Configuring Last Page Ad - cleveradssolutions/CAS-Android GitHub Wiki

The latest free ad page for your own promotion.
This ad page will be displayed when there is no paid ad to show or internet availability.

Impressions and clicks on this ad page don't make money.

By default, this page will not be displayed while the ad content is NULL.
The Last Page Ad Content will be shown as a Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded ads.

manager.setLastPageAdContent(new LastPageAdContent(
    headline, // The message that you want users to see.
    adText,   // A description for the app being promoted.
    destinationURL, // The URL that CAS will direct users to when they click the ad.
    imageURL, // The direct URL of the image to be used as the ad file.
    iconURL   // The direct URL of the icon or logo (Small square picture).

LastPageAdContent.destinationURL is not visible in the ad and should always have a non-empty URL.