OS X - cllu/.rc GitHub Wiki


  • System Preferences ->
    • Keyboard ->
      • Keyboard tab -> check Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys
      • Keyboard tab -> Modifier Keys -> Change CapsLock to Control
      • Shortcuts tab -> Full Keyboard Access: choose All controls (use space to trigger focused actions, use enter to trigger highlighted actions)
      • Input Sources, use ^Space for Select the next source in Input menu
    • Trackpad -> check Tap to click
    • Dock -> check Automatically hide and show Dock
    • Desktop & Screen Saver -> Screen Saver tab -> Hot Corners... -> choose Put Display to Sleep for the bottom left corner
    • Security & Privacy -> General tab -> check Require password 5 seconds after sleep or screen saver begins


  • pbcopy/pbpaste for copy/paste, e.g. pbcopy < blogpost.txt, ls ~ | pbcopy
  • mdfind for finding files
  • F11 to show the desktop temporarily, drag a file, F11 again, drop to the app/browser.


Apps via App Store

  • Xcode (to install command line tools, run xcode-select --install)
  • Day One
  • Timing
  • ReadKit, together with feedly
  • Stache
  • Skitch

Manually Installed Apps

  • Utility
    • Seil: To map the Shift_R key to Escape
    • FUSE for OS X, include NTFS-3G, SSHFS
    • Go2Shell Open terminal in the current Finder directory
  • General
    • Evernote
    • Google Chrome
    • Dropbox
    • 1Password
    • Google Drive
    • OmniFocus
    • Sublime Text 2
    • The Unarchiver (rar files)
    • Alfred 2
  • Security
    • avast
    • Little Snitch
  • Communication
    • WeChat
    • QQ
  • Media
    • VLC
  • Development
    • pgAdmin 3
    • Dash
    • iTerm2
    • Charles Proxy
    • Genymotion
  • Design
    • SkyFonts (Google Fonts etc)
    • Sketch 3

brewed apps:

  • scala/sbt
  • the_silver_searcher
  • nginx
  • postgresql
  • python3
  • android
  • zsh
  • tmux
  • coreutils (PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" is included in env-osx.sh)
  • rbenv (see Ruby)


To support Tiff

brew install libtiff
brew install imagemagick --with-libtiff


Check network port

sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP | grep 8888
  • -i, select all internet connections, or -i4 to select ipv4 only
  • -n, do not convert raw network addresses to host names.
  • -P, do not convert port numbers to port names.

too many open files in system

Sooner or later you will encounter this problem if you use your mac extensively in development(db,web server, virtual machines etc.). To increase the file descriptors:

System: edit /etc/sysctl.conf:


Shell: edit ~/.zshrc

ulimit -S -n 2048
