multiple Ingress controllers with regards to minio - cniackz/public GitHub Wiki


To determine if having multiple ingress controllers will help with minio or not, and give some point of views.


  • Can we have multiple Ingresses for one given tenant?.
  • Is there any recommendation?
  • What if an ingress goes down, can I have another ingress still sending requests to minio?

Answers and thoughts:

  • There is no point having two ingress for same tenant
  • If you need multiple endpoints then ingress can be configured to provide multiple endpoints for same ingress.
  • Two different ingress doesn't give any failover whatsover.
  • its like saying can I have my LB failover to another LB sure you can but it is not transparent
  • ingress run on the same hosts as other ingress would be running so if that is down this is down as well
  • unless you decide to have some specialized technical way to manage this - it is not transparent for applications
  • if you intention is to avoid some downtime there is a cyclical problem here who watches the watchers; watchers themselves need to be watched which inturn needs be watched, it is never ending... ad-infinitum