Manager Ad object - cleveradssolutions/CAS-Unity GitHub Wiki

:zap: Before you start
Make sure you have correctly Privacy Regulations.

Implementation by UnityEditor | Script C#

To display ads, you must initialize the mediation manager with a unique Manager ID.
This needs to be done only once for each manager, ideally on first scene.

  1. Add an GameObject to your scene using GameObject > Create Empty in the Unity Editor.
  2. Add Component CleverAdsSolutions/Initialize Manager Ad Object in the inspector to new GameObject.
  3. Select Manager ID from settings asset for each runtime platform.
  4. Invoke a Initialize() method to begin initialization.
  • Initialize On Awake
    Automatically invoke the Initialize() method when the component is awake.
  • Consent Flow Enabled
    Use Consent Flow in ads initialization.
  • Consent Flow
    If desired, select an ConsentFlow Ad Object for additional options or leave it blank.
  • Meta Audience Network Privacy
    Read more about Additional Meta AudienceNetwork steps.
  • OnInitialized
    The Unity event will be invoked when the Mediation Manager is initialized and ready.
  • OnInitializationFailed
    The Unity event will be invoked when the Mediation Manager initialization failed.
    Wait for the OnInitialized event to call the manager.

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