Ephemeral Cluster Deployment - cloudigrade/cloudigrade GitHub Wiki

Before proceeding, please read Getting Started with Ephemeral Environments (EE)s. It's not very long, and it explains important information about how the ephemeral namespaces work. You must complete all setup instructions in that document to deploy to the ephemeral cluster.

Initial setup

Most of the required first-time setup steps are documented in Getting Started with Ephemeral Environments (EE)s. Complete all instructions in that document before proceeding here.

AppSRE requirements

Your app-interface user must include the ephemeral-users role. Follow the instructions at Getting Started with Ephemeral Environments (EE)s. See Assigning user roles for more background.

Your app-interface user must include a public GPG key so AppSRE can securely send you crendentials. Follow the instructions at Generating a GPG key and Adding your public GPG key.

After your public GPG key has been accepted, you must request credentials to query app-interface which will be used later by bonfire. Follow the instructions at Querying the App-interface to request the app-interface-production-dev-access credentials.

Shortly after your credentials request merges, you should receive an email from "App SRE team automation" that includes your new credentials encrypted by your public key. Save the encrypted message (including its ----- boundaries), and decrypt it via gpg -d.

Create a file at ~/.config/bonfire/env containing the following lines. Set APP_INTERFACE_PASSWORD's value to the password from the file you just decrypted:


OpenShift ephemeral cluster token

The ephemeral cluster's OpenShift console is: https://console-openshift-console.apps.c-rh-c-eph.8p0c.p1.openshiftapps.com/

Request an auth token so you can access the ephemeral cluster from the command-line:

The token expires periodically, and you will need to repeat these steps when that happens.

Activate poetry shell

The example commands in this document require bonfire and ansible dependencies to be installed and present in your current shell. cloudigrade's poetry virtual environment provides those requirements for you:

cd ~/projects/cloudigrade/
git pull
poetry install
poetry shell

Reserve an ephemeral namespace

See the bonfire cheat sheet if you need a crash course in bonfire commands.

Reserve a namespace for 8 hours with the appropriate managed Kafka configuration, for example:

NAMESPACE=$(bonfire namespace reserve --duration 8h --pool real-managed-kafka)
oc project ${NAMESPACE}

Deploy cloudigrade

Note: Deploying via bonfire (or via ansible-playbook which calls bonfire) requires Red Hat VPN access. Although some other bonfire commands may work outside the VPN, bonfire deploy specifically requires access to Red Hat CEE's internal GitLab host.

Set appropriate values to the following environment variables:

export QUAY_USER="your-quay-user-name"
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="my-aws-access-key-id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="my-aws-secret-access-key-id"
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID="my-azure-client-id"
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="my-azure-client-secret"
export AZURE_SP_OBJECT_ID="my-azure-sp-object-id"
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="my-azure-subscription-id"
export AZURE_TENANT_ID="my-azure-tenant-id"

Using latest images

To deploy the latest cloudigrade and postigrade images from quay.io/cloudservices, run the following command:

ansible-playbook \
  -e namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \

Running that playbook command will deploy cloudigrade to the specified namespace plus postigrade, a PostgreSQL database, and all other dependencies as defined in clowdapp.yaml such as:

  • cloudigrade
    • cloudigrade-api
    • cloudigrade-beat
    • cloudigrade-listener
    • cloudigrade-worker
    • cloudigrade-db
  • postigrade
    • postigrade-svc
  • sources
    • sources-api-svc
    • sources-api-redis
    • sources-api-sidekiq
    • sources-api-db
  • sources-monitor
  • sources-superkey-worker
  • kafka
  • rbac

Using other image tags

You may also deploy with other tags for cloudigrade and postigrade images from quay.io/cloudservices by optionally setting CLOUDIGRADE_IMAGE_TAG and/or POSTIGRADE_IMAGE_TAG like:

CLOUDIGRADE_IMAGE_TAG=pr-1247-0bff6d5 POSTIGRADE_IMAGE_TAG=bf02247 ansible-playbook \
  -e namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \

And to confirm the requested images were used:

$ oc get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[?(.status.phase=="Running")].spec.containers[?(.name=="cloudigrade-api")].image}' -l pod=cloudigrade-api

$ oc get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[?(.status.phase=="Running")].spec.containers[?(.name=="postigrade-svc")].image}' -l pod=postigrade-svc

Deploying from local code

For development purposes, it may be useful to build and deploy local copies of cloudigrade and postigrade to the ephemeral cluster.

  • Note your project directories, we will use the ~/projects/cloudigrade and ~/projects/postigrade directories for this example.
  • We will build and push the projects to your account on quay.io, referenced here below as ${QUAY_USER}
    • cloudigrade image: quay.io/${QUAY_USER}/cloudigrade
    • postigrade image: quay.io/${QUAY_USER}/postigrade

If you are using docker instead of podman, you may need to create a symlink because our playbook expects to use the podman binary.

ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/podman

Log in to your quay.io account as ${QUAY_USER} so that the playbook can push images and tags.

podman login quay.io

You next need to add your pull secret to the Ephemeral namespace and include it in the ClowdEnvironment for that namespace so Clowder can pull the images from your repo. Fortunately, this playbook will do the hard part of applying it for you, all you'll need to do is pull down the secret file and have the path to it ready.

  • Login to your quay.io account
  • Using the username button at the top right, navigate to Account Settings
  • Click on CLI Password: Generate Encrypted Password and Enter your password
  • Click on Kubernetes Secret
  • View and save your ${QUAY_USER}-secret.yml file locally.

Deploy cloudigrade and postigrade using new images based on your current local code:

ansible-playbook \
        -e push_local_state=present \
        -e pull_secret_path="~/Downloads/${QUAY_USER}-secret.yml" \
        -e quay_user="${QUAY_USER}" \
        -e namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \
        -e env="${CLOUDIGRADE_ENVIRONMENT}" \
        -e cloudigrade_deployment_host=local \
        -e cloudigrade_deployment_repo="~/projects/cloudigrade" \
        -e postigrade_deployment_host=local \
        -e postigrade_deployment_repo="~/projects/postigrade" \

The playbook will build and push your images based on the state of your repo, setup the pull secret, and deploy cloudigrade/postigrade.

With the above instructions, please keep in mind to periodically prune older tagged images locally and on quay.io.

Clean up deployment

To clean up your deployment and remove your deployed resources:

ansible-playbook \
  -e clowder_state=absent \
  -e namespace=${NAMESPACE} \

Once cloudigrade is cleaned up, you will see only the following pods in the namespace:

oc get pods
NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
env-ephemeral-17-aa6cc032-connect-5c9dd6f6c4-dsmtt          1/1     Running   0          179m
env-ephemeral-17-aa6cc032-entity-operator-7cc8fbcf9-97v6d   3/3     Running   0          179m
env-ephemeral-17-aa6cc032-kafka-0                           1/1     Running   0          3h
env-ephemeral-17-aa6cc032-zookeeper-0                       1/1     Running   0          3h
env-ephemeral-17-featureflags-6688b8d6f7-jvw7s              1/1     Running   2          3h
env-ephemeral-17-minio-64bbf75b96-d6nqn                     1/1     Running   0          179m
featureflags-db-559b99b675-wnh6w                            1/1     Running   1          179m
prometheus-operator-5cfb5694f5-tpk8d                        1/1     Running   0          3h1m

After cleaning up, you can re-deploy cloudigrade in the same namespace for further development or testing, or you should release the namespace.

Generate randomized synthetic customer and activity data

Edit your deployment's ClowdApp to set ENABLE_SYNTHETIC_DATA_REQUEST_HTTP_API to true.

oc get ClowdApp/cloudigrade -o yaml > /tmp/cloudigrade.yaml
vim /tmp/cloudigrade.yaml
# change "false" to "true" for ENABLE_SYNTHETIC_DATA_REQUEST_HTTP_API in the api deployment's env list
oc apply -f /tmp/cloudigrade.yaml

After OpenShift has recreated pods with the updated template, port-forward localhost to one of the cloudigrade-api pods:

CLOUDIGRADE_API_POD_NAME=$(oc get pods -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}' -l pod=cloudigrade-api  | awk '{print $1}')
oc port-forward pods/"${CLOUDIGRADE_API_POD_NAME}" 8000:8000 2>&1 > /dev/null &

Use the internal API to request synthetic data to be created:

http localhost:8000/internal/api/cloudigrade/v1/syntheticdatarequests/ cloud_type=aws

If you don't know what options are available for a synthetic data request, you can use http options to get a description of the API. You may want to filter the output to include only fields that are not read-only:

http options localhost:8000/internal/api/cloudigrade/v1/syntheticdatarequests/ | jq '.actions.POST | with_entries(select(.value | (.read_only == false)))'

Wait for the workers to complete the tasks for synthesizing your data. The is_ready field for your request should become true when all is ready. Periodically check readiness like:

http localhost:8000/internal/api/cloudigrade/v1/syntheticdatarequests/1/ | jq .is_ready

Each synthetic data request creates a user to own all the related synthetic data, and you may make HTTP requests to localhost:8000 using that user's username as an identity's account_number. See also REST API Example Usage. For example:

IDENTITY_ACCOUNT_NUMBER=$(http localhost:8000/internal/api/cloudigrade/v1/users/$(http localhost:8000/internal/api/cloudigrade/v1/syntheticdatarequests/1/ | jq -r .user)/ | jq -r .username)
IDENTITY=$(echo '{"identity": {"account_number": "'"${IDENTITY_ACCOUNT_NUMBER}"'","user": {"is_org_admin": true}}}' | base64)
http :8000/api/cloudigrade/v2/sysconfig/ X-RH-IDENTITY:"${IDENTITY}"
http :8000/api/cloudigrade/v2/accounts/ X-RH-IDENTITY:"${IDENTITY}"
http :8000/api/cloudigrade/v2/concurrent/ X-RH-IDENTITY:"${IDENTITY}"