CriticalSection - cloudwu/skynet GitHub Wiki

同一个 skynet 服务中的一条消息处理中,如果调用了一个阻塞 API ,那么它会被挂起。挂起过程中,这个服务可以响应其它消息。这很可能造成时序问题,要非常小心处理。

When processing a message in the same Skynet service, if the user calls a blocking API, it will be suspended. During the time of suspension, this service can still respond to other services, but it's very likely to have time sequencing problems and it should be handled very carefully.


In other words, once your message processing contains an external request, it's not guaranteed the former messages will be processed earlier than the latter. And after each blocking call, the internal state of service before the call might not be the same as after (because it might be changed during the message processing).

skynet.queue 模块可以帮助你回避这些伪并发引起的复杂性。

skynet.queue module helps you avoid the complexity caused by fake concurrency.

local queue = require "skynet.queue"

这样获得的 queue 是一个函数,每次调用它都可以得到一个新的临界区。临界区可以保护一段代码不被同时运行。

The queue returned is a function, each time you'll get a new critical section and it can be used to protect code block from executing concurrently.

local cs = queue()  -- cs 是一个执行队列 (cs is a execute queue)

local CMD = {}

function CMD.foobar()
  cs(func1)  -- push func1 into critical section

  cs(func2)  -- push func2 into critical section

比如你实现了这样一个消息分发器,支持 foobar 和 foo 两类消息。如果你使用 cs 这个 skynet.queue 创建出来的队列。那么在上面的处理流程中, func1 和 func2 这两个函数,都不会在执行过程中相互被打断。

Assume you implemented a message dispatcher and it supports two message types: foobar and foo. If you use queue cs created by skynet.queue, in the process flow above, func1 and func2 will not be terminated by each other.

如果你的服务收到多条 foobar 或 foo 消息,一定是处理完一条后,才处理下一条,即使 func1 或 func2 中有 这类的阻塞调用。一旦它们被挂起,新的消息到来后,新的处理流程会被排到 cs 队列尾,等待前面的流程执行完毕才会开始。

If your service receives multiple messages of foobar or foo, it will be processed one after another in order, even if there is a blocking call like in func1 or func2. Once it's suspended and new messages arrive, a new process flow will be put at the end of queue cs, waiting for the previous flow to finish its work.

注:在 func1 函数内部再调用 cs 是合法的。即:

Note: it's legal to call cs in function func1, that is:

local function func2()
  -- step 3

local function func1()
  -- step 2
  -- step 4

function CMD.foobar()
  -- step 1
  cs(func1)  -- push func1 into critical section
  -- step 5

如果你这样写,每次收到 foobar 消息后,程序流程会按 step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4, step 5 这样执行,而不会死锁。

If you implement it like this, every time foobar receives messages, process flow executes it in order of step1, step 2, step 3, step 4, step 5 without deadlock.

在这个过程中,如果 foobar 消息的处理流程被挂起,即使新的 foobar 消息到来,那么,新的消息会立刻执行 step 1 (因为没有被 cs 保护),然后等前一次的 step 4 结束后(step 5 不在 cs 保护中),开始新的 step 2 。

In this process, if any message process flow gets suspended, even if a new foobar message arrives, the new message will execute step1 immediately (because it's not protected by cs), then wait for the step4 from previous flow (step5 is not protected by cs), then start a new step2.