TeXstudio - cllu/.rc GitHub Wiki

Change font

Monaco 13pt

Using eps image

Error message: repstopdf: command not found.

Problem: repstopdf is located in /usr/texbin, which is not in system PATH.

Solution: add a shell script to start the texstudio with proper PATH.

  • create a file texstudio.sh in /Applications/Texstudio.app/Contents/MacOS with the following contents:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/texbin
logger "`dirname \"$0\"`/texstudio"
exec "`dirname \"$0\"`/texstudio" $@
  • chmod +x /Applications/Texstudio.app/Contents/MacOS/texstudio.sh
  • Open the /Applications/Texstudio.app/Contents/MacOS/Info.plist and change the value for the key CFBundleExecutable from texstudio to texstudio.sh.
  • Force update the LaunchService database by using the lsregister command: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -v -f /Applications/Texstudio.app

credit: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/215461/22913

Enable auto reloading

Some files need to be modified outside TeXstudio, such as data files. If some files are changed outside TeXstudio, a dialog will be prompted to ask whether it should load the external changes. To disable the dialog and always load the change:

Options -> Configure TeXstudio -> Show Advanced Options -> Adv. Editor -> Silently reload saved files on external changes

Keep Indentation when copy/paste

I prefer to manage the indent by myself. By default, when you paste text into the editor, it will be reformatted. To change this:

Options -> Configure TeXstudio -> Editor -> Indentation Mode: Set to Keep Indentation

User dictionary

User dictionary is actually ignore list in TeXstudio. The file is located at /Applications/texstudio.app/Contents/Resources/en_US.ign.

credit: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/139930/22913

Load additional completion files

Preferences -> Completion, enable

  • tex.cwl
  • latex-mathsymbols.cwl
  • amsmath.cwl
  • tikz.cwl
  • biblatex.cwl

Default commands

In Preferences -> Build

  • Default Compiler: txs:///xelatex
  • Default Bibliography Tool: txs:///biber