[DRAFT] Requirements, User Story and Elicitation Questions - ckertam/SWE573_SPRING_2023 GitHub Wiki

User Story

Story 1

The first character Aysen is my mother. She has been living in Zonguldak since 1971. When the year was 1999, she was one of the people affected by the earthquakes in Gölcük and Düzce. I was only 3 years old at the time of the earthquake and they went outside excitedly. She spent about 2 nights outside in a one-story building with me and my father. After the first earthquake in August, my mother did a lot of research and found out that there might be an earthquake in Düzce. Because there were aftershocks every day and there might be another earthquake, she went out every day after my father went to work and sat in the car with me. After the earthquake, many things changed not only in my mother's life but in the lives of all the people affected by the earthquake. Some buildings were demolished because of the earthquake, some buildings were demolished to be renovated after the earthquake. After the earthquake, a lot of lives and order had to be completely rebuilt.

Elicitation Questions

  1. Does a memorial story platform help to remember
  2. On which platform should this app be available?
  3. What do you want to add while you are writing your stories?
  4. Do you want to follow other users on the app?
  5. Which register methods be available?
  6. What parts you want to specify while you creating your stories?
  7. How would you like to communicate with other users stories?
  8. Do you want to have a search option for stories?
  9. Would you like to customize profile?
  10. Do you want to have collaboration option with other users?
  11. Would you like to categorize your stories according to visibility for others?


  • Software: In this context the software refers to Memorial Story Platform.
  • Story: In this context the story is the main content that is shared by users.


  1. The memorial story platform will be available only on web.
  2. When the user clicks "Sign in", the memorial story platform should open the form of “Sign in”.
  3. If the user wants to create an account with existing email, the memorial story platform shall give "this e mail already been used" error.
  4. If the user's passwords do not match the required conditions in Sign in Form, the memorial story platform shall give the "password not allowed" error.
  5. When the user clicks "Login", the memorial story platform should open the form of “Login”.
  6. If the user wants to login with a not existing e mail, the memorial story platfrom shall give "this account does not exist" error.
  7. If the user enters a wrong password, the memorial story platform shall give "incorrect password" error.
  8. When the user sign in, the memorial story platform should redirect the user to login page.
  9. When the user logs in, the memorial story platform shall redirect the user to profile page.
  10. When the user wants to personalize her/his profile page, she/he needs to click "profile" button on the right upper side.
  11. If the user loged in her/his account for the first time, the memorial story platform needs to show a pop up that asks for a username.
  12. The username of a user must be longer than 5 characters and shorter than 16 characters.
  13. The username of a user can consists of only alphabetical characters and numbers.
  14. If the entered username does not match the requirements, then the memorial story platform shall show the "Username cannot be used" error.
  15. If the entered username already exists, then the memorial story platform shall show the "Username already exists" error.
  16. In the memorial story platform users will share their memorial stories.
  17. In the memorial story platform users can comment on others memorial stories.
  18. In the memorial story platform users have to login to create new memorial story.
  19. In the memorial story platform users have to login to comment on memorial story.
  20. In the memorial story platform users have to login to add photos while creating new memorial story.
  21. The memorial stories must have a location information.
  22. The memorial stories must have one of the date information.
  23. The memorial stories can include photos.
  24. When the user click the "publish" button, the story will be published on the memorial story platform.
  25. If the user's content does not have needed content criterias, then the memorial story platform shall show the "Content does not match required criterias" message.
  26. When the user wants to add some comment on a story, the user clicks the button “Comment” and leave his comment.
  27. When the user clicks "All Stories" button on the left menu, then the memorial story platform will show latest 10 stories titles to the user.
  28. When the user clicks a title of the story, the memorial story platform will show the content of the story.
  29. When the user wants to add a story to her/his favorite list, she/he needs to click "+" button on the right upper side on the story content.
  30. The memorial story platform allows users to see other users' profiles.
  31. If a user clicks a username in any page of the memorial story platform, she/he will be directed to the user's profile.
  32. When the user wants to follow another user, she/he needs to clicks "follow the user" button while she/he on the user's profile.
  33. When the user wants to unfollow another user, she/he needs to clicks "unfollow the user" button while she/he on the user's profile.
  34. The memorial story platform will have a search box on the top left side.
  35. When the users entered a value to search box, the software will show top 10 related stories to the user.
  36. The memorial story platform should allow the users edit the stories after they shared it.
  37. When the user clicks "logout" button on the right upper side, then the memorial story platform will log out the user.
  38. The software should accept requests.
  39. The response time of the requests should not exceed 10 seconds.
  40. The registration of the platform should be verified by email verification.
  41. Email that used for registration should be unique.