Python - cllu/.rc GitHub Wiki


  • Python: Python 3
  • HTTP: requests
  • Web: Flask
  • ORM: SQLAlchemy
  • Command line interface: docopt


I prefer to use the brewed Python 2, since it requires no sudo

$ brew install python python3

Global packages:

$ pip install supervisor # some packages are still Python 2 only
$ pip3 install ipython pandas jsonschema jinja2 tornado pyzmq
$ # ipython notebook requires jsonschema jinja2 tornado pyzmq

Always use virtual env

For Python 2.7, install virtualenv and use virtualenv venv to create a new venv.

For Python 3.5, just use pyvenv-3.5 venv to create a new venv.

A nice package is pip-tools. After installation, you use to specify dependencies, use pip-compile to generate the requirements.txt file, and then pip-sync to install package.