Technical Discussion Meeting, ICPAC, Friday, 26 April 2024 - climsoft/Climsoft GitHub Wiki


IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)


  1. Patrick Munyoki(Climsoft Developer);
  2. Samuel Machua(Climsoft Developer); and
  3. Marcellin Habimana(Climsoft Coordinator).

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Climsoft Desktop:
    • Progress language translation, testing and release of Climsoft V4.2.2
    • Areas of improvement: improve the speed of AWS processing,Issue #485, Issue #694,etc.
  2. Climsoft Web Application first Release activities: Prioritised activities for the FY 24/25 (Issue #42).
  3. Any Other Business.

Meeting Actions:

  • Improve on form Hourly 2 sequencer and ensure when sequencer is disabled, users enter data in the form manually (this apply to all the data entry forms, when sequencer is disabled, the sequencer should not affect data entry forms or nothing will be sequenced) - Patrick
  • List activities of Climsoft Web Application to work on and estimate timeline for activities during this financial year 2024/25 - Patrick
  • Discussion on technical and operations aspects of Climsoft Web Application will be the next technical discussion - All
  • Final touches on Climsoft V4.2.2 and release the version not later than mid-May 2024 - All
  • Revise Issue #485, Issue #694 and other issues raised and act accordingly - All
  • Improvement on the speed of processing of AWS and provide more documentation on AWS - Samuel
  • Consider expanding the number of contributors to Climsoft Web Application development after the first release version of the software is in place - All

Next Technical Meeting

19 July 2024 at 10:00 AM (UTC+3).