sidekick in k8s - cniackz/public GitHub Wiki
To show how to configure sidekick in k8s
Have a cluster ready
Install Operator
Install Tenant
Deploy SideKick:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
namespace: tenant-lite
name: ubuntu
app: ubuntu
- name: socket
path: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
- volumeMounts:
- mountPath: /run/containerd/containerd.sock
name: socket
readOnly: false
image: ubuntu
- "sleep"
- "604800"
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: ubuntu
- name: sidekick
image: "minio/sidekick:latest"
imagePullPolicy: Always
args: ["--insecure", "--health-path", "/minio/health/ready", "--address", ":9000", "https://myminio-pool-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local:9000"]
- containerPort: 9000
restartPolicy: Always
SideKick will listen and give 200 for ready endpoint:
sidekick: listening on ':9000'
TRACE: 13:15:31.187 [200 OK] myminio-pool-0-1.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local GET /minio/health/ready 3.503ms ↑ 0 B ↓ 0 B
TRACE: 13:15:31.188 [200 OK] myminio-pool-0-2.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local GET /minio/health/ready 3.268ms ↑ 0 B ↓ 0 B
TRACE: 13:15:31.187 [200 OK] myminio-pool-0-0.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local GET /minio/health/ready 3.794ms ↑ 0 B ↓ 0 B
TRACE: 13:15:31.188 [200 OK] myminio-pool-0-3.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local GET /minio/health/ready 3.499ms ↑ 0 B ↓ 0 B
TRACE: 13:15:36.192 [200 OK] myminio-pool-0-2.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local GET /minio/health/ready 8.283ms ↑ 0 B ↓ 0 B
TRACE: 13:15:36.194 [200 OK] myminio-pool-0-1.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local GET /minio/health/ready 6.704ms ↑ 0 B ↓ 0 B
With Ubuntu App, you can do s3 transactions:
root@ubuntu:/# mc config host add minio-distributed http://localhost:9000 minio minio123
mc: Configuration written to `/root/.mc/config.json`. Please update your access credentials.
mc: Successfully created `/root/.mc/share`.
mc: Initialized share uploads `/root/.mc/share/uploads.json` file.
mc: Initialized share downloads `/root/.mc/share/downloads.json` file.
Added `minio-distributed` successfully.
Things to highlight:
For this to work, please use "--insecure" in sidekick
If you are in the same cluster, sidekick must use headless service to load balance.
When outside the cluster:
- You can use NodePort to run sidekick on:
sidekick --health-path=/minio/health/ready --address :9900 --insecure https://XXX.XXXX.XXXX.{66...73}:30023