assist TARGET |
bots(s) assist the character(s) listed, attacking as they attack. |
attack TARGET |
Order bot(s) to attack selected target, similar to the way a pet can attack |
auction |
Order bot(s) to seek out auctioneer closeby and display bot’s active 1[ Auction LINK ]..
auction (a)dd 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Order bot to seek out auctioneer closeby and add 1[ Item LINK ]..
auction (r)emove 1[ Auction LINK ].. |
Order bot to seek out auctioneer closeby and remove 1[ Auction LINK ]..
bank |
Order bot(s) to seek out banker closeby and list bot’s bank balance |
bank (d)eposit 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Order bot to seek out banker closeby and deposit 1[ Item LINK ].. in bank |
bank (w)ithdraw 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Order bot to seek out banker closeby and withdraw 1[ Item LINK ].. from bank |
(b)uy 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Order bot to seek out vendor closeby and buy 1[ Item LINK ]..
(c)ast SPELL |
collect |
Shows collect OBJECT options and current collect status |
collect OBJECT |
Sets collect status, OBJECT = [ all none combat loot objects profession quest ]
craft 1[ Recipe LINK ].. |
Creates all listed recipes, if known by bot |
craft 1[ Recipe LINK ] all |
Creates multiple instances of a recipe, if known by bot |
craft (a)lchemy |
Shows all alchemy recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
craft (b)lacksmithing |
Shows all blacksmithing recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
craft (c)ooking |
Shows all cooking recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
craft (e)ngineering |
Shows all engineering recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learn by bot |
craft (f)irstaid |
Shows all first-aid recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
craft (i)nscription |
Shows all inscription recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learn by bot |
craft (j)ewelcrafting |
Shows all jewelcrafting recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
craft (l)eatherworking |
Shows all leatherworking recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
craft (m)agic |
Shows all craftable enchantment (e.g wands etc..) recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
craft (s)melting |
Shows all ore smelting recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
craft (t)ailoring |
Shows all tailoring recipes 1[ Recipe LINK ], if learnt by bot |
drop 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Order bot to drop and destroy specified items 1[ Item LINK ]..
drop all |
When bot(s) inventory becomes full, drop all low level [GREY] items.
enchant |
Lists all enchantments 1[ Spell LINK ], learnt by the bot |
enchant 1[ Spell LINK ].. |
Enchants selected tradable 1[ Item LINK ] either equipped or in bag |
(e)quip 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Equip bot with containers, weapons, armour and trinkets from it’s inventory |
(e)quip auto on |
Turns auto equip ON, also does an immediate check |
(e)quip auto off |
Turns auto equip OFF. |
(e)quip auto once |
Runs auto equip once, then turns it off. |
(e)quip info |
Shows equip auto toggle status (ON/OFF). |
(f)ind 1[ Gameobject LINK ] |
Order bot(s) to locate 1[ Gameobject LINK ] and then wait. Useful in quest objectives |
follow |
Order bot(s) to follow player; will also revive bot if dead or teleport bot if far away |
follow auto |
Toggles Automatic Follow Distance (ON/OFF) |
follow info |
Shows bot(s) current Automatic Follow Distance, toggle status (ON/OFF) |
follow far |
bot(s) follow, farther from master. |
follow near |
bot(s) follow, closer to master |
follow reset |
bot(s) follow distance reset to original default |
(g)et 1[ Gameobject LINK ].. |
Fetch the selected 1[ Gameobject LINK ].. and then return to the player |
orders |
Shows bot’s combat orders |
orders delay <0-10> |
Activates a delay before bot(s) start fighting. |
orders combat ASSIST FRIEND |
Assist the linked friendly target, focusing our killing power. |
orders combat HEAL |
Order bot to heal. Best used on shamans, priests, druids or paladins. |
orders combat PROTECT FRIEND |
Protect the listed friendly target, attempting to keep aggro away from the target. |
orders combat TANK |
Order bot to tank. Best used on paladins, warriors, druids or death knights. |
orders combat RESET |
Resets bot combat orders, as if they’d never been given at all. |
orders resume |
Resume combat orders to what they were before logout. |
mail inbox 1[ Mailbox LINK ] |
Lists all bot mail from selected 1[ Mailbox LINK]. Mail is indexed by 1[ Mail ID ]..
mail getcash 1[ Mail ID ].. |
Gets money from all selected 1[ Mail ID ]..
mail getitem 1[ Mail ID ].. |
Gets items from all selected 1[ Mail ID ]..
mail delete 1[ Mail ID ].. |
Deletes all selected 1[ Mail ID ]..
pet abandon |
Abandons active hunter pet. |
pet tame TARGET |
Tame selected creature, if bot has ‘tame beast’ spell in spellbook |
pet spells |
Shows spells known to bot’s pet. Autocast spells will be shown in green |
pet cast SPELL |
pet toggle SPELL |
SPELL = <SPELLID | SPELLNAME | 1[ Spell LINK ]> toggles autocast for a given spell |
pet state |
Shows current react MODE of bot’s pet |
pet react MODE |
MODE = <(a)ggresive | (d)efensive | (p)assive> |
process (d)isenchant 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Disenchants a green coloured 1[ Item LINK ] or better |
process (m)ill 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Grinds 5 herbs 1[ Item LINK ] to produce pigments |
process (p)rospect 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Searches 5 metal ore 1[ Item LINK ] for precious gems |
pull TARGET |
Pulls the target in a coordinated party/raid manner. |
pull test |
bot(s) tell you if they can pull at all (can be used anywhere). |
pull ready |
bot(s) tell you if they’re ready to pull right now (to be used on location with valid target). |
quest |
List bot’s current quests |
quest (a)dd 1[ Quest LINK ].. |
Order bot(s) to seek out questgiver closeby and add 1[ Quest LINK ]..
quest (d)rop 1[ Quest LINK ] |
Order bot(s) to abandon 1[ Quest LINK ]
quest (e)nd |
Order bot(s) to seek out questgiver closeby and turn in all relevant completed quests |
quest (r)eport |
Reports all items, creatures or gameobjects the bot(s)need to finish quests |
quest (l)ist |
Orders bot(s) to seek out questgiver and show new available 1[ Quest LINK ]..
quest (c)omplete 1[ Quest LINK ] |
Autocompletes (GM Approved) quests, available in database |
repair 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Order bot to seek out armourer closeby and repair selected 1[ Item LINK ]..
repair all |
Order bot(s) to seek out armourer closeby and repair all damaged items equipped, or in bags |
reset |
Reset states, orders and loot list |
(s)ell 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Order bot to seek out vendor closeby and sell 1[ Item LINK ]..
(s)ell all |
One off sale (command does not persist) of all low level white items. |
skill |
lists bot(s) 1[ Profession LINK ].. primary professions and weapon skills |
skill (l)earn |
Order bot(s) to seek out trainer closeby and list available 1[ Training LINK ]..
skill (l)earn 1[ Training LINK ].. |
Order bot to seek out trainer closeby and learn 1[ Training LINK ]..
skill (u)nlearn 1[ Profession LINK ] |
Order bot to seek out trainer closeby & unlearn 1[ Profession LINK ] & associated spells |
spells |
Shows all spells known to bot(s) |
stats |
Shows bot(s) available money, free inventory space and estimated item repair costs |
stay |
Order bot(s) to stand and not follow the player |
summon |
Teleport bot(s) near the player |
survey |
Shows all available 1[ Gameobject LINK ].., within a local perimeter around the bot |
use 1[ Item LINK ].. |
Use item (e.g food, drink, etc) |
use 1[ Item LINK ] TARGET
Use item on TARGET (e.g quest item) |