How to remove Audit Logs from Tenant in k8s - cniackz/public GitHub Wiki

  1. Assuming you have a tenant with Audit Logs enabled:
  1. From the tenant specification, remove the log part under .spec.log:
      diskCapacityGB: 5
      resources: {}
        fsGroup: 999
        fsGroupChangePolicy: Always
        runAsGroup: 999
        runAsNonRoot: true
        runAsUser: 999
          creationTimestamp: null
          name: mondec1-log
          - ReadWriteOnce
              storage: "5368709120"
        status: {}
    resources: {}
      fsGroup: 1000
      fsGroupChangePolicy: Always
      runAsGroup: 1000
      runAsNonRoot: true
      runAsUser: 1000
  1. Save the change and wait for couple of minutes:
  1. Notice the audit log will be disabled, or you can just disable from the UI as well, up to you:
  1. After some time pods will be gone:

What if above does not work, because I have seen it but still not sure how to reproduce:...

  • Ok if all above isn't working, let's show in the meantime how to manually remove logs when they are sticky
  1. Assuming you have a sticky configuration where logs can't be removed for one reason or the other....
  1. Same as before entirely remove the log from the tenant:
Cesars-MacBook-Pro:~ cniackz$ k get tenants -n juju123
NAME      STATE         AGE
juju123   Initialized   3m54s
Cesars-MacBook-Pro:~ cniackz$ k edit tenants juju123 -n juju123

remove the log part only:

  1. Update your operator if possible and restart operator pod:

Below example on how to terminate via Lens, same can be done via kubectl command

Here via kubectl:

$ k delete pods minio-operator-5c597dc59d-kj958 minio-operator-5c597dc59d-twgls -n minio-operator
pod "minio-operator-5c597dc59d-kj958" deleted
pod "minio-operator-5c597dc59d-twgls" deleted

NOTE: They are going to be recreated, so no worries, you can safely delete this operator pods.

  1. Remove the deployment and the statefulsets of the logs:
$ kubectl delete Deployments juju123-log-search-api -n juju123
deployment.apps "juju123-log-search-api" deleted
$ kubectl delete Statefulsets juju123-log -n juju123
statefulset.apps "juju123-log" deleted
  1. restart operator again:
$ k delete pods minio-operator-5c597dc59d-ww5pb minio-operator-5c597dc59d-h6pdt -n minio-operator
  1. logs has to be gone:

Deleted message will show when operator is doing it (look at operator logs):

h:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'Deleted' Log search headless service deleted
I1104 15:56:15.271356       1 event.go:285] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Tenant", Namespace:"juju123", Name:"juju123", UID:"abbdb75b-c107-460a-9178-af283420f22b", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"5122", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'Deleted' Log search statefulset deleted
I1104 15:56:15.276827       1 event.go:285] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Tenant", Namespace:"juju123", Name:"juju123", UID:"abbdb75b-c107-460a-9178-af283420f22b", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"5122", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'Deleted' Log search deployment deleted
I1104 15:56:15.413622       1 event.go:285] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Tenant", Namespace:"juju123", Name:"juju123", UID:"abbdb75b-c107-460a-9178-af283420f22b", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"5122", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'Deleted' Log search service deleted

And you should no longer see them (just minio pod will be observed):

$ kubectl get pods -n juju123
juju123-pool-0-0   1/1     Running   0          2m54s