1","securityContext":{"runAsUser":"1000","runAsGroup":"1000","fsGroup":"1000","runAsNonRoot":true},"image":"","vault":{"endpoint":"http://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200","engine":"","namespace":"","prefix":"my-minio","approle":{"engine":"","id":"'$ROLE_ID'","secret":"'$SECRET_ID'","retry":0},"tls":{},"status":{"ping":0}}},"idp":{"keys":[{"access_key":"console","secret_key":"console123"}]}}')
Window 3
# wait until pod is ready:
kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -l | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $1}' | head -1) 9000
Window 1:
USER=$(kubectl -n default get secrets kes-tenant-env-configuration -o go-template='{{index .data "config.env"|base64decode }}' | grep 'export MINIO_ROOT_USER="' | sed -e 's/export MINIO_ROOT_USER="//g' | sed -e 's/"//g')
PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n default get secrets kes-tenant-env-configuration -o go-template='{{index .data "config.env"|base64decode }}' | grep 'export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="' | sed -e 's/export MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD="//g' | sed -e 's/"//g')
mc config host add kestest https://localhost:9000 $USER $PASSWORD --insecure
mc admin kms key status kestest --insecure
You should see:
$ mc admin kms key status kestest --insecure
Key: my-minio-key
- Encryption ✔
- Decryption ✔