Forthcoming fixes - cmu-phil/tetrad GitHub Wiki

Forthcoming changes for 7.6.5

  1. Expanded offerings in the Graph menus.
    1. Added a Highlights menu that allows various graph features to be highlighted in the graph.
    2. Added a Check Graph Type to allow the user to check whether a graph is a legal DAG, CPDAG, MPDAG, PAG, or MAG.
    3. Added a Manipulate Graph menu to allow the user to so the following:
      1. Apply Meek rules.
      2. Revert a graph to its CPDAG.
      3. Pick a random DAG in a CPDAG.
      4. Apply final FCI rules.
      5. Revert a graph to its PAG.
      6. Pick the Zhang MAG in a PAG.
    4. Added tools in the Edit menu to undo graph manipualtions or redo them.
    5. Expanded the offerings of the Paths dialog in the Graph box.
      1. Added more path types to the Paths dialog to find paths and sets involving pairs or nodes (or single nodes) in the graph:
        1. Directed paths
        2. Semidirected paths
        3. Treks
        4. Confounder paths
        5. Latent confounder paths,
        6. Cycles
        7. All paths
        8. Adjacents
        9. Adustment sets
        10. Amenable paths
        11. Backdoor paths
      2. Added adjustment sets tools to the Paths dialog, with the capacity to check to see if a given set is an adjustment set.
      3. Added a parameter editor to the Paths dialog.
  2. Made some algorithm changes.
    1. Pulled the version of FASK used in publication from the repository so that FASK results from those papers can be replicated. The parameters were adjusted a bit.
    2. Added a new experimental algorithm, LV-Lite, which begins with BOSS or GRaSP and substitutes score-based steps for subsequent steps in GFCI.
      1. Made LV-Lite correct from a d-separation oracle.
      2. Added clear logging to LV-Lite.
    3. Fixed MagSemBic code in algcomparison and added corresponding scores for Degenerate Guassian and Conditional Gaussian.
    4. Adjusted code of PC to ensure a CPDAG is output, by inserting new unshielded colliders to avoid Meek rule cycles.
    5. Added a new heuristic algorithm, BOSS-PAG, which runs BOSS and reports the PAG of the DAG it generates.
  3. Added a new API, GridSearch, which presents the Algcomparison tool as an interface tool in the Tetrad interface.
    1. Added a number of new statistics to GridSearch.
    2. Added utility dialog to GridSearch, to sort comparison tables by a certain function.
    3. Added ability to specify user-defined data and/or knowledge for GridSearch.
    4. Made several issue fixes to GridSearch to make it work better for large comparisons.
    5. Added a tab to GridSearch to allow the user to view the graphical models described in comparison tables.
  4. Added a new tool to the interface to allow one to calculate total effects given adjustment sets for linear models.
  5. Made some changes the MarkovCheckEditor.
    1. Replaced regex filtering by internal regex filtering that selects rows for Ind(x, y | Z) where x or y is a node selected from a dropdown (or all nodes).
    2. Adjusted some parameters in the MarkovCheckEditor.
  6. Fixed some bugs/issues.
    1. Fixed a bug in the semidirected path code (and other recursive path-finding codes) that allowed a node to be repeated on a path.
    2. Added row settability to Conditional Gaussian and Degenerate Gaussian.
    3. Rendered several parameters in various LV searches more consistent in behavior.
    4. Ensured knowledge is correctly used for all LV algorithms.
    5. Fixed buggy row selection setters for various independence tests.
    6. Fixed readObject and writeObject methods throughout code to catch and localize serialization errors so they can be addressed more precisely.
  7. Updated manual for recent changes.