How to test DirectPV Operator ‐ 2 - cniackz/public GitHub Wiki
To show how to test directpv operator
- Create cluster and install olm:
operator-sdk olm install
- Build and push the image and the bundle:
cd ~/directpv/helm; make docker-build docker-push
cd ~/directpv/helm; make bundle bundle-build bundle-push
- Deploy the Operator and install DirectPV:
operator-sdk run bundle
kubectl apply -f ~/directpv/helm/my-directpv.yaml
Expected result:
- Operator gets installed:
INFO[0015] Creating a File-Based Catalog of the bundle ""
INFO[0016] Generated a valid File-Based Catalog
INFO[0021] Created registry pod: quay-io-cniackz4-directpv-operator-bundle-v4-0-6
INFO[0021] Created CatalogSource: directpv-operator-catalog
INFO[0021] OperatorGroup "operator-sdk-og" created
INFO[0021] Created Subscription: directpv-operator-v4-0-6-sub
INFO[0038] Approved InstallPlan install-fl5qr for the Subscription: directpv-operator-v4-0-6-sub
INFO[0038] Waiting for ClusterServiceVersion "default/directpv-operator.v4.0.6" to reach 'Succeeded' phase
INFO[0038] Waiting for ClusterServiceVersion "default/directpv-operator.v4.0.6" to appear
INFO[0040] Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/directpv-operator.v4.0.6" phase: Pending
INFO[0042] Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/directpv-operator.v4.0.6" phase: Installing
INFO[0053] Found ClusterServiceVersion "default/directpv-operator.v4.0.6" phase: Succeeded
INFO[0053] OLM has successfully installed "directpv-operator.v4.0.6"
- Resources are deployed: