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A client database or DBC file is a simple binary format for a database table. Each record in the file is one row of the table. Field values may consist of a limited range of data types, and do not include field separation characters — except for character-based string fields. DBC files nearly always use file extension DBC
or dbc
, and thus have been named DataBaseClient files ever since their discovery. The true extension meaning has not yet been revealed by Blizzard.
Each file consists of a header, the table data, and if necessary a string block.
00h: char[4] Signature always 'WDBC'
04h: int32 Records number of records in the file
08h: int32 Fields number of fields per record
0Ch: int32 Record Size Fields*FieldSize (FieldSize is usually 4, but not always)
10h: int32 String Block Size Size of the string block
Each record has a constant length. Usually all the values are 32bit integers. String data is stored in a block after the records. String data in records contain an offset to the string, relative to the start of the string block. When encountering string data, it usually consists of an English name field, followed by 7 additional fields for different localizations.
A continuous block of zero-terminated strings. Offsets into the String Block are relative to the start of the block.
dbc.MPQ contains 138 DBC files:
- AnimationData.dbc
- AreaPOI.dbc
- AreaTable.dbc
- AreaTrigger.dbc
- AttackAnimKits.dbc
- AttackAnimTypes.dbc
- AuctionHouse.dbc
- BankBagSlotPrices.dbc
- CameraShakes.dbc
- Cfg_Categories.dbc
- Cfg_Configs.dbc
- CharacterCreateCameras.dbc
- CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc
- CharBaseInfo.dbc
- CharHairGeosets.dbc
- CharHairTextures.dbc
- CharSections.dbc
- CharStartOutfit.dbc
- CharVariations.dbc
- ChatChannels.dbc
- ChatProfanity.dbc
- ChrClasses.dbc
- ChrRaces.dbc
- CinematicCamera.dbc
- CinematicSequences.dbc
- CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc
- CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc
- CreatureFamily.dbc
- CreatureModelData.dbc
- CreatureSoundData.dbc
- CreatureType.dbc
- DeathThudLookups.dbc
- DurabilityCosts.dbc
- DurabilityQuality.dbc
- Emotes.dbc
- EmotesText.dbc
- EmotesTextData.dbc
- EnvironmentalDamage.dbc
- Exhaustion.dbc
- Faction.dbc
- FactionGroup.dbc
- FactionTemplate.dbc
- FootprintTextures.dbc
- FootstepTerrainLookup.dbc
- GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc
- GMTicketCategory.dbc
- GroundEffectDoodad.dbc
- GroundEffectTexture.dbc
- HelmetGeosetVisData.dbc
- ItemClass.dbc
- ItemDisplayInfo.dbc
- ItemGroupSounds.dbc
- ItemPetFood.dbc
- ItemRandomProperties.dbc
- ItemSet.dbc
- ItemSubClass.dbc
- ItemSubClassMask.dbc
- ItemVisualEffects.dbc
- ItemVisuals.dbc
- Languages.dbc
- LanguageWords.dbc
- LoadingScreens.dbc
- LoadingScreenTaxiSplines.dbc
- Lock.dbc
- LockType.dbc
- Map.dbc
- Material.dbc
- NameGen.dbc
- NamesProfanity.dbc
- NamesReserved.dbc
- NPCSounds.dbc
- Package.dbc
- PageTextMaterial.dbc
- PaperDollItemFrame.dbc
- PetLoyalty.dbc
- PetPersonality.dbc
- QuestInfo.dbc
- QuestSort.dbc
- Resistances.dbc
- ServerMessages.dbc
- SheatheSoundLookups.dbc
- SkillCostsData.dbc
- SkillLine.dbc
- SkillLineAbility.dbc
- SkillLineCategory.dbc
- SkillRaceClassInfo.dbc
- SkillTiers.dbc
- SoundAmbience.dbc
- SoundCharacterMacroLines.dbc
- SoundEntries.dbc
- SoundProviderPreferences.dbc
- SoundSamplePreferences.dbc
- SoundWaterType.dbc
- Spell.dbc
- SpellAuraNames.dbc
- SpellCastTimes.dbc
- SpellCategory.dbc
- SpellChainEffects.dbc
- SpellDispelType.dbc
- SpellDuration.dbc
- SpellEffectCameraShakes.dbc
- SpellEffectNames.dbc
- SpellFocusObject.dbc
- SpellIcon.dbc
- SpellItemEnchantment.dbc
- SpellRadius.dbc
- SpellRange.dbc
- SpellShapeshiftForm.dbc
- SpellVisual.dbc
- SpellVisualEffectName.dbc
- SpellVisualKit.dbc
- SpellVisualPrecastTransitions.dbc
- StableSlotPrices.dbc
- Startup_Strings.dbc
- Stationery.dbc
- StringLookups.dbc
- Talent.dbc
- TalentTab.dbc
- TaxiNodes.dbc
- TaxiPath.dbc
- TaxiPathNode.dbc
- TerrainType.dbc
- TerrainTypeSounds.dbc
- TransportAnimation.dbc
- UISoundLookups.dbc
- UnitBlood.dbc
- UnitBloodLevels.dbc
- VideoHardware.dbc
- VocalUISounds.dbc
- WeaponImpactSounds.dbc
- WeaponSwingSounds2.dbc
- WMOAreaTable.dbc
- WorldMapArea.dbc
- WorldMapContinent.dbc
- WorldMapOverlay.dbc
- WorldSafeLocs.dbc
- ZoneIntroMusicTable.dbc
- ZoneMusic.dbc
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